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Current Events in the News (commentary)

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I was around 11 y.o. when Saigon fell.  Other than tearfully telling my mother I didn't want to be drafted at the ripe old age of 5 or 6 a few years prior, I don't remember a lot about Vietnam.  I'm pretty sure in the blue-collar, western Massachusetts mill town where we lived at the time, any returning service members would have been revered almost as gods by the kind of people I knew in my extended family and their circle of friends.  I had relatives that had served in WWII who viewed VN vets as fellow airmen, soldiers, sailors and marines and in no way less deserving of the same status they enjoyed as proud veterans.  A few miles away at the university, it was probably a different story and I would bet that was typical for most of the US at the time.

It's Memorial Day, so please take a moment to remember the fallen who have served our country and made the ultimate sacrifice.

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Thanks, everybody, for helping me see what is pretty much hidden in the hate-the-vets days.  So, if I understand correctly, it was the same people who spat on our soldiers who then decided to make a buck lamenting the fact of their spittle.

Hey, bushy-tail:  I've read a bit of history on the war in Vietnam and I never really saw the blame being vested in Congress.  They gave full war powers to LBJ.  It was President Johnson's Rules of Engagement that guaranteed defeat from the Gulf of Tonkin to the fall of Saigon, the way I read it.  Many articles I read suggested that the 58,000 American troops killed would not have died in such numbers had Barry Goldwater won in 1964.  They say that he would have ended the war in short order, probably using tactical nuclear weapons.

LBJ, it is said, talked a good game and was quite keen on drafting young Americans to fight and die in his blunder, but wasn't man enough to do what had to be done to win.

Ever been The Wall in Washington D.C.?  Wow.  Words don't describe it.

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A few weeks back I went to a car show here in northern Palm Beach. Jupiter to be exact. Anyway, at the Palm Beach College, there was the traveling Viet Nam Memorial Wall. Along with it were some pretty stirring set ups with the guys that operated the choppers and tank commands. 





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I have saw that wall back in North Carolina,i have a high school good friend of mine plus a uncle on that wall,had to travel a little ways to see it but the time was well worth it.Kinda sad when you think about it though.      :(

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KK: Actually, tactical nukes would not have been needed had Goldwater won the election. That's a nice thing about being willing to kick ass when necessary. Nobody will fuck with you unless you appear weak.

Seen a map of the Mid-East and North Africa lately? Whelp, I know you understand how weakness causes wars...too bad Obama isn't on the same page as us.

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When it's "over there," the difference between using nukes and threatening their use is nil. Indeed "using" becomes a matter of definition.  Were it not for the nukes, would the West have defeated the good old CCCP?  The nukes were used, as was the SDI, although neither was deployed. 

It's important to pick as much fly shit out of the pepper as possible, doan-cha-no?

:: grin ::

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The principal of North Miami Senior High was swiftly removed from his position on Wednesday after he waded into a racially-charged national debate about how police treat minorities.

The Miami-Dade County school district announced Wednesday that Alberto Iber had been assigned to administrative duties in district offices after he went online to defend a white police officer who waved a gun at black teens while responding to a call about an unruly pool party in McKinney, Texas.

In a brief statement, the district said employees are required to conduct themselves, both personally and professionally, in a manner that represents the school district's core values.

"Judgment is the currency of honesty," said Superintendent of Schools Alberto Carvalho (“Al, the Carnival Hoe”) "Insensitivity -- intentional or perceived -- is both unacceptable and inconsistent with our policies, but more importantly with our expectation of common sense behavior that elevates the dignity and humanity of all, beginning with children."

Woop!  Woop!

Okay, let’s get real here for a moment.  The little bitch was mouthing off and her mom/dad should slap her ass for doing so and embarrassing herself, her family, and her community. I’m down with that. Fine. But the Police Corporal Napoleonic Complex Man was, nevertheless, 100% wrong to treat the girl the way he did.  I remember being 14 and I remember being a little bitch too. I got into some scrapes and licked my wounds without national attention.  It looked to me like Officer Shortie was getting off on kneeling atop his victim’s cute body.  Waving the pistol around is another issue.

That said, however, reasonable minds can differ on the conduct of the girl and the cop, and opinions on both sides deserve to be heard.  The Miami Thought Police (Superintendent Carnival Hoe) should shut the fuck up, to put it in the vernacular of 14-year-old girls.  He should find himself a more suitable job – like writing editorials for the Huffington Post.

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U.C. Madness Fest P.C. 666

From the University of California (of course).

The University of California communists have prepared a comprehensive list, titled "Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send,”  which describes microaggressions as “negative messages” aimed at targeting persons “based solely upon their marginalized group membership.” The pamphlet deems nearly 50 phrases, questions, and scenarios offensive and describes the subliminal messages each sends.

For example, statements asserting that "race or gender does not play a role in life successes” are offensive and perpetuate a “Myth of Meritocracy.” The list describes the following as such statements: “America is the land of opportunity;” “I believe the most qualified person should get the job;” or “Everyone in this society can succeed, if they work hard enough.”

Assuming traditional gender roles is another common theme of microaggressions featured in the list. According to the UC System, glancing at a woman’s ring finger upon asking her age can be considered a microaggression as can asking a woman if she plans to have children while in postdoctoral training.

The latter suggests that “[w]omen should be married during child-bearing ages because that is their primary purpose.”

Other phrases that faculty were instructed to avoid include:

    “You people…”

    “You speak English very well.”

    “You are a credit to your race.”


    “I knew your grandma when she was sucking cock in Saigon.”

    “There is only one race, the human race.”

    “Why are you always angry?”

If an individual uses one of these phrases they may guilty of “assigning intelligence to a person of color or a woman based on his/her race/gender,” suggesting someone is “not a true American,” or advancing the notion that “values and communication styles of the dominant/White culture are ideal/’normal.’”

Other tools and programs included in the leadership seminars provide faculty with guidance on “how to remove gender bias in hiring” and how to interrupt microaggressions.

According to the The College Fix, the half-day seminars—which occurred throughout the 2014-2015 academic year—invited deans and department chairs from the 10 UC campuses to come together to address “campus climate issues,” and foster “inclusive excellence.”

UC spokeswoman Shelly Meron says the programs are not intended to “curb open dialogue, debate or classroom discussions,” according to the Fix.

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Hey KK!

I don't condone that policeman's behavior but it wasn't just the young lady who was a problem there. Her fellow guests had already started a heap of trouble and she was trying to tell a policeman to go away and mind his own business. If I have to intervene in the raucous events of a group of kids I sure as hell won't be following the direction of a bossy (or maybe hawty), loud-mouthed kid. She should have either shut the hell up or helped quiet the other guests there; the difference between a leadership role and and a hawty black woman (sorry, but some stereotypes are actually true). Instead of pursuing a more helpful and peaceful path she chose instead to follow the path of disrespect. At the least she should have directed him to a responsible adult. As a matter of fact I haven't seen an adult take any responsibility for what happened at that pool party and I haven't seen any report from the policeman's POV. This was another instance of "So what if we're playing our foul-languaged music too loud for hours and invading other people's property and pool and fighting and shit. Git the fuck outa here and leave us the fuck alone...cracker."

  Here's how it should have gone down. "Hello Officer. Yes Sir we'll get it under control. Sorry you had to be called." "Hey folks. The neighbors have started complaining about the noise and some of you have been going into our neighbor's pool. If we want to keep the party going we need to respect our neighbors and keep it down." Also, if any of my guests EVER confronted any of my neighbors the way they did I would have kicked them from that party so fast they would have had severe road rash by the time they stopped bouncing and skidding on the pavement...period. Dealing with the neighbors is the job of the host only. I personally would like to see the hosts's parents fined for this fiasco.

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Your right of course.  But all too often the path they choose is one that leads to agitation and outbreaks of possible violence.  And then they are played up in the media as the 'innocent' pick-on ones.

Showing no common courtesy as to whether they were even invited to be at that party, and then showing the disrespect as they have done, is not something new!  And I for one am getting a little sick and tired of the president, and the attorney general, as well as certain mayors now in this country from just coddling these types of individuals, or trying to put the kind of 'innocent' spin on them as they have done now for the past several months when certain conflicts have then erupted between them and the police.

The Baltimore cops, are laying low now, and violence has spiked up there because of this type of nonsense from the mayor there.    If this dishonest, and incompetent mayor keeps it up, her city will dissolve into another Detroit.  With white, tax paying people leaving, and the city with it's violence is left to spiral down and fall into ruins.  Just like Detroit did.

The unvarnished truth of it is that people like Eric Holder, and Barrack Obama, and now this mayor of Baltimore all hate white people so much, that they would just as soon just stick their thumbs in their eyes rather than go about and addressing the real truth concerning these matters.

If you remember, Obama played up to the camera and spoke lovingly about Trayvon Martin, even going so far as to say he could have been his own son, without even knowing all the facts to the case.

Unfortunately, the fix is in, within the liberal media, and the college universities, and the whole Democrat apparatus, until someone finally comes along who will fix the fix once and for all. 



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Ok,i have one here about them 'investigating' an individual,and the next thing you know,he's dead. So i'm getting a feeling that they set these people up for it by maybe pushing their buttons and goading them into acting out,and putting him down,kind of acting as judge and jury,all they have to say is they were ''home grown terrorists'' and meant harm to law enforcement,or public officials.I think these actions are sanctioned,legal assassinations on americans who may be speaking up against the government,or police.My distrust for law enforcement,or government officials is more now than ever as i get older and see and hear more.I think this shit they are doing is beyond wrong,,ANYONE CAN BE NEXT,,and THEY will justify it by demonizing that person,,,

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If the teen girl would have moved on like she was told to do instead of flapping her fucking lips she would not have gotten herself in the predicament she was in.

I don't think the officer was all that bad. He was certainly a little gung ho throughout the video I had seen but that girl was well warned, she continued to press her luck and was detained for it.

Agree or not, at that point it became something for the courts to decide on and her resisting resulted in what is a fairly standard take down procedure despite how ugly it looks. While he was down trying to control and detain the girl he was approached aggressively by at least 4 people, some of them yelling loudly and using profanities toward the officer, in the midst of a near riot. He was well within his rights to assume a defensive posture at that point up to and including pulling his gun.

He certainly defused any threat and then promptly put his gun away and continued processing his prisoner. No harm, no foul except for the racial aspect which to my mind is being overblown.

These kids need to realize when the police show up and tell you to move on, you move on. Flap your lips and your going to get in a heap of trouble.

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