Houlii Posted June 6, 2018 Posted June 6, 2018 Look at who trump admires as leaders in the world..This couldn't say more about who or what he would like to be..Trumps America..not ours
Howard Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 5 hours ago, Houlii said: True or not Trump will tell supporters anything he thinks they want to hear to get their vote..The numbers are all debatable. His direct efforts have not had any positive effect on you..the money changers are all betting he will do certain things. Meantime he is lining his pockets. Truth is socially Trump wouldn't drink a beer with you..Kiss his ring and he might pardon you.. There's an amount to to truth to that. Trump, Obama, Bush 43, Clinton, Bush 41, and so on. They are POLITICIANS! Of course they'll say what you want to hear to get elected. The truth comes when they ARE elected and see if they fulfill their campaign promises. Remember when Obama sat down with the plumber at the White House for a beer? It was a media sensation. Obama was made out to be like you and me. That Nobel Peace Prize.... That cost the DNC mucho dinero to have it awarded to Obama (really...what did he do to deserve it?). Behind the scenes, the DNC and Clinton juggernaut was pulling Obama's strings and the strings of the public (especially during his first term). They had their hands up each and every Democrat's ass. With all politicians, it comes down to what they do - not what they say. Go research Obama's promises on the campaign trail. He did very little on the promises coming out of his mouth to get elected. On the flip side, Trump has done more during the first 18 months (coming through on much of his campaign promises) then Obama. SO what if he's a nut job? I voted for someone who knows how to run a business and is a proven success. What did Obama do before running for office??? Duh!! 1
Howard Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 16 hours ago, SPYING 1 said: obama & clinton didn't have any money when they became president, but look at them now !! Both obama & clinton sold out America, at least TRUMP loves America Obama was comfortable but not to the degree most presidential candidates were/are. Clintons had money (remember Whitewater, among other shifty business dealing in the 80s and 90s?).
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 God Damn Trump! We have more job openings than unemployed people! We have the lowest level of unemployment for minorities than we have had in decades! What will we do with all these new people in the workforce? Shouldn't they all be back in government housing enjoying drugs and watching TV? What will become of our society with such radical changes? ... We had such a quiet decade of no improvement in the economy and now this clown comes to office and screws up everything. The GDP increase, being mean to Iran and the Norks by no longer funding proliferation of nukes, taking less money from the middle class, attempting to enforce US immigration laws... Hell, this clown isn't even sending the Queen of England a CD of all his famous tweets! Certainly we are a doomed nation, never being able to attain the Utopia that the Leftists had promised. I guess I'll just get tired of being bored and go start another business. Again. Make some money. Hire a couple people (or highly talented squirrel teams.) Make myself useful again. Either that or see if Uncle Bernie will feed me some pecans, because Obama only gave out stale peanuts. Then I'll be tempted to join Bernie's меньшевики Political Party. But probably I won't, because without individual economic liberty, there is no individual liberty. We squirrels are quite capable of harvesting and saving our own pecans. Or maybe I'll just check out the Old Dude's Forum on CamCaps right now. That has threads that have value. 2
Ridgerunner Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 8 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said: God Damn Trump! We have more job openings than unemployed people! We have the lowest level of unemployment for minorities than we have had in decades! What will we do with all these new people in the workforce? Shouldn't they all be back in government housing enjoying drugs and watching TV? What will become of our society with such radical changes? ... We had such a quiet decade of no improvement in the economy and now this clown comes to office and screws up everything. The GDP increase, being mean to Iran and the Norks by no longer funding proliferation of nukes, taking less money from the middle class, attempting to enforce US immigration laws... Hell, this clown isn't even sending the Queen of England a CD of all his famous tweets! Certainly we are a doomed nation, never being able to attain the Utopia that the Leftists had promised. I guess I'll just get tired of being bored and go start another business. Again. Make some money. Hire a couple people (or highly talented squirrel teams.) Make myself useful again. Either that or see if Uncle Bernie will feed me some pecans, because Obama only gave out stale peanuts. Then I'll be tempted to join Bernie's меньшевики Political Party. But probably I won't, because without individual economic liberty, there is no individual liberty. We squirrels are quite capable of harvesting and saving our own pecans. Or maybe I'll just check out the Old Dude's Forum on CamCaps right now. That has threads that have value. Also,Mueller and the Democrats had better speed up their political coup because when Trump's approval rating hits 50% their attempt to overturn the results of a legitimate election are over. 1
ipiratemedia Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 I'm lying in the sand with my friend holding hands while having a "Pina Colada and getting caught in the Rain," A cloudy day at the beach is still a day at the… Beach! Girls want to have SUN! Me, I'm all about the palm trees & 80 degrees. Once again Mr.Trump has found himself at the center of all talking points. While his approval rating is rising at an alarming rate. Why? The genius of impeachment lay in the fact that it could punish the man without punishing the office. (meaning, he's NOT going anywhere) Ex-Presidents Bill Clinton in 1998 and Andrew Johnson 1868 are prime examples... The only removal from office was Watergate Nixon and Judges. IMO, impeachment must not be a raw exercise of political power in which the House impeaches whoever it wishes for any reason it deems sufficient. (in this case Mr. Trump) Indeed, it is the solemn duty of all of the members of the House in any impeachment case to exercise their judgment faithfully within the confines established by our Constitution. Life is more than thought: what a man feels, and what his senses awaken in him, are more indispensable to his life’s fullness than a subsequent reflection on their significance. The “high crimes and misdemeanors of the "Media's" language remains controversial. But what might fall into the category of ‘other high Crimes and Misdemeanors’ is still entirely unclear. Conditions may, and are not unlikely to arise, someday, when the exercise of the power to impeach and remove the President may be quite as essential to the preservation of our political system as it threatened to become in this instance destructive of that system. Should that day ever come, it is to be hoped that the remedy of impeachment, as established by the Constitution, may be as patriotically, as fearlessly, and as unselfishly applied as it will be rejected.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 The left has played right into Putin's hand. Just like they did when Obama was President. Disarming Poland and Ukraine; feeding Iran and the North Koreans so they could develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; and allowing Russia to be the sole power broker in Syria and the Middle East: none of these actions were good strategies for world peace. Putin's got the American Leftists right where he wants them and he's delighted... It worked.mp4
slider_69 Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 On 5/17/2017 at 12:41 AM, itsme said: Shall we take bets on how long it will take? He will NEVER be impeached..............................in fact, he will be reelected in 2020 ! 1
Alladino Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 14 minutes ago, slider_69 said: He will NEVER be impeached..............................in fact, he will be reelected in 2020 ! Don't be so impatient, first we need to let Mueller finish his investigation, then it is time to "Lock him up!". 2
slider_69 Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 2 minutes ago, Alladino said: Don't be so impatient, first we need to let Mueller finish his investigation, then it is time to "Lock him up!". When he's in the cell next to Bill and Hillary.......LOL !
Alladino Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 Just now, slider_69 said: When he's in the cell next to Bill and Hillary.......LOL ! I'm sure they're not innocent either. But that has nothing to do with Trump The day of trumps arrest will be the best day of all time. 2
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted June 7, 2018 Posted June 7, 2018 The investigation will never finish. It's not designed to finish. It cannot be concluded because there's nothing there to conclude. It's job is to distract the public and spread tax-payers' money around to civil servants so they will be guaranteed a lavish retirement. 1
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