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Discussion:2019 Novel Corona Virus (Covid19) and It's Political Ramifications #3

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1 hour ago, Robwin said:

Thanks guys for your views, I could say I wish I had never fucking asked now 🤣 as I am probably more confused lol but yes, I get the main drift. Just to summarise if you do get free care for any reason sooner or later it does have to be repaid for either in death benefits or ones estate. Phew, think I will have a couple of pints now 😁👍

But "free" care is not free because you pay for it in higher taxes. So you can pay for healthcare through tax payments or take the money you do not pay in taxes and use that to buy health insurance. Either way, you are paying for healthcare.

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47 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

If you own a home and choose not to buy home insurance should everyone else be responsible for rebuilding your home when it burns down?

Of course not, but I do not know of anywhere that this is the case---If you own your home free and clear choosing not to buy homeowners insurance is your prerogative,  but it is not if you have a mortgage--you are normally required to have insurance on the structures to cover the lienholder, but normally a person buys homeowner's insurance that covers also liability and contents and other losses.

BTW--what does this have to do with the current conversation about medical insurance???

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:


se, wenn Sie die Möglichkeit haben, Sie zu bezahlen, oder Ihre Versicherung die Rechnung bezahlen muss. Die kostenlose Behandlung gilt nur für diejenigen, die nicht versichert sind und nicht zahlen können.


Ridg hat hier mehrfach erklärt das er ein armer Hund ist und mittellos ist - und medizinisch durch MEDCARE oder MEDICAID versorgt wird. Institutionen die von DEMOKRATEN eingesetzt wurden. Ridg hasst Demokraten und "leckt den Schwanz von Republikaner Trump" (Analogie zu "Hitler Schwanz lecken" von General TGB 150 !!). Ridg ist also eine Zecke und ein unehrlicher Hetzer, der Demokraten hasst aber von Gesetzen der Demokraten nur überleben kann.

Fakt ist: beim Corona-Problem hat das US-Gesundheits-System jämmerlich versagt und Ridge wäre ohne Demokraten.Gesetze schon lange verelendet und tot.

Einige haben die von mir geposteten Fakten zu MEDICARE und MEDICAID wohl noch nicht gelesen und fabulieren hier ohne Information. Hier noch einmal die Fakten.

Von google auf englisch übersetzt, soweit Amerikaner englisch können. Bernard Shaw sagte schon: "Nichts trennt Engländer und Amerikaner mehr als ihre gemeinsame Muttersprache". 😁







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48 minutes ago, happyone said:

Of course not, but I do not know of anywhere that this is the case---If you own your home free and clear choosing not to buy homeowners insurance is your prerogative,  but it is not if you have a mortgage--you are normally required to have insurance on the structures to cover the lienholder, but normally a person buys homeowner's insurance that covers also liability and contents and other losses.

BTW--what does this have to do with the current conversation about medical insurance???

In both cases if one has the ability to buy insurance and chooses not to do it then that person  bears the consequences of that decision. 

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


Ridg has stated here several times that he is a poor dog and is destitute - and is medically cared for by MEDCARE or MEDICAID. Institutions set up by DEMOCRATS. Ridg hates Democrats and "licks the tail of Republican Trump" (analogy to "Hitler licking tail" of General TGB 150 !!). So Ridg is a tick and a dishonest agitator who hates Democrats but can only survive Democratic laws.

The fact is, the US health system has failed miserably with the Corona problem and Ridge would be without Democrats. Laws have long been impoverished and dead.

Some of you have probably not yet read the facts about MEDICARE and MEDICAID I have posted, and I am fabulous here without information. Here are the facts again.

Translated from Google to English as far as Americans can speak English. Bernard Shaw said: "Nothing separates English and Americans more than their common mother tongue". 😁







When did I ever say I "was a poor dog"?  Every elderly person in America is eligible for Medicare regardless of how rich or poor they are. Medicare premiums are paid out of Social Security retirement benefits.  And I have  long-term  care insurance through a private insurance company to whom I pay monthly premiums out of my own pocket.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Wenn Sie ein Haus besitzen und keine Hausversicherung abschließen möchten, sollten dann alle anderen für den Wiederaufbau Ihres Hauses verantwortlich sein, wenn es niederbrennt?

Ein dummer Vergleich von einem armen Kranken ....

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6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Sie hören nie auf, mich mit Ihrer Dummheit zu überraschen.


Als alter seniler Vietnam-Veteran mit staatlich verordneter Drogeneinnahme mit Spätfolgen sollten Sie sich einfach zurücklehnen und die letzten Tage Ihres Lebens geniessen und nicht hier täglich pöbeln und andere Menschen beleidigen. Ami go home - und schlafe sanft.

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4 hours ago, Robwin said:

Thanks guys for your views, I could say I wish I had never fucking asked now 🤣 as I am probably more confused lol but yes, I get the main drift. Just to summarise if you do get free care for any reason sooner or later it does have to be repaid for either in death benefits or ones estate. Phew, think I will have a couple of pints now 😁👍

Hi Rob,I'm travelling to the USA this year,will you give me some advice on the best insurance to get.😀😀👍

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Just now, Dave 27 said:

Hi Rob,I'm travelling to the USA this year,will you give me some advice on the best insurance to get.😀😀👍

Think you would be better advised worrying about yourself rather than me :biggrin: Still nice to know someone cares..............I think :biggrin: Would like to know what it costs though pal 👍

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31 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


As an old senile Vietnam veteran with state-prescribed drug use with late effects, you should simply sit back and enjoy the last days of your life and not mob here and insult other people every day. Ami go home - and sleep gently.

You need to take your own advice.

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