Pete1960 Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 8 hours ago, JenniferMom said: I'm not so sure. The more Martina and Nelly are apart, the more I think Martina is over whatever sort of crush she had on Nelly. Of course we don't know what happens off-cam. But I will speculate that if Martina saw the video of Nelly in Gina's apartment last night ... including peeing on the nightstand and then smelling her socks and panties ... Martina will not want to be part of this train wreck. Can you imagine watching that and thinking "that's my girlfriend?". BTW this same realization may have come to Martina if she saw Nelly getting drunk with the boy toys that night. If I reflect back, that night could have been the beginning of the end. Did they make love after that night? I don't remember. We all know our lovers have faults and are not perfect ... but early in a relationship ... when you see something so clearly on video ... it can be impactful. Remember the first time Nelly got super drunk, Martina stayed with her in her bed and comforted her and took care of her. The second time it happened, Martina tucked Nelly in and then spent the rest of the night with Megan. We can't be proud of Martina and her studies and having her life/shit together ... and then at the same time think she would get involved with an immature woman with addictive behavior. Yes Martina is very caring, so I could be wrong about this, but sometimes you can't help someone unless that person takes the first step and helps themself first. Martina is smart enough to realize this I think. We see similar behaivor when she pushes Alberto to be better. Don't speculate 1
Kenpaul Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 Does anyone know why Alberto & Martina rarely do things together, outside of daily living? She goes home for her brother's birthday, and Alberto stays home. Is it because of the dogs, or does this relationship have a big business component as well as a relationship component? Thanks.
Adalbert Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 2 hours ago, yelt said: Thank you for responding to the question. With respect to "most of the people in the forum do not insult others"? Sure that's my opinion. It may be that some people are a bit more sensitive but a little humor helps. Don't take everything seriously and literally.😉
Adalbert Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 19 minutes ago, Kenpaul said: Does anyone know why Alberto & Martina rarely do things together, outside of daily living? She goes home for her brother's birthday, and Alberto stays home. Is it because of the dogs, or does this relationship have a big business component as well as a relationship component? Thanks. This is a really ggod question that has been asked over and over again, for a long time. But I think, apart from speculation, unfortunately nobody here knows the real answer except Martina and Alberto. Would help us a lot to understand many things😥.
JenniferMom Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 1 hour ago, Pete1960 said: Don't speculate Pete, I hear you. I know some here don't like speculations. But that is what makes this interesting for me (and fun) ... we all see something (well not all because some don't subscribe) and we speculate as to what is really happening. I think some speculations are wildly unrealistic or crazy. I've said all speculations should be grounded in visual evidence that we can see, in order to at least be believable. So I'm curious if you think I am recklessly speculating or whether you are just against all speculating here.
JenniferMom Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 1 hour ago, Kenpaul said: Does anyone know why Alberto & Martina rarely do things together, outside of daily living? She goes home for her brother's birthday, and Alberto stays home. C'mon ... everyone knows it is because he has to stay back for the dogs. This has been explained to us several times by the people who have the inside scoop. It's not even a speculation! (example of sarcasm and humor here) 1
JenniferMom Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 3 hours ago, yelt said: Good Day Jen, I hope all is well. Always enjoy your comments. To watch this had to be disgusting. JenniferMom: But I will speculate that if Martina saw the video of Nelly in Gina's apartment last night ... including peeing on the nightstand and then smelling her socks and panties ... Nelly and Bogdan may need to seek professional assistance. I think not Nelly, Bogdan and Martina! Good thoughtful post Yelt. Not sure I agree with all of it; however, you are very passionate and it shows.
philo Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 1 hour ago, Kenpaul said: Does anyone know why Alberto & Martina rarely do things together, outside of daily living? She goes home for her brother's birthday, and Alberto stays home. Is it because of the dogs, or does this relationship have a big business component as well as a relationship component? Thanks. I don't know the answer you your question, but from what I have heard Martina say, she and Alberto are more like friends with benefits. That is not to say that they don't care for each other, that is to say that Martina is not in love with Alberto...certainly, not in the same way that she loves Nelly. 1 1
philo Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 I don't often take much stock of what interpreters say (unless they post the translation) but it was previously reported that when Martina and Nelly went to visit Martina's village before, they spent most of their time there fucking in the hotel room. If true, I called the report of that visit, an insight into one of their two honeymoon trips.
omedo Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 36 minutes ago, philo said: No sé la respuesta a tu pregunta, pero por lo que escuché decir a Martina, ella y Alberto son más como amigos con beneficios. Eso no quiere decir que no se preocupen el uno por el otro, es decir que Martina no está enamorada de Alberto ... ciertamente, no de la misma manera que ama a Nelly. 🤦🏻♂️ 1 5
yelt Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 1 hour ago, JenniferMom said: Pete, I hear you. I know some here don't like speculations. But that is what makes this interesting for me (and fun) ... we all see something (well not all because some don't subscribe) and we speculate as to what is really happening. I think some speculations are wildly unrealistic or crazy. I've said all speculations should be grounded in visual evidence that we can see, in order to at least be believable. So I'm curious if you think I am recklessly speculating or whether you are just against all speculating here. Here some wild and crazy speculation: Martina returns and comes through the door with her big friend (not to say he went with her) Martina returns and comes through the door with Nelly (again not to say she went with) Martina returns after a visit with her friend Nelly but already told Alberto Martina returns and leaves to visit her friend Nelly But if she saw the video as you described, how could she not be bothered. 1
DWI Posted October 17, 2021 Posted October 17, 2021 10 hours ago, JenniferMom said: I'm not so sure. The more Martina and Nelly are apart, the more I think Martina is over whatever sort of crush she had on Nelly. Of course we don't know what happens off-cam. But I will speculate that if Martina saw the video of Nelly in Gina's apartment last night ... including peeing on the nightstand and then smelling her socks and panties ... Martina will not want to be part of this train wreck. Can you imagine watching that and thinking "that's my girlfriend?". BTW this same realization may have come to Martina if she saw Nelly getting drunk with the boy toys that night. If I reflect back, that night could have been the beginning of the end. Did they make love after that night? I don't remember. We all know our lovers have faults and are not perfect ... but early in a relationship ... when you see something so clearly on video ... it can be impactful. Remember the first time Nelly got super drunk, Martina stayed with her in her bed and comforted her and took care of her. The second time it happened, Martina tucked Nelly in and then spent the rest of the night with Megan. We can't be proud of Martina and her studies and having her life/shit together ... and then at the same time think she would get involved with an immature woman with addictive behavior. Yes Martina is very caring, so I could be wrong about this, but sometimes you can't help someone unless that person takes the first step and helps themself first. Martina is smart enough to realize this I think. We see similar behaivor when she pushes Alberto to be better. Hi Jen, Well, I think I agree somewhat with your post especially as you point out that Martina is basically a kind and compassionate person...she has shown that side of herself over and over again all these years. I also have a hunch the sexual relationship with Nelly has been over for the past month or so. But I also think that they are still friends. My reasoning (or speculation) for that is that Martina still cares deeply for Nelly and because of that she would want to help Nelly with her alcoholism. I don't think she would just walk away from Nelly and leave Nelly to struggle with her issues all by herself. I would hope that at the very least she, and Bogden, would try to get Nelly into some type of rehabilitation program. I'm not sure what type of programs exist in Spain but there must be some. I kind of think if Martina did see the video of Nelly's stupor at Gina's, even though disgusting, that that would motivate Martina to reach out to Nelly even more...I mean they were lovers until recently. It just seems to me that would be a natural thing to do. Of course, almost everything we write here is pure speculation and I agree again with you that it is not only fun to speculate but allows all of us to cast our opinions about the ongoing soap opera. The one thing that gets in the way of course is the lack of conversational translations in both Spanish and've been saying that for awhile now. We all know that RLC is overtly opposed to Russian translations but being able to get just Spanish translations would be a huge help in letting us know for sure what's going on with Martina and Nelly. I'm not sure why we don't get more Spanish seems like it only comes from two people on the forum but you'd think that there would be a lot more people here that could tranlate Spanish for the rest of us. I wonder, does RLC have a fierce enforcement policy there also? Who knows right? Anyways, I'll shutup now but thanks for your post as usual.
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