Ridgerunner Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 9 hours ago, BBsq69 said: Trump is baby. The word of a man who can rip up any agreement because he has a tantrum is worthless. Trump simply is not worth wasting our time on. He hasn't grown up. The rest of the world should just negotiate with each other until the US elects an adult as president. Dealing with Trump is like dealing with a mad Roman Emperor. You are constantly jittery because there is no rationality. Trump's biggest supporters in the UK about from the purveyor of bollocks Boris Johnson - can't wait to see him lie in front of the Heathrow bulldozers (that is another subject in which all options were insane but he managed to trump their insanity) - have turned against him. Liam Fox minister for trade and chief worshiper of Thatcher and the US attacked the steel tariffs and he was once sacked for promoting US interests at the Ministry of Defence!!! I see you believe all the BBC propaganda.No,Trump just cares about the working people of America.Too bad you don't have many politicians in the UK who care about your working people.
Ridgerunner Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 9 hours ago, BBsq69 said: Both parties lie as do all politicians because if they told the truth they would probably lose elections. However there are degrees and degrees and Trump quite frankly does not care about the truth apparently lying 34 times during one of the debates with Hilary. She lied 4 times which I certainly don't condone but 34 times ... I've stated before this kind of politics is being repeated all over the world by both left and right and quite frankly it is sickening. And where did that count come from,the lying BBC? The lying by all politicians is why Trump was elected president.Voters in the U.S. are fed up with lying establishment politicians.If Trump keeps his promises he will be reelected.If not,he will be voted out of office in 2020.So far,he has done much of what he promised. 1
Ridgerunner Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 1 hour ago, Howard said: So its not the amount of lies told. Its that its being done. But I am suspicious you post these numbers to disgrace Trump in a back-handed way. Of course Bill Clinton lied when he said "I did not have sex with that woman". And he still refuses to apologize to her for all he put her through (issue isn't consent, its the abuse of authority). Nevertheless, welcome to the US (and probably world) economy. Where lies are said minute by minute to get your money (or vote). And in 1994 Bill Clinton told the American people that he had eliminated the North Korean nuclear threat. And in 1993 Bill Clinton solved the Israeli/Palestinian conflict with his brilliant peace accord.
Ridgerunner Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 10 hours ago, StnCld316 said: Basically what the G7 Leaders most likely will do soon is trade freely amongst themselves with no Tariffs and tell Trump to fuck himself. It's going to be a G8 soon they are going to let Russia back into the fold. But you haven't addressed the fact that the U.S. buys much more from those nations than they buy from the U.S. All Trump is saying is open up your markets to our exports so that there is not such a large imbalance in trade.
Howard Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 Its an understatement to say that Trump is an unorthodox president. Here you have a successful businessman who approaches governing as if running a business. Washington still doesn't know how to react to that. Let me think....Obama, Bush43, Clinton, Bush 41, Jimmy 'anti semetic' Carter - none of them had hands on experience running a business. For politicians, its about what do I have to give up that in return, will benefit me (financially). I haven't seen that behavior in Trump. For Trump, its how little (if anything) do I have to concede to get my way. Trump comes from the school of having to sign checks (can't say that of the previous few presidents). That mentality doesn't go away when he became POTUS. Trump makes deals that overwhelmingly benefit him (as POTUS for the people). Getting out of the Paris Accord, Iran deal, cuts in regulations, tax overhaul, federal appointees...yet the economy is thriving, consumer confidence is up and his poll numbers are the same (maybe slightly higher) than Obama;s was this during their presidencies. People's hatred for Trump gets convoluted with how they feel about the job he is doing. And we have the liberal media to thank for not separating the two. And on a side note, its not a coincidence that CNN's ratings are at their lowest in several years Why, you ask? Because those that watch the news and are aware of current events, 42% are republicans, 30% democrats and the rest are undeclared (I think that source comes from Nielsen as of the end of the May sweeps period). Hate on the guy all you want. But results don't lie. Learn to separate the hatred you have for him as a human being vs the good he is doing as POTUS. I (and I think most people) can admire Obama for the person he is (i.e. family man). But his policies stunk. No time during the Obama presidency was ANY RACE or economic demographic better off then they were just nine months into Trumps presidency. Argueably, the safety of the US was weakened during Obama's presidency (that yodeling boy from Walmart could have done a better job with foreign policy then Obama). 2
StnCld316 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: But you haven't addressed the fact that the U.S. buys much more from those nations than they buy from the U.S. All Trump is saying is open up your markets to our exports so that there is not such a large imbalance in trade. I don't know why they just don't remove the Tariffs and everyone gets along like Good Politicians. It's called Free Trade. 1
StnCld316 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 3 hours ago, Howard said: Its an understatement to say that Trump is an unorthodox president. Here you have a successful businessman who approaches governing as if running a business. Washington still doesn't know how to react to that. Let me think....Obama, Bush43, Clinton, Bush 41, Jimmy 'anti semetic' Carter - none of them had hands on experience running a business. For politicians, its about what do I have to give up that in return, will benefit me (financially). I haven't seen that behavior in Trump. For Trump, its how little (if anything) do I have to concede to get my way. Trump comes from the school of having to sign checks (can't say that of the previous few presidents). That mentality doesn't go away when he became POTUS. Trump makes deals that overwhelmingly benefit him (as POTUS for the people). Getting out of the Paris Accord, Iran deal, cuts in regulations, tax overhaul, federal appointees...yet the economy is thriving, consumer confidence is up and his poll numbers are the same (maybe slightly higher) than Obama;s was this during their presidencies. People's hatred for Trump gets convoluted with how they feel about the job he is doing. And we have the liberal media to thank for not separating the two. And on a side note, its not a coincidence that CNN's ratings are at their lowest in several years Why, you ask? Because those that watch the news and are aware of current events, 42% are republicans, 30% democrats and the rest are undeclared (I think that source comes from Nielsen as of the end of the May sweeps period). Hate on the guy all you want. But results don't lie. Learn to separate the hatred you have for him as a human being vs the good he is doing as POTUS. I (and I think most people) can admire Obama for the person he is (i.e. family man). But his policies stunk. No time during the Obama presidency was ANY RACE or economic demographic better off then they were just nine months into Trumps presidency. Argueably, the safety of the US was weakened during Obama's presidency (that yodeling boy from Walmart could have done a better job with foreign policy then Obama). I think the main reason People dislike Trump the most for is his Constant Ranting of the same BS over and over and his Ridiculous Twitter Rants. He gets on Twitter and he acts like a 10 Year Old Kid that fucking whines when things do not go his way. This No Collusion with the Russians BS only has to be said once and not 5 times a week. When you keep repeating yourself it makes you look like you may have something to hide. Same as that Stormy Daniels he's in denial with. He says he didn't have an affair and everyone is supposed to take him at his word that he's supposed to speak the truth but he has been caught in so many lies since being President. He constantly claims everything is Fake News because they talk down to him in a negative fashion. But his Ass Kissing crowd at Fox & Friends are the only reliable news source because of his Kiss Ass Buddy Sean Hannity. Trump even believes things Alex Jones Spews and he's one of the Biggest Conspiracy Theorists going. Alex Jones is a Walking National Enquirer. Mueller still has not fully exonerated him yet. His former Personal Lawyer Cohen is deep in shit up to his ears and Trump likely has some dirt in there somewhere. These Affairs that he keeps denying, if you had no Affair with these Women then why were they Paid Large Sums of Money to keep quiet. Trump is not as squeaky clean as most think. I think that Spray on Tanning Liquid has affected his Brain. 3
BBsq69 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: And where did that count come from,the lying BBC? Yeah from people who were counting real things ... Politicians are liars but he is on a different planet. He has absolutely no respect for anyone. I watched his version of the apprentice which consisted of who has the most rich friends and did what i wanted them to do ... OK you win. It had absolutely nothing to do with business or fairness. Trump is a showman who does give one flying fuck about woman, minorities or the poor - it is the same old BS as The Tea Party who just basically promised tax cuts which were mainly there to benefit the rich drawing the poor in with there ever popular racist shit - "You know why you haven't got a job, immigrants", "You know why your factory closed down, foreigners." It is the same old tactics used for years from way before Hitler. Whether these people including Trump are actual racists or not, the point is mute because they feed racists but only they really care about is how much more they get. Back to BBC. Of course the government tries to lean on the BBC, that's what all people in power try to do but it doesn't work 99% of the time. And now think about your logic. Clinton is a well known Labour supporter (Bill appeared many times at the party conferences) well at least until Corbyn came to power, why would the right wing Tory government tell the BBC to support Clinton? The BBC laughs at Trump because he figure of comedy. We cannot believe that with around 200 million adult Americans to chose from you have come up with an orange TV presenter whose daddy gave him enormous amounts of money and the most desirable real estate in the world which a chimpanzee would have made money out of. he Treats his own workers and people who oppose him like shit. He is a lousy human being. This guy doesn't even drink yet his twitter posts look like someone who's just back from the pub speaking BS. Trudeau upset him and he threw his toys out of the pram. 1
Maturin Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: But you haven't addressed the fact that the U.S. buys much more from those nations than they buy from the U.S. All Trump is saying is open up your markets to our exports so that there is not such a large imbalance in trade. The thing is though that American exports are poor They just aren't very good standard compared to what we have here in Europe. American steel is poor quality, nobody wants to drive shitty American cars, we've got our own coal and can get our own oil and gas from Russia and the Mid East. The only thing US imports have going for them is that they are cheap because they are not as good as our own stuff. It is right that we should have tariffs put on high volume cheap imports from the US - we have as much a right to look after our own industries and business as America and protect them for poor quality cheap imports as America wants to do against China and Mexico. Here's a list of the import/exports between the EU and USA. All the stuff that the US sends to the EU, we can manufacture ourselves and indeed have our own industries doing that, which provides jobs to our residents. Fuck Donald Trump getting his nappy in a twist because America has fucked itself up so much that the rest of the world no longer listens to it or wants to buy its low quality trade goods. 😂 https://pierstransportation.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/top-u-s-imports-exports-with-europe/
Maturin Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 8 minutes ago, BBsq69 said: Yeah from people who were counting real things ... Politicians are liars but he is on a different planet. He has absolutely no respect for anyone. I watched his version of the apprentice which consisted of who has the most rich friends and did what i wanted them to do ... OK you win. It had absolutely nothing to do with business or fairness. Trump is a showman who does give one flying fuck about woman, minorities or the poor - it is the same old BS as The Tea Party who just basically promised tax cuts which were mainly there to benefit the rich drawing the poor in with there ever popular racist shit - "You know why you haven't got a job, immigrants", "You know why your factory closed down, foreigners." It is the same old tactics used for years from way before Hitler. Whether these people including Trump are actual racists or not, the point is mute because they feed racists but only they really care about is how much more they get. Back to BBC. Of course the government tries to lean on the BBC, that's what all people in power try to do but it doesn't work 99% of the time. And now think about your logic. Clinton is a well known Labour supporter (Bill appeared many times at the party conferences) well at least until Corbyn came to power, why would the right wing Tory government tell the BBC to support Clinton? The BBC laughs at Trump because he figure of comedy. We cannot believe that with around 200 million adult Americans to chose from you have come up with an orange TV presenter whose daddy gave him enormous amounts of money and the most desirable real estate in the world which a chimpanzee would have made money out of. he Treats his own workers and people who oppose him like shit. He is a lousy human being. This guy doesn't even drink yet his twitter posts look like someone who's just back from the pub speaking BS. Trudeau upset him and he threw his toys out of the pram. All of that is spot on and it's really sad that Trump fans cannot or will not see the wood for the trees. They are being fucked over massively yet the more it is pointed out to them the angrier they get at those speaking the truth! Fucking crazy days, eh?!
Alladino Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 3 hours ago, Howard said: Its an understatement to say that Trump is an unorthodox president. Here you have a successful businessman who approaches governing as if running a business. Washington still doesn't know how to react to that. Let me think....Obama, Bush43, Clinton, Bush 41, Jimmy 'anti semetic' Carter - none of them had hands on experience running a business. For politicians, its about what do I have to give up that in return, will benefit me (financially). I haven't seen that behavior in Trump. For Trump, its how little (if anything) do I have to concede to get my way. Trump comes from the school of having to sign checks (can't say that of the previous few presidents). That mentality doesn't go away when he became POTUS. Trump makes deals that overwhelmingly benefit him (as POTUS for the people). Getting out of the Paris Accord, Iran deal, cuts in regulations, tax overhaul, federal appointees...yet the economy is thriving, consumer confidence is up and his poll numbers are the same (maybe slightly higher) than Obama;s was this during their presidencies. People's hatred for Trump gets convoluted with how they feel about the job he is doing. And we have the liberal media to thank for not separating the two. And on a side note, its not a coincidence that CNN's ratings are at their lowest in several years Why, you ask? Because those that watch the news and are aware of current events, 42% are republicans, 30% democrats and the rest are undeclared (I think that source comes from Nielsen as of the end of the May sweeps period). Hate on the guy all you want. But results don't lie. Learn to separate the hatred you have for him as a human being vs the good he is doing as POTUS. I (and I think most people) can admire Obama for the person he is (i.e. family man). But his policies stunk. No time during the Obama presidency was ANY RACE or economic demographic better off then they were just nine months into Trumps presidency. Argueably, the safety of the US was weakened during Obama's presidency (that yodeling boy from Walmart could have done a better job with foreign policy then Obama). In the short time Trump has been in office, he has undermined the world's trust in the U.S. Now. Just screwed the G6, he goes to the meeting with Kim Jong-un. All the broken contracts and the ongoing lies will certainly help in the negotiations with North Korea. 🤔
BBsq69 Posted June 10, 2018 Posted June 10, 2018 9 minutes ago, StnCld316 said: Alex Jones is a Walking National Enquirer. Not Wales's Alex Jones then. She admits she makes stuff up and believes all kinds of medium and homeopathy shit ... but then for some reason women seem more susceptible to that kind of nonsense. She's on the BBC peak time every Monday to Friday. There may be a pattern with that programme. Previous presenters: Although the last one does have a degree in politics which is more than the other 2, although the middle one was doing a degree in Astronomy. 1 1
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