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Mira & Henry (2021) Part #5

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yo solo se que las ultimas veces que ha habido alguna relación en el apartamento mira y tu os habéis quedado al margen, por ejemplo día 08-05 2021 Anita, Félix y pareja invitada tuvieron sexo en el dormitorio y vosotros en el salón, luego Randy y Lauren tienen 2 veces sexo en la ducha y vosotros en el salón y para mas colmo antes de ayer Rena y Gustaf tienen sexo en el salón con Roger y vosotros en el dormitorio durmiendo. Como se explica esto? 

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To me, the archiv is important and i don't know if i would renew if it was gone. From time to time i can't watch live for a couple of days and so i am happy, that there is a chance to see/check at least something of what i missed. But, for me the videos do not need to stay there forever. I barely watch something older than a couple of weeks or even longer. One month or so would be long enough for me. Another idea would be to restrict access to the archive only to those videos that are recorded during the time of your subscription. That would not give you access to everything for just a month subscription.

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23 minutes ago, chrd12345 said:

Another idea would be to restrict access to the archive only to those videos that are recorded during the time of your subscription. That would not give you access to everything for just a month subscription.

You said you didn't think you would renew if the archive wasn't available. If something like this were implemented, how many people do you think would join VHTV. The archive is a major drawing point for buying a sub. If I could buy a sub, I would never join without full access to the archive.

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leave the Archive alone, if the tenants don't want their videos to be archived they should look for a real job that does not entail having sex in front of cameras. if you choose to work in porn industry your images will stay on the internet forever whether you like it or not. 

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22 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

You said you didn't think you would renew if the archive wasn't available. If something like this were implemented, how many people do you think would join VHTV. The archive is a major drawing point for buying a sub. If I could buy a sub, I would never join without full access to the archive.

Well, now the archive is generally the only selling function of VHTV.

1) Participants are worst ever. In reality, 4-6 apartments have at least some activity. Other professional loafers or ultra-boring Hugo/Sina level routine. 

2) Technical part. Significantly worse than in RLC. Cheapest Hikvision cameras, which turn picture into a mess of pixels, with poor lighting. Spygasm cams compared to VHTV, these are aliens from Niburu🤪 or +4000 years. 

3) Site updates. Lol. For whole year they making donate button🤑. The next feature will be in 2050😆.

Therefore, if you delete archive, then what is point of subscribing to VHTV now?

11 hours ago, FelixTheCat said:

OMG! What in the actual fuck? Kill the archives!!! That’s the answer that best serves the hope for better content, especially from guests, not begging the vhtv owners for better protection against piracy. It’s all fucking there for anyone with a $40 sub to rip and there’s not anything vhtv can do to stop someone from taking it. It’s not just piracy for porn sites either. 

When there were hottest parties, orgy battles and participants have 1-2k posts per month, pirated much more often. And VK too. For example, I just looked and did not see any new videos in VK (this is the most sensitive part for the participants). 


However, deleting archives would be good experience and perhaps only way to get any improvement. It will definitely cause a significant drop in subscriptions. Management will have to get out of comfort zone and do something or go to VV and other dead/zombie projects. For example, solve items 1-3, which I wrote above.😉 Perhaps this is only real opportunity to have cameras level 2021 year and it is possible to kick out 20-25 professional loafers who will just no longer have enough money for Rolton and rent apartment.

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25 minutes ago, groomy said:

Well, now the archive is generally the only selling function of VHTV.

1) Participants are worst ever. In reality, 4-6 apartments have at least some activity. Other professional loafers or ultra-boring Hugo/Sina level routine. 

2) Technical part. Significantly worse than in RLC. Cheapest Hikvision cameras, which turn picture into a mess of pixels, with poor lighting. Spygasm cams compared to VHTV, these are aliens from Niburu🤪 or +4000 years. 

3) Site updates. Lol. For whole year they making donate button🤑. The next feature will be in 2050😆.

Therefore, if you delete archive, then what is point of subscribing to VHTV now?

When there were hottest parties, orgy battles and participants have 1-2k posts per month, pirated much more often. And VK too. For example, I just looked and did not see any new videos in VK (this is the most sensitive part for the participants). 


However, deleting archives would be good experience and perhaps only way to get any improvement. It will definitely cause a significant drop in subscriptions. Management will have to get out of comfort zone and do something or go to VV and other dead/zombie projects. For example, solve items 1-3, which I wrote above.😉 Perhaps this is only real opportunity to have cameras level 2021 year and it is possible to kick out 20-25 professional loafers who will just no longer have enough money for Rolton and rent apartment.

VH isn't going to improve anything. a few days ago I sent them a ticket asking if they have any plan to improve the video quality or add some features to the site what I got in response was this

Dear Voyeur TV,

Thank you for your concern for our project. Our team of specialists is working on improving the site every day. " 🤣

which means no, they are not going to do anything, if they take away the Archive, I will not subscribe anymore. 


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49 minutes ago, bluewinner said:

leave the Archive alone, if the tenants don't want their videos to be archived they should look for a real job that does not entail having sex in front of cameras. if you choose to work in porn industry your images will stay on the internet forever whether you like it or not. 

i am not talking about the tenants. They know exactly what they sign for. That's different for guests, though. They do not have a contract and i could imagine, that VHTV is definition not even allowed to record a guest if the guest doesn't want it!?


1 hour ago, letsdothis said:

You said you didn't think you would renew if the archive wasn't available. If something like this were implemented, how many people do you think would join VHTV. The archive is a major drawing point for buying a sub. If I could buy a sub, I would never join without full access to the archive.

i totally understand your point and you are probably right with your concern. It was just an idea i had....

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9 minutes ago, chrd12345 said:

i am not talking about the tenants. They know exactly what they sign for. That's different for guests, though. They do not have a contract and i could imagine, that VHTV is definition not even allowed to record a guest if the guest doesn't want it!?

If the guests don't want to have sex in front of cameras it's their choice, RLC doesn't have an Archive, yet the guests are very hesitant to do anything there too. most of the times the guests who choose to do stuff in front of cameras are actually auditioning to become participants, or they make some sort of deals with the tenants/managers, so it's rarely random people who just show up out of nowhere and have no clue what's going on.  

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Another old faithful arrived for the evening, may help keep Roger company :biggrin:

Am surprised how many of them seem to be able to disappear from the cams in this apartment often for quite long periods. It looks as though Roger sleeps in a sofa bed or something under cam 4 which is out out of sight as well. Obviously the apartment layout could perhaps not be showing all which is there? Dunno?

bandicam 2021-07-23 15-21-16-251.jpg

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24 minutes ago, Robwin said:

Another old faithful arrived for the evening, may help keep Roger company :biggrin:

Am surprised how many of them seem to be able to disappear from the cams in this apartment often for quite long periods. It looks as though Roger sleeps in a sofa bed or something under cam 4 which is out out of sight as well. Obviously the apartment layout could perhaps not be showing all which is there? Dunno?

bandicam 2021-07-23 15-21-16-251.jpg

Annika 😁

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