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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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1 minute ago, timber said:

I think the long UM is usually because they have cleaning staff come in before the new girl arrives. That didn't happen this time since she's sharing a room.

When Irma showed up, the apartment didn't even go UM at all since she was sharing a room with Nora (and didn't get dropped off by RLC staff).

I was at work when Irma returned. I can only imagine the shock for everyone watching when she walked in the door

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5 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Siempre ha sido de esta manera con RLC. Cuando anuncian una nueva chica del apartamento por lo general no llega a estar en línea hasta que llegue a esa chica.

RLC has long since changed. You better know this fact than we do. I am a newbie next to many of you, but I see that things no longer work as before. Remember how the girls were changing rooms as they entered B1 ... to give an example ...

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1 minute ago, timber said:

I think the long UM is usually because they have cleaning staff come in before the new girl arrives. That didn't happen this time since she's sharing a room.

When Irma showed up, the apartment didn't even go UM at all since she was sharing a room with Nora (and didn't get dropped off by RLC staff).

Irma was not a new girl either. She was a returning girl. So knew everything.

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4 minutes ago, Snakeater said:

If the new girl had not arrived why would they go under UM? They clean an get things ready and then put her name up. They do not put a girls name up this fast. The girls did not act as if they knew of anything.

I can promise you the girls knew exactly what was happening.  Maybe.....just maybe, RLC has come to their senses and realizes that the 12 to 20 hour UM's are ridiculous, just as the UM's for when a girl leaves.  They can let the viewer see the girl leave and all the drama that goes with it and then put the apartment UM.......did I just type that out loud.

RLC is a joke and they rip their customers off all the time with bullshit like that!!!

That is one of my reasons I gave up with them.......the extended UM's and not to mention the UM's for no apparent reason were getting to be a bit much for me anyway's.

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