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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (April 2018)

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5 minutes ago, bud2966 said:

Estoy pensando yo sólo puede tener que ver con Blair jas su aspecto como jas pueden querer hacer un poco gatito chocar con Blair :biggrin::heart:

Blair will change, I do not think she can leave the house, without first, having done something with Jas, not for nothing, but because I think Jas is working hard with Blair. But I'm still skeptical with Blair.
Personally I do not care either of the two girls, nor follow Jas, nor follow Blair, but I feel for the people who follow them in the forums, since they would like a little more deep play, between their two girls. And I think you deserve it to contemplate that show.

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4 minutes ago, vortios said:

Blair will change, I do not think she can leave the house, without first, having done something with Jas, not for nothing, but because I think Jas is working hard with Blair. But I'm still skeptical with Blair.
Personally I do not care either of the two girls, nor follow Jas, nor follow Blair, but I feel for the people who follow them in the forums, since they would like a little more deep play, between their two girls. And I think you deserve it to contemplate that show.

and I don't care if they don't do nothing is just that I think them two are hot  and its just like monica its all about the way they act and go about the show that I like 

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Just now, Fagen said:

Wonder if we will ever see a girl fight in the house with hair pulling and everything

I hope not I just don't get into girls fighting never have  I just hope the girls will work it all out 

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il y a 20 minutes, vortios a dit :

C'était hier, la séquence que je dis, peut-être, je ne l'ai pas exprimée correctement.

C'était une scène de voyeur authentique.

Et personnellement je m'en fous, que ce soit prémédité ou non, pour moi, c'était esthétiquement parfait.

D'abord parce que je suis d'accord que j'ai vu les caméras 9 et 3 en même temps, une coïncidence dans la vie, mais je n'ai jamais pensé que je verrais en RLC. Simplement, parce que j'ai été surpris par l'attitude de Naomi (plus typique d'un voyeur) mais tout aussi excitante,

et ensuite parce que, comme je l'ai dit, cela n'arrive généralement pas devant les caméras. Les portes sont fermées, les filles respectent généralement la vie privée du partenaire.

et enfin, entrez surprenant Sofie, et continuez le jeu, allez, vous pouvez avoir de la haine pour ces filles, comme cela arrive avec n'importe qui dans le forum, mais si elles faisaient n'importe quelle autre fille, elles seraient sûrement dans le classement des scènes les plus excitantes de RLC.

sorry I thought today, for yesterday I agree to elsewhere I put the replay with the cam7 because yesterday I saw it live but with the cam 9, even if I criticized Sofie I I'm still a fan but differently I'm less waiting for her. and you are right also on this moment of pure voyeurism. And again sorry for misunderstanding your post

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