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Foamy T. Squirrel

Global Moderator
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Status Updates posted by Foamy T. Squirrel

  1. I write this publicly to one of the finest members of CC with whom I have been gifted to know. Many other CC veterans would agree.

  2. Welcome back to the zoo. You've got a free life-time pass, so you might as well use it. But believe me, I understand that once in a while, it's good to take a break from all this fast action on the CC threads...😏

    1. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      Actually, it's $20 per year for Premium. But once you've been there, you'll never go back. Pay attention to the Premium Only threads. That's where we hold the parties!

      (Warning: CamCaps Premium members get a bit weird at their annual conventions...😉 )


      cc premium.jpeg

    2. Amy3


      You guys are the best! ❤️❤️❤️

    3. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      It's not that we're the best in everything, but we don't mess around when we're connecting to our inner-goofyness.

  3. Exactly 2.35 people have you on their ignore list.

    99% of government-paid civil engineering agree with me, so it must be true.

    1. Amy3


      Hehe. So funny. I want to met this 0.35 guy. 

    2. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      He's at the local hospital, being parted-out. I think he's down to .193 of a guy by now.

  4. Nonsense. I didn't call you names, in fact, I was not even speaking as a mod, just another member. Relax. I have no problem with your opinions. You weren't being a flaming-jerk-spammer-troll in the thread and that's all I care about Mod wise.

  5. How's the weather in Bletchley Park today? Must be warmer than Krasnoyarsk. :biggrin::biggrin:

    1. jimbo4


      Foamy, no wonder you have aspired to Global Mod, As an ex member of Britains Special Forces I thought I had covered my tracks, but it seems I have been compromised. Firing squad at dawn I suppose, lol

  6. I might be wrong, but I'm betting that Belle will win the poll that I just placed in the Polls section.

    Let's see what happens.

    Until then, Leora is still the goddess and none of these women at the Barc apartments come close.


  7. Just wondering what your thoughts on Carolina are. We seem have the same taste in woman.

    I've only seen one picture of her on here so far; but she looks very appetizing. And crispy hot.

    1. BBsq69


      Foamy, I'll write when I wake up.

  8. Thank you for your report. The creep has been blocked from posting. Ukrainian spammers are not to be tolerated, so your vigilance is highly appreciated.

  9. Thanks for bringing serhatkvs to our attention.

    We are investigating this situation with our swat team members.

  10. Sorry to hear about your ticker problem. I landed in the emergency room twice in 2010 because of that shit.

    Not fucking fun at all.

    1. HarleyFatboy


      Sorry to hear that Foamy,  I know how tough that can be.  You're a good man and it's hard to keep a good man down!!

      I'm going to get my name put on a transplant list as soon as I get all this insurance shit straightened out!

  11. Just checking in after reading your comments to Legrand. He's a good guy.

    Hope you're doing OK, too.

    This health thing really sucks with people in our age group. So keep healthy and keep posting.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HarleyFatboy


      To be honest with you, I need to study up on the A-Fib thing.   Please watch your meds and keep the drinking light.  Sciatica can be a royal pain in the ass though.   Exercising might help!

      I think a defib would be great and when I get all my insurance stuff straightened out, that is something my son and I will be talking to them about.

    3. HarleyFatboy


      I'm going to try and catch a little shuteye Foamy.   Have a great night/day, which ever it is for you.   Thanks for the chat my favorite squirrel :)

    4. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      I'm in California. I'm going to bed myself... sleepy time approaches...!


  12. I hope your move has gone smoothly and that your health improves with the relocation and resettlement.

    Keep posting, my friend.


    1. legrandrobert


      Thank you for caring.

  13. Thank you for your report. His comment has been deleted. He doesn't really need a leash, but often he needs a muzzle or a swift kick. Let me know when this sort of stuff happens. He's an artist and he does this at times, but he does contribute some gems at times.

  14. 108F here today. But it was "dry heat." That will get you shot up or beaten if you say that around these parts.

    The older I get, the more I like a steady 80 degrees...zero humidity.

    I would imagine your climate to be much worse .I visited New Hampshire in the summer once and it was "only  85 degrees" -- easy, I thought, but the humidity damn near killed me.

    You take care of yourself...

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. woodworker


      I agree.  They were real men.   Even my fathers generation was made up of real men.   So different from the sissy's so many of the single parent, or liberal parents, all seem to have raised up nowadays.

    3. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      Sometimes when I can't sleep at night, I go out to my patio, have a smoke, and a drink. If my timing is correct, Freddy the Skunk will come by. I freeze. Mr. Skunk doesn't much get flustered by me, the dogs or cats next door.

      He ain't an Elephant. He doesn't need to be. Nobody fucks with him.

    4. woodworker


      One of these days Foamy I've got to tell you about the night of the elephants.   Because it was a close call, and it might well have brought me to an early end being either trampled to death, or flung out from one of the elephant trucks.  

      A truly dreadful way to go.  

      And then on that very same night.  Being stoned and having my back to this lions cage, it let out a roar.   And I quickly had my knife in my hand and was trying to reach in and stab the mother fucker.

      A couple of the guys, one, Dennis Manning, who was with me for the first time that  night, saw the legendary fury that others already knew of.  I was serious, and yelling at that cock sucking lion while trying to get to him.  

      It's a long story like I said.   But absolutely fucking true!


  15. Let me know if Kaliv gives you anymore crap. He's a newbie, and he's coming out of a Russian server. If he's not spoofing his IP, then he only gets Putin's propaganda anyway, and it's far more controlled than even the New York Times or the Washington Post, so it's likely that he never got word of Putin's disdain for gays and lesbos. If he bugs you again, I'll sit him down for a talk. I don't like people disrespecting veteran members such as yourself. It incurs my squirrely wrath. (I must remain true to my avatar.)

    This is in reference to the Nina & Kira discussion thread.

    Tut-tut, carry on ol' boy...let me know if you hear anything about our mutual set of beloved ones.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      I wish our newbie members could use a bit of discretion and restraint every once in a while. It would save me a lot of time and maybe I could keep track of just who the tenants are from month to month. . .


    3. van the man

      van the man

      Lol! You do a great job and always offer a fair and intelligent assessment of things. Keep up the good work

    4. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      TBG's on sabbatical. Burned out and buried with real life, I think.

      Maybe Swampy Jr. can come back safely now. Woodland creatures and swamp creatures always have more fun. I really miss that little guy and all his manifestations. Those were the fun days. But I'm glad to see that Ms. Shapoval is doing well...

  16. Thank you for the report.

    I banned his sorry ass with my hammer. I love the smell of the banhammer in the morning. :biggrin:

  17. Let me know what operating system you are on. You should be able to resize any window so it's smaller.

    I'm old, so I prefer to use a desktop that feeds two monitors. Makes reality a lot easier. My vision isn't getting any better with age, and it's easier for me to just toss a graphic icon on the desktop and drag it to the monitor that has CC displayed from the various browsers I use.

    I can still do that with my laptops (Win10 and Linux), but I have to shrink the windows and that means I need to grab my reading glasses to read anything on the tiny screen. Old Age sucks.

    1. woodworker


      It sucks big time!    

      Anyway, I use a Microsoft  8.1

      If it turns out to be too difficult for me to post pictures, then I will just have to do without them.   But they do go a long way to illustrating a point, or eliciting a chuckle, don't they.


  18. Thanks for your report. For me, this site acts pretty much like all the other 3rd Party services, but that might be a result of my ad-blocking configuration. I've put it under review so the other mods can check it out with their systems.

    I usually don't bother with 3rd Party posts anymore. God knows I've got enough disk space junked up by RLC videos, so I generally prefer CC attachments. But yes, some of this like ul.to are clearly money grubbing pay-per-click sites.

  19. Thanks for your report regarding Jayp. I had a little "discussion" with him and removed his post. I am now following him. Further infractions and he'll get the ban hammer.

    He's a negative asshole, any way.

    People who don't contribute to board have no right to attack those like Euromike who contribute a great deal.

    --Also, I see you are being followed by Erton and Erton1. Let me know if you figure out who this guy is: he follows everyone. So far I haven't seen any nefarious actions on his part, but if he follows someone, he gets an alert -- his email must be jammed with stuff. Strange dude.

    1. Thestarider


      Yes jayP is always whining, and thanks Foamy I will keep an eye on the Erton's

    2. Thestarider


      Foamy I am about to go basaltic on Mr.box for trolling me again, He has told me several times now in the chat he would no longer quote me.

      I ask your permission before I say some things that you will have to remove !!!


  20. I suggest you crop the ID code out of the bottom left corner of your posts, especially if you have a static IP. I have reports that RLC is blocking IPs, even from non-subscribers.

    And watch for the Braille. Automatic crawlers hunt these down and ban the posters.

  21. I'll assume you are aware of what's been going down at RLC.

    Might I suggest you go to your profile and under "Followers" selected "Do not allow followers."


    1. happyone


      Thank you just fixed it 

  22. Nice catch on the Mumbai clown.

    Quick and efficient execution.


    1. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      I see you have our friends hasan hema and erton on your follower list...

  23. If anybody gives you crap about your posts, let me know.

    I'll track them and chew up their radiator hose.

    Thanks for all your hard work. You certainly earned your premium membership a long time ago.


    1. BBsq69


      Foamy, I mustn't be so sensitive.

      I have taken a bit of crap through my postings of Leora. Part of it was from Harley but we all know what he's like and he kind of apologised so I'll let him off.

      It was others who in the past few weeks on the board and occasionally via PM (although I swear some of them are under the impression they are giving wise advice) who have upset me more. I have a few health problems at the moment (you know what that's like) and maybe I'm feeling grouchy and especially intolerant, almost like Mikey.

      Thanks for your support. You and Stome Cold have always been great with me. 


    2. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      Looking at Leora is the best treatment for health problems. I don't care whether she's dress or naked; I don't care what she's doing -- although I like to see her painting -- but if she's got a smile on her face my blood pressure and hormones properly adjust and I feel like smiling myself. She's a good girl, and you can't post too many pictures of her, ever.


    3. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      You've also got a 2,395 reputation, so you know your work is appreciated, not by just us old Nora fans and Leora fans, but by a lot of the CC community. Oddly, the fan clubs for these women are native English speakers. Haven't figured out that cultural peculiarity yet, but I think it has something to do with beauty, intelligence, talent, and ancient Greek goddesses.


  24. FYI: Guitargst has an assortment of IPs he comes in to CC with. They have ranged from Slovakia, Norway, and St. Petersburg, but most recently Moscow.

    I have never heard of his brand of guitar, but that means little and is of no import.

    It would be funny if we were being taken for a ride...but expected, and not impossible.

    Smoke & mirrors.

    1. Thestarider


      Well lets see if he shows back up at D&D's over the weekend, I am learning the hard way here. That is very interesting about various IP's

    2. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      Most people now days come from different IPs. They run dynamic, they come in from a cell phone, they use proxies, etc. That's why banning on IPs is now so useless; they just come in from elsewhere. It's not all nefarious; just people who prefer not to be constantly tracked. I should do it myself, since I don't trust the NSA; but if I were in Russia, I would hide my tracks because the government is vicious, corrupt, and intolerant.


  25. Thank you for your report. I have locked him out for 5 days until he learns to translate our rules into his language. Any screw-ups after that, he'll be permabanned.

    1. legrandrobert


      Thank you when I saw new post added in the pics, thread, I expected to see a picture not those one-liner.

    2. Foamy T. Squirrel

      Foamy T. Squirrel

      The man annoys many members, myself included.

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