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Voyeur-House.TV - Part 2

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8 hours ago, Coffee94 said:

I also had this idea. I bring you some numbers.
CamCaps Views from May 10th to 14th (4 full days) on 9 apartments ::
Claire             8.966
Grace            7.975
Polly           10.656
Lola            14.632
Candy          4.864        Hourly Average 51 views
Bree             7.468
Anastasia   6.076
Ary             24.286         Hourly average 253 views
Em             12.353

I draw two conclusions:
       - these figures are logical (in proportion) in view of what happened in
         these 9 apartments at this time.
      - there is no reason why the proportions are not the same on VH

Fuck..Glad Ary&george have so much views.Candy&dean very low as expected,surprised Em have so much lol.

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19 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Cette analyse ci-dessus est incorrecte. Fonder le nombre de vues de messages CC est vraiment là-bas. 

Ce que je dit autre jour est correct au moins autant que mes calculs basés sur des valeurs connues réelles. C'est le taux sous max et la connaissance que VH prend 50%. Je ne prétendent connaître le nombre d'abonnés ou de la manière exacte dont les vues sont comptés. Ma meilleure estimation est que les vues sont comptés par la seconde par vue de compte, sur le nombre divisé de cames de rémunération vues. Un taux de sous est simplement divisé par le nombre de secondes dans ce plan d'abonnement membres et ce nombre moins 50% est la valeur d'une vue subsribers par seconde. Chaque fois que / vues ne sont pas utilisés par ce membre est retenu par VH, il ne se divise pas dans l'ensemble des locataires en tant que paiement. VH ne paie que 50% des vues réellement utilisées. 

Une autre chose que je voudrais souligner est ce, dans l'exemple en utilisant les 1000 téléspectateurs où le locataire ne gagnait que 54 $ et VH a obtenu 1244, il est important de garder à l'esprit que c'est seulement 1 apt. VH doit accueillir tous les 25+ apparts. , Donc il pourrait être le cas qu'au lieu de VH empochant ce supplément 594 d'argent de spectateur unsed, ils peuvent avoir à payer presque tout à travers 25+ apparts. Cependant, dans mon exemple, VH sera absolument obtenir leur 650 de ces 1000 spectateurs.

De plus, alors que 54 $ peut sembler très peu, c'est seulement de 1000 spectateurs. Il pourrait être qu'il ya plus à 5000 téléspectateurs regardent que deux heures orgie et donc, le montant dû aux locataires seraient 270. Ce sont des chiffres approximatifs, mais vous voyez l'idée de ce qu'il faut pour faire beaucoup d'argent. Et les locataires ont une bonne idée de ce qu'ils doivent faire pour autant ou aussi peu que ils ont besoin. VH gagne toujours le maximum de 50%, peu importe quoi. Ironie du sort, ils bénéficient effectivement lorsque les abonnés ne regardent pas, mais ils ont réalisé avec la débâcle sans came, vues sont la clé pour gagner plus de sous-marins. Publicité fonctionne et il doit faire partie du plan. J'ai essayé de les mettre en garde et maintenant ils voient. 

En outre, le montant versé est réparti entre les locataires dans l'appartement. 50% va à l'appartement, pas chaque locataire. Ainsi, par exemple, de l'argent qui coule dans NAS, est divisé 3 façons, moins la coupe de George. 

La dernière chose, tout ce que je l'ai dit est des connaissances acquises sur le chemin la plupart du temps de James lui-même des choses qu'il a déclaré dans les forums le long du chemin. Je posais des questions et en ajoutant les choses. Je ne sais pas tout. Ceci est juste une supposition basée sur ces informations. Une partie de cette information est connue, il est donc pas juste de se brosser simplement hors comme pour dire que nous ne savons rien donc il est inutile de même essayer. Avec ce qui est connu, mes commentaires sont solides. Il est tout à fait possible qu'il y ait beaucoup d'autres facteurs impliqués. Je vais juste commenter des choses qui sont connues et la façon dont la structure de rémunération tombe sur cette base. 

Bonne journée tout le monde! ❤️

Hello Amy, (in France it's evening, I'm less west than you)
I see that you always bug, try "reset" or remove the battery.
When a subscriber is on vacation, hospitalized, out of computer, ... 100% go to VH; Is that what you say?

Without written confirmation of this James (if he is part of the management of VH) I do not believe a word!
I also do not think tenants know how much they have earned hour by hour. The connection time to their apartment, yes.

What I want to believe is that there are many VH subscribers, contrary to what Groomy says. As a result, even the low-income apartments have enough to pay rent, food, ..... And the apartments that work well earns a lot of money.
Happy for them.

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12 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Ok! Everyone is welcome to have their own opinion, but not their facts. I’ve been here since the birth of VH and I know my information is correct. It’s unquestionably true that the tenants know their earnings on an hourly basis. It’s unquestionably true that VH takes 50% up front. It’s also unquestionably true that the max subscription rate is $39.95/month, therefore, the max viewer pay rate must be $0.00001541280864 per second, based on the average number of seconds in a month. Simply divide $39.95 by 2,592,000, which is the average numbers of seconds in a month. This number is actually halved because VH takes 50% of a subs worth off the top. That is the worth of a max paid subscription. Again, there is no question about that. 

This will be my last post with you on the subject.
Your major mistake is that the number of seconds to take is not the number of seconds in a month but the total number of seconds of connections of all subscribers!
You will understand this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2 hours ago, Coffee94 said:

A simple calculation: number of views (4.864) / number of hours of the 4 days measured (96) so an average of 51 views every hour (just under 1 per minute).

As said in my post, these are CAMCAPS views not VH.

I wouldn't go that much in depth calculating viewers per hour based on CC data (variables get skewed going that far in using CC data).  But I think, based on no other information available, CC's numbers (on the surface) give a general idea which apartments are most visited/popular. 

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

This analysis above is incorrect. Basing the number of views off CC posts is really out there. 

What I said that other day is correct at least insofar as to my calculations based on actual known values. That is the max sub rate and the knowledge that VH takes 50%. I dont claim to know the number of subscribers or the exact manner in which views are tallied. My best guess is that views are tallied by the second per account view, split across the number of pay cams viewed. One’s sub rate is simply divided by the number of seconds in that members subscription plan and that number minus 50% is the value of a subsribers view per second. Any time/views not used by that member is retained by VH, it is not divided up across all of the tenants as a payout. VH only pays 50% of the views actually used. 

Another thing I would like to point out is this, in the example using the 1000 viewers where the tenant only earned $54 and VH earned 1244, it's important to keep in mind that this is only 1 apt. VH has to accommodate all 25+ apts. So, it could be the case that instead of VH pocketing that extra 594 of unsed viewer money, they may have to pay out almost all of it across 25+ apts. However, in my example, VH will absolutely get their 650 from these 1000 viewers.

Also, while $54 may seem like very little, that is only from 1000 viewers. It could be that there are more like 5000 viewers watching that 2 hour orgy and thus, the amount due the tenants would be 270. These are rough numbers, but you get the idea what it takes to make a lot of money. And the tenants have a good idea of what they need to do to make as much or as little as they need. VH always earns the max 50% no matter what. Ironically, they actually benefit when subscribers don’t watch, but as they realized with the free cam debacle, views are the key to gaining more subs. Advertising works and it must be part of the plan. I tried to warn them and now they see. 

Also, the amount paid out is divided among the tenants in the apt. That 50% goes to the apt, not each tenant. So, for example, any money flowing into NAS, is split 3 ways, minus George’s cut. 

Last thing, everything I’ve said is from knowledge acquired along the way mostly from James himself from things that he has stated in the forums along the way. I asked questions and adding things up. I don’t know everything. This is just an educated guess based on this information. Some of this information is known, so it’s not fair to simply brush it off as if to say we don’t know anything therefore it’s pointless to even try. With what is known, my comments are solid. It’s entirely possible that there are many other factors involved. I’m just commenting about things that are known and how the pay structure falls out based on that. 

Good day everyone! ❤️

Based on the info you have and the 'guess-timate' of the pay structure, I'm even more convinced residents of these apartments are mostly outcasts (yes, there are exceptions). If they are willing to take so little for "putting out" so much (and have no shame doing so based on society's values), maybe I should be more sympathetic to their issues and not judge.

I miss those 'innocent' days of JenniCam. 🙂 

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29 minutes ago, Howard said:

Based on the info you have and the 'guess-timate' of the pay structure, I'm even more convinced residents of these apartments are mostly outcasts (yes, there are exceptions). If they are willing to take so little for "putting out" so much (and have no shame doing so based on society's values), maybe I should be more sympathetic to their issues and not judge.

I miss those 'innocent' days of JenniCam. 🙂 

By outcasts you meant poor persons,without capacity to rent or have an house etc?If so it's kinda hard to believe,most of them(only exception i see it's m&g)they have better smartphones,computers,even clothes than me.I would say that maybe every residents receives an above average salary(based in salaries of the country they are)then an bonus based on monthly views,activity etc.

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6 hours ago, Coffee94 said:

A simple calculation: number of views (4.864) / number of hours of the 4 days measured (96) so an average of 51 views every hour (just under 1 per minute).

As said in my post, these are CAMCAPS views not VH.

Je crois parler le même language que le tiens non? 

Donc quand je te dit que le nombre de vue des sujets sur CC n'a complètement rien à voir avec les vue de VH pour le système de bonus pour les participants, merci de me croire ^^ 

En même temps, nous sommes un forum indépendant donc je vois pas comment tu peux faire cette relation entre vue sujet CC et participant VH 

Cela démontre simplement que les membres de CC s'intéressent aux différents sujet lié à VH, rien de plus 

Le seul moyen pour que VH connaisse le nombre de vue réel, c'est par rapport à leur système avec leurs caméras 🙂

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6 minutes ago, moos54 said:

Je crois parler le même language que le tiens non? 

Donc quand je te dit que le nombre de vue des sujets sur CC n'a complètement rien à voir avec les vue de VH pour le système de bonus pour les participants, merci de me croire ^^ 

En même temps, nous sommes un forum indépendant donc je vois pas comment tu peux faire cette relation entre vue sujet CC et participant VH 

Cela démontre simplement que les membres de CC s'intéressent aux différents sujet lié à VH, rien de plus 

Le seul moyen pour que VH connaisse le nombre de vue réel, c'est par rapport à leur système avec leurs caméras 🙂

Bonsoir Moos,

Quelle mouche t'a piqué! Je ne comprends pas l'objet de ton post.

Pour la langue: oui

Les vues CC ne sont pas les vus VH: oui

Forum indépendant: oui

Le système de bonus participants: je ne sais pas de quoi tu parles

Les membres CC s'intéressent aux sujets VH: certainement, d'ailleurs je prends ma part.

Nous sommes donc complètement en phase!!

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4 hours ago, ze81 said:

By outcasts you meant poor persons,without capacity to rent or have an house etc?If so it's kinda hard to believe,most of them(only exception i see it's m&g)they have better smartphones,computers,even clothes than me.I would say that maybe every residents receives an above average salary(based in salaries of the country they are)then an bonus based on monthly views,activity etc.

Outcasts...as in they don't fit in with main stream society.  Maybe they had a rough childhood, psychological problems due to poor upbringing, come from a broken home, hang with the wrong crowd, etc.

If they're poor, *I* think much has to do with lack of motivation to work (learn a trade). But their problem isn't lack of wealth. IMO, it's lack of structure (whether due to upbringing, schooling, etc).

As for computers and cell phones, EVERY teenager and 20-something finds a way to buy one. In the 90s, every kid I knew no matter their financial status had a Sony Walkman.  This generation, it's the cell phone (and fancy, over-priced sneakers).

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4 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Howard! Yes, exactly! They must know what they are getting themselves into and they should know what they can expect to get in exchange for what they are giving up. Informed consent is honorable and decent! Pride is what gets them. The idea that they have "it" and they can sustain the flow. Hey, if you can keep an audience of 5000 people for a few hours a day, you could be making about 250-300/day x 30 is $7500-9000/month. But is that realistic and sustainable, not really! 😃

Not only are those numbers un-sustainable, but they are not realistic.  On a very good month, maybe $3,000 (divided by number of residents). Which may be OK considering their major expenses are food and cell phone bill (no rent). But only a very few get to that level.

On a side note, recall when Miri & Henry first came on-line? VH viewers couldn't get enough of them.  Now, I bet their viewership is down 30% (if not more).  The novelty of what they brought has leveled off.

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6 hours ago, ze81 said:

By outcasts you meant poor persons,without capacity to rent or have an house etc?If so it's kinda hard to believe,most of them(only exception i see it's m&g)they have better smartphones,computers,even clothes than me.I would say that maybe every residents receives an above average salary(based in salaries of the country they are)then an bonus based on monthly views,activity etc.

I think your views on this saga are probably nearer to the truth Ze than anyone else unless of course you are Amy and she is always right lol.

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7 minutes ago, Robwin said:

I think your views on this saga are probably nearer to the truth Ze than anyone else unless of course you are Amy and she is always right lol.

Thanks.  Unlike many, I watch VH and RLC to observe behavior.  The banging is secondary.  I'm fascinated how today's generation behaves vs to when I was in my late teens/early 20s (which was 20+ yrs ago). Of course, social media has a role in what we see here.  How many girls/guys read text messages or do other activities on their phones while banging?!  Intercourse has become an activity (like ping-pong or drinking). For some, it takes second place as when their phone rings or they get a chime of an incoming text, he/she (mostly gals) reach for the phone. For the majority, affection or love has nothing to do with getting pounded by a cock.  Most of these kids don't know how much more satisfying sex is with love and affection (and foreplay).  Which, in part, explains why they're OK banging in front of a camera.  Kinda like porn stars who view sex as a job (very few have lasting, meaningful relationships).


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