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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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10 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

I guess we will not be be seeing much of you today, My Beautiful Sexy Belle:heart: so have a good rest and maybe tomorrow we will see more of you :biggrin:. i hope you had  a great time last night :biggrin:


I think she has had many "great" moments

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My Belle:heart: has her shutters down so we have Night Vision but at 10:34 she attempts to go to sleep.

As we discovered last night because of the insistence on keeping that light on in the LR there are no good views to be had after about 7 p.m. and she should sleep until then so I hope they stay in tomorrow night otherwise the shows may be all but over with just 4-5 days left.

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13 minutes ago, Nari Dog said:

Which way is Belle's bed spinning, clockwise or counter clockwise?

Does it matter if she's not naked ... LOL. But it is spinning.

10:49 Poor Belle:heart: of to the toilet again

BTW arrival time was 10:11 and Belle went straight to her room. Rosie went via the kitchen and I think was going to follow Belle but Belle had already shut her door so she turned back.



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10:52 My Belle:heart: moans a bit but I hope she can sleep peacefully now :biggrin: and gets all fresh for tomorrow ... or rather maybe the day after tomorrow since today is tomorrow and is already lost.


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I think it is time for all people who have an immoderate love for these girls to wake up and RLC and girls give no fuck for customers

B1 and B2 becomes a waste of time and money and it would be best to close these two apartments that have nothing to do with the basic concept

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31 minutes ago, Benfold said:

B1 Under Maintenance. Could that be the end of Gina?

Interesting. I haven't been looking for the last half hour but she wasn't packing before that.
Edit: And she wasn't packing at all up until the maintenance started. Perhaps it's for something else entirely, fixing cameras or something.

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