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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. If closely investigated, they'll probably find out that many of the rioters were from out of town just like happened in Ferguson, Missouri. Some of those people are just professional anarchists and look to exploit situations like this. I'm especially distrustful of the motives of some of the White rioters.
  2. As a side note to this, from what I saw in the video the policeman who killed the Black man should be arrested and tried for murder. But that crime does not justify rioting. How are Autozone and Target responsible for what that policeman did?
  3. Wonder when CNN is going to complain about Minneapolis rioters not practicing proper social distancing while burning down stores?
  4. The brilliant governor in my state (Illinois) today said that only 20% of people who are infected with covid-19 become sick enough to need medical treatment. If that is true, why the hell is the economy in the whole state of Illinois still shut down? In my county we have had a total of 39 covid-19 cases with one death. The big covid-19 problem in Illinois is Chicago and the adjoining counties, so why not open up the rest of the state?
  5. And Moos will totally ignore what you just posted just like he ignored the VA study being totally discredited.
  6. Would reporting that Gov.Cuomo required nursing homes in New York to accept covid-19 positive patients be doing their job too? So why don't they do it?
  7. A club is made up of people who all think the same. I'd rather expose myself to people with varying ideas. Although on this forum there don't seem to be many original thinkers, mostly just people who cite so called experts and biased news sources.
  8. The May 21,2020 article in SHOTS HEALTH NEWS FROM NPR entitled "Politics Around Hydroxychloroquine Hamper Science" helps to explain why studies of the drug are being hampered.
  9. The latest internet headline from TIME says, " Up to 80% of Covid-19 Infections Are Asymptomatic, a New Case Report Says". And from that TIME concludes that we need more social distancing because we don't know who is infected. Hell, if 80% of infected people are asymptomatic why should we shut everything down. Doesn't it make more sense to isolate those who face the most danger from covid-19 ( the elderly and people with preexisting health conditions) and allow the rest of society to live a normal life?
  10. The doctors who have claimed success with hydroxychloroquine have a precise treatment regimen they use with their patients. Why don't researchers work with these doctors to conduct double blind studies to evaluate the validity of their treatment regimens?
  11. Dr.Daniel Wallace of UCLA and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center said he has treated thousands of lupus patients with hydroxychloroquine for 46 years and never seen any serious side effects. ( interview of the doctor was in the April 8, 2020 issue of EDUCATION NEWS).
  12. Everything has become so political in this country that it has become almost impossible to learn the truth about anything. I guess you just take in as many sources as possible, and then decide what seems most plausible.
  13. I don't have any medical expertise, but it seems to me that the news media should fairly present both sides of an argument. The only place I have seen doctors who present a history of successfully treating covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine or covid-19 patients who say hydroxychloroquine saved their lives is on Fox News. Fox News also interviews experts who argue the drug is untested for use in treating covid-19, but on the other "news" networks all I see are negative stories about hydroxychloroquine. Never see any of the doctors who say they have successfully used hydroxychloroquine to treat covid-19 patients.
  14. I heard something about Yale University releasing results today of a study they had just completed on hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid-19. Need to check the news media tomorrow to see if that is true; and if so, what the study concluded. I just checked the internet and couldn't find anything.
  15. Maybe because Trump promoted the drug, and they will never agree to anything he promotes? Or maybe because the drug is inexpensive and there's not much money to be made from it compared to the profits to be made from a newly patented drug or vaccine. Or maybe because the news media won't cover the positive results that a number of doctors have had with the drug in treating patients with covid-19.
  16. Why do we hear no complaints from the EU about what China is doing in Hong Kong?
  17. Joe Biden says there needs to be a Federal investigation of the killing of a Black man by police in Minneapolis at the same time that the FBI is investigating the death. Someone needs to tell "Sleepy Joe" that the FBI is part of the Federal government.
  18. The President of El Salvador said he is taking hydroxychloroquine and that "most world leaders are doing the same thing". Wonder if President Macron is taking it?
  19. Benefits are not conclusive because studies have been stopped. Only way to learn one way or the other is to do the studies.
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