EMMETT111 Posted March 2, 2017 Posted March 2, 2017 27 minutes ago, hampelo said: I have come to a conclusion about RLC in general and this apartment specifically. They are less a voyeur site and more another facet of the world wide progressive movement on assisted dying. Most assisted dying requires expensive drugs and medical attention. This budget version simply bores you to death. I am not sure where RLS is going with this BUT watching hours and hours of rooms where people are theoretically supposed to be but aren't is enough to make you cry. Maybe we can coin a new term (with appolgies to Kelly-Anne Conway) maybe we can start calling them "alt. rooms" what this apt is the best there is always somebody having sex 24/7 total openness ,don't believe what you hear on the failing camcaps so sad 1
euromike69 Posted March 3, 2017 Posted March 3, 2017 1 hour ago, MrBox said: No. ... Openness is not a close up. ... more ... In the case of RLC it would fit best to the opposite of hidding. re·pet·i·tive rəˈpedədiv/ adjective containing or characterized by repetition, especially when unnecessary or tiresome. "a repetitive task" synonyms: monotonous, tedious, boring, humdrum, mundane, dreary, tiresome; More Obsessions, repetitive behaviour and routines Obsessions, repetitive behaviour and routines can be a source of enjoyment for autistic people and a way of coping with everyday life. But they may also limit people's involvement in other activities and cause distress or anxiety. Find out what you can do to help. Choose languageAfrikaansAlbanianAmharicArabicArmenianAzerbaijaniBanglaBasqueBelarusianBosnianBulgarianBurmeseCatalanCebuanoChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)CorsicanCroatianCzechDanishDutchEsperantoEstonianFilipinoFinnishFrenchGalicianGeorgianGermanGreekGujaratiHaitian CreoleHausaHawaiianHebrewHindiHmongHungarianIcelandicIgboIndonesianIrishItalianJapaneseJavaneseKannadaKazakhKhmerKoreanKurdishKyrgyzLaoLatinLatvianLithuanianLuxembourgishMacedonianMalagasyMalayMalayalamMalteseMaoriMarathiMongolianNepaliNorwegianNyanjaPashtoPersianPolishPortuguesePunjabiRomanianRussianSamoanScottish GaelicSerbianShonaSindhiSinhalaSlovakSlovenianSomaliSouthern SothoSpanishSundaneseSwahiliSwedishTajikTamilTeluguThaiTurkishUkrainianUrduUzbekVietnameseWelshWestern FrisianXhosaYiddishYorubaZulu 1
MrBox Posted March 3, 2017 Posted March 3, 2017 9 hours ago, euromike69 said: re·pet·i·tive rəˈpedədiv/ adjective containing or characterized by repetition, especially when unnecessary or tiresome. "a repetitive task" synonyms: monotonous, tedious, boring, humdrum, mundane, dreary, tiresome; More Obsessions, repetitive behaviour and routines Obsessions, repetitive behaviour and routines can be a source of enjoyment for autistic people and a way of coping with everyday life. But they may also limit people's involvement in other activities and cause distress or anxiety. Find out what you can do to help. Sorry. ... I am not a troll and I am also not autistic. ... BTW, In both cases, I would admit it openly and still continue to write. ... You know, I can be stubborn. .. :) ... but ... The reason for writting about this event is actually very simple: ... I saw a recording of it and read a post written by someone else. ... I thought about both and wrote about my opionion. That is what I am doing in an forum. I write about my opinions, even if it not has been changed. ... BTW, You doing exactly the same. ... You do not like that i write negativ about the cast in one apartment and can not leave it unanswered. ... i still wonder ... Do you not think, it is kind of sad, that after more than one year, we still can count the number of nights she actually had sex in this apartment with only one hand (even considering the event on the balcony)? At the same time, she spend about 2/3 of her nights outside and will have most likely a very active sex life. Her real life take place outside. Do you not find this event very strange and interspersed with the fear of the camera? Like with D&D she was trying to find a way to have something without to show something. She was hidding. I think, it is time to have a change in the cast of this apartment. It was running fine for about 2-3 month, but fell back into a state were the girls are there for work (as a kind of real life actor) and not to have a part of their life there for real. ... It is sad, but very easy to see.
Thestarider Posted March 3, 2017 Posted March 3, 2017 New poll results Irma leads by a small margin over Kristy and then comes the new comer to the top three Jessica. If you havn't voted, go vote soon as the poll will close in the next few days.
Ridgerunner Posted March 3, 2017 Posted March 3, 2017 I didn't renew my RLC subscription at the end of February.When Dima showed up at the apartment at the end of December and January I got suckered into renewing,but this time I most likely will not renew unless Kami brings a new man back to the apartment.Place has become boring.
balt2103 Posted March 3, 2017 Posted March 3, 2017 Does anyone know anything about this blonde Katya?
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