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Foxy, Kira - Part #1

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7 minutes ago, Houlii said:

You guys did the right thing getting the drug use off the air. I just hope a fair assessment will be made to determine if the apartment is to be taken off line for good.

Thank you and I agree!

Things like this are a huge liability for VH. All on cam and with the watermark to confirm ownership. VH has specifically asked us to report these incidents and it seems they were thankful that several of us did. If you care about VH, you should too instead of attacking people for ruining your fun! 

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6 minutes ago, Houlii said:

Aside from their idiot friends using. This apartment may not be for everyone but I found it to rock..

Same,think it's already one of the best places in VH,they should continue doing what they did first night(I think)just an couple of nice looking guests,this big party was an big mistake,specialy those two guests(red shirt girl and her friend in black)those two hopeful will never be seen again in the house.The rest..foxy,her two,three girlfriends,even sarg,and the blue hair girl..all are great and very entertaining to watch,happy pay to watch some beautiful girls doing naught things.

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3 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Thank you and I agree!

Things like this are a huge liability for VH. All on cam and with the watermark to confirm ownership. VH has specifically asked us to report these incidents and it seems they were thankful that several of us did. If you care about VH, you should too instead of attacking people for ruining your fun! 

Don't remember attacking you .. but if you thought that from me I'm sorry. Just want Foxy and Kira to get a fair shake,,

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From midweek binges to the dealer with a loyalty card, one asks when a habit becomes an addiction. Perhaps their hiding behind excuses; in denial, on the steady downward spiral of someone not ready to admit they’ve got a problem. Of course, I don’t think that’s the case, if it were, then almost every friend they have who are living in a major city has a severe problem. Just as alcohol plays an essential function today in social events, psychoactive drugs from plants, have also been incorporated into community celebrations, rites of passage, and religious ceremonies. It is impossible to discuss the issue of psychotropic drugs without speaking of the harms associated with them, most of which we all well know from news stories and popular fiction. Cigarettes Deaths 500.000 plus a year. Alcohol Deaths 80.000 a Year. Pills-Cocaine Total Deaths Attributed to Drug Overdose 63,632 Year - Marijuana A BIG 0...19.gif.edaeff1f3d533f9aa50ddd69806322f9.gif

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12 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Thank you and I agree!

Things like this are a huge liability for VH. All on cam and with the watermark to confirm ownership. VH has specifically asked us to report these incidents and it seems they were thankful that several of us did. If you care about VH, you should too instead of attacking people for ruining your fun! 

Right Amy, That's why I will always make a ticket when I notice violation of rules. It only helps VH. And just for the record I did not attack people for making a ticket as I made one myself :tongue:

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Obvious with or without white podder this house,the residents and some of the guests are being an success,that's leads(with or without reasons)to place to have more atention and critics than other places in site.Only opened at two days and almost could bet it's in the three,four most viewed.

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10 minutes ago, catalonia said:

Sorry, but you're the one who talked about real life

that remark was to others rather than you, I just used your comment to express my thought, sorry for that

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