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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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3 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

OK It's bedtime for me..Goodnite girls...

Goodnight all...:sleepy:

Only 7:46 in the evening where I am at.  I'll be up for awhile.    Have a Good Night.

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il y a 3 minutes, nagachilli2 a dit :

OK Il est l'heure du coucher pour les filles me..Goodnite ...

Bonne nuit à tous...:sleepy:

Nite Naga... I also go to bed good night at all. .:sleepy:..and girls too

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10 minutes ago, happyone said:

tal vez una buena cosa --- ser lento sólo podría disuadir a los trolls porque ellos simplemente no puede publicar lo suficientemente rápido:dodgy:

I'm already tired of hearing the same thing and they are always the same people or characters, trolls troll trolls... and it seems to me that themselves who should qualify this way, are or better still, bitter! I ask once respect for others and above all ask the moderators, gives me exactly who or how long take in this forum... ban once the word troll, enough already to offend anyone! Should I punish more, the problem is that many times I feel that these characters are more protected than any.

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3 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

We can Ed, but it's how some do it, that's the problem...:biggrin:

I don't feel that way.

If we cannot comment on things obviously going on, because you will bee accused of "disrespecting a tenant", or worse, get a warning or even banned for "provoking/beeing a troll". If english is not your mother thoung things can come out a little harser than they were ment. People restrain from posting, only the thickest skinned haters and lovers remain, all inbetween have been sceared away. We will have no good discussions, if we do not wish different opinions welcome.

In my opinion vortios was a good poster, always interesting theories, huge insight, reflected. Now he has stopped posting, because the treatment he got.

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