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Viki & Kate (2020) Part #1

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1 hour ago, Sparkles said:

May have worked for that moment but after "noticed" it was all a scheme my guess is that they may be losing from it. The same that also may have happened quite recently with other realms

I love this girls(well mainly viki)but have to agree with you,faking the sex with Tobias gived them views but also took out credibility(if that is a thing in this cam sites lol),gess only way they can clean their image is actualy having sex and leaving no doubts was real and not some bad joke.

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6 hours ago, viki_model said:


Who are you..in any case i understand why people say there was no sex between the girls and Tobias, we didn't catch any explicit view moment during all the time it lasted.As we said..only way to end any doubths is to do it at good sight,exactly like the guest couple did next to them in bed,with them zero doubts..they fucked.

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2 hours ago, Sparkles said:

Nothing to do with skeptical 😉 Guess no one was expecting (not even their biggest cc fan ze81) that they would create an account on purpose to assume what they did.  The people that watched know what they "didn't" saw 

Go ask to Pamela what she will say about it  😁

Heh,as you said my friend i am probably one of their biggest fan and even myself can't say if there was penetration or not,watched it from start to finish,tried to catch any moment,angle,second were Tobias's dick was clearly inside the girls and sadly didn't managed to find it.One thing for sure not counting with the web cam shows(that are mostly show to catch tokens and isn't intended to be real,but a job and way of life in some aspects)this girls usualy deliver.

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7 hours ago, viki_model said:


Dear Viki,

Ze above has a point. It would be quite easy to kill the 'scepticism' by demonstrating penetrative sex with someone acceptable to you (Tobias?). You would then be one step ahead of Lexa and Waverley? I do hope you are not offended by this.

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