canito Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 i dont know but its under retired at the bottom of the forum so i GUESS that they will not be putting the apt.up anytime soon.
happyone Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Here's a conspiracy theory! :stirthepot: Bruno Mars-aka Nikki boy was an undercover cop-thats why all the snooping- He offered to pay her to stay-setting up a prostitution charge. Also while snooping around found papers containing drugs-hence a raid for drugs. Maybe that is why it was pulled so fast! :idk:
tripod2 Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 what really happened was all the negative comments on both fan sites about that appartment ,only kamila really made a difference financially to that appartment and after being outed by guys finding her vk instagram accounts etc she probably decided she didnt want or feel safe there any more , that appartment of late as been opened upto the world ,so was ineveitable it was going to close .perhaps a member from on here or camcaps used the disclosed infomation to locate the appartment and went there ,RLC have to protect there tennants and if there as been a security breach ,then that would explain the swift closure of it Top notch speculation there.
Lazurus Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 yes it was a great speculation ,shame it wasnt his own thoughts , copied and pasted from a member on reallifecamfan . @scooterdog is it so difficult to think of an explanation out of your own mind without hyjacking another persons thoughts ,then passing them off as your own ?
bookmaster8 Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 yes it was a great speculation ,shame it wasnt his own thoughts , copied and pasted from a member on reallifecamfan . @scooterdog is it so difficult to think of an explanation out of your own mind without hyjacking another persons thoughts ,then passing them off as your own ? Maybe scooterdog is using another name on the other fan site. I hope that's the case.
beancounter Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 I heard that the apartment had a squirrel in it hiding taking pictures. They had to call an exterminator in to try and catch the squirrel.
Danibelge Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 I heard that the apartment had a squirrel in it hiding taking pictures. They had to call an exterminator in to try and catch the squirrel. I think that the KGB has tested the new cockroach robot in this new apartment then informed the Spanish authorities to close the apartment;
SliverFinger Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 It remains a guess, but this explanation sounds at least logically. In any case, it is also in our interest to respect the privacy of residents. I hope that there will be a restart. At last, it would be nice to have a come back of nora. :) Thanks for that. Made me laugh!
MrBox Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Thanks for that. Made me laugh! :welcome: Stupid expressed. Sorry. :) I meant everything outside of RLC (VK, addresses, etc.).
corboblanc Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 :welcome: Stupid expressed. Sorry. :) I meant everything outside of RLC (VK, addresses, etc.). cela fait longtemps que beaucoup de filles sont identifiées, et je ne pense pas que le problème vienne de là!!! sans cet appartement, on se fait vraiment chier, je pense que rlc en est conscient. ils doivent connaître le nombre de connexions quotidiennes, et se font certainement du soucis actuellement!!! je regarde nora depuis 3 ans, et elle me manque déjà, ainsi que toutes les filles qui se sont succédées dans cette maison....cet appartement est le pilier central des filles russes à Barcelone, le concept du changement de locataires est génial, et je suis sûr que rlc en est conscient, et que l'appartement reviendra, avec nora comme gérante!!!! certains ici ne l'aime pas, tans pis pour vous!!! car elle va revenir, c'est certain...avant que le nombre d'abonnés ne dégringole!!!! ;) ;) ;) it's been a lot of girls are identified, and I do not think the problem comes from there !!! without this apartment, we really sucks, I think rlc is aware. they must know the number of daily connections, and will certainly make trouble now !!! nora I look for 3 years, and I miss her already, and all the girls who have succeeded in this house .... this apartment is the central pillar of Russian girls in Barcelona, the concept of change of tenants is great, and I'm sure rlc is aware, and that the apartment will come back with nora as manager !!!! some people here do not like him, tans worse for you !!! because it will come back, for sure ... until the number of subscribers tumbles !!!! ;););)
koubs2014 Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 mister corboblanc toi t'es obsédé par Nora et c'est dommage pour toi qu'elle soit plus là. sois pas triste et wait and see pour son retour... :bang head: :bang head: :bang head:
StnCld316 Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 cela fait longtemps que beaucoup de filles sont identifiées, et je ne pense pas que le problème vienne de là!!! sans cet appartement, on se fait vraiment chier, je pense que rlc en est conscient. ils doivent connaître le nombre de connexions quotidiennes, et se font certainement du soucis actuellement!!! je regarde nora depuis 3 ans, et elle me manque déjà, ainsi que toutes les filles qui se sont succédées dans cette maison....cet appartement est le pilier central des filles russes à Barcelone, le concept du changement de locataires est génial, et je suis sûr que rlc en est conscient, et que l'appartement reviendra, avec nora comme gérante!!!! certains ici ne l'aime pas, tans pis pour vous!!! car elle va revenir, c'est certain...avant que le nombre d'abonnés ne dégringole!!!! ;) ;) ;) it's been a lot of girls are identified, and I do not think the problem comes from there !!! without this apartment, we really sucks, I think rlc is aware. they must know the number of daily connections, and will certainly make trouble now !!! nora I look for 3 years, and I miss her already, and all the girls who have succeeded in this house .... this apartment is the central pillar of Russian girls in Barcelona, the concept of change of tenants is great, and I'm sure rlc is aware, and that the apartment will come back with nora as manager !!!! some people here do not like him, tans worse for you !!! because it will come back, for sure ... until the number of subscribers tumbles !!!! ;););) They have a lot of personal Information exposed about some of the other tenants as well. I won't go into detail on who they are and where I seen it.
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