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Here we piss and moan about CC Mods

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11 hours ago, Thestarider said:

Enough said, LOL.... the truth hurts doesn't it Bobby.

See the source image

The photo is a good representation of you. One big loud mouth who dreams of being a star, but whose biggest claim to stardom is the position of Mod at a porn forum. Oh yeah, the state of Texas sucks,too.:tongue:

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13 minutes ago, Fagen said:

I wished I didnt see that, that just pissed me of so much and made me agry, wtf. is wrong with people like him, some priest hitting a baby like that :angry: :angry: :angry:

Lucifer will take care of his Wrinkled Ass when the time comes.  By the looks of how old he is he should be making the Visit to the Boneyard very soon.   

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thestarider, you keep trolling and baiting me, just hoping that'll I'll give you another excuse to suspend or ban me again. You are not fit to be a Mod because you are unable to keep your personal feelings and biases from affecting your actions as a Mod. Glad you don't have any real power in the world. People like you are dangerous.

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  • 4 months later...

What in the flying mother of fucking hell, @Thestarider!!! My account now has an official warning from last night! If that isn't an overreaction, I don't know what is! I was just calmly expressing my view, on how I think the Moderation of this place is completely failing to create a good climate for discussion, and I'd say I managed to do so in a fairly civil way. No personal attacks. Why don't you focus on those who spam the the threads every day, those who disrespect other members for not thinking like they do, or they who ONLY write things to provoke a fight?

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8 hours ago, Mauri said:

I don't think he's legal friend, and I'm not asking to know the exact place where they go, but what they do outside, friend I don't think you're not curious to know

Mauri, This is for you and some others----

Global Rules

(Applicable to all Forums and Boards Unless Otherwise Noted)

1)Topics are Created in Each Apartment and Anything Posted in those Topics should Pertain as to what goes on Inside the Confines of the Apartments. Once the Tenants Step Outside the Apartment that is Their Own Personal Lives and What They do in Their Own Personal Lives Outside of the Apartment Confines Shall Not be Discussed in Open Forum Boards of any Apartment.   

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5 minutes ago, happyone said:

Questo è per te e alcuni altri ----

Regole globali

(Applicabile a tutti i forum e le schede se non diversamente indicato)

1) Gli argomenti vengono creati in ogni appartamento e tutto quanto pubblicato in tali argomenti dovrebbe riguardare ciò che accade all'interno dei confini degli appartamenti. Una volta che gli inquilini escono dall'appartamento che è la propria vita personale e che cosa fanno nella propria vita personale al di fuori dell'appartamento I confini non possono essere discussi nei forum open forum di qualsiasi appartamento.   

the rules can be changed, and since there is someone who knows more, and sometimes gives us a kind of clue and then disappears into the mystery so that then people begin to speculate, then it is better to say the full version or don't say anything at all

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