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Discussion:2019 Novel Corona Virus (Covid19) and It's Political Ramifications #3

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On 4/23/2020 at 12:17 PM, Ridgerunner said:

If they don't have the ability to accurately predict, why do they try?   Government policy was based upon those unrealistic predictions.

Because that's what they have to use against something like this in
their arsenal of tools. Would you prefer they sit on their thumbs and
rotate or fiddle away while the nation burns, like modern-day Neros?
Or, if they invented data to make the results look more accurate, then
you really would have unrealistic models and you'd scream about that,

And, you keep saying these models are unrealistic. Why can't you see
they are anything except unrealistic or unreliable. They are accurate
representations of a moment in time. Each time they run the model,
they feed it newer, better, more accurate data and, logically, the results
become more and more accurate.

Imagine a new pencil two inches in diameter. If you had a sharpener
big enough, you could start twisting that pencil in it and slowly start
to make that pencil more and more pointed until finally you have a
finely sharpened point on the end.

Models are the same. They start out blunt because of lack of data,
especially with a virus that changes continuously and rapidly. But, as
time goes on you get more data, better data, more accurate data and
the results start to be more accurate, i.e. they start to look like that
sharpened pencil.

I think you pretend not to understand just so you have something to
rail against, something to argue about. You want it to be your way so
badly and find someone to lay the blame on so much, that you're
completely blinded to the fact that it can't be your way.

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29 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

Imagine a new pencil two inches in diameter. If you had a sharpener
big enough, you could start twisting that pencil in it and slowly start
to make that pencil more and more pointed until finally you have a
finely sharpened point on the end.

Models are the same. They start out blunt because of lack of data,
especially with a virus that changes continuously and rapidly. But, as
time goes on you get more data, better data, more accurate data and
the results start to be more accurate, i.e. they start to look like that
sharpened pencil.

I hate that, cause the damn thing always breaks off when you try and use it 😏

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56 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

Because that's what they have to use against something like this in
their arsenal of tools. Would you prefer they sit on their thumbs and
rotate or fiddle away while the nation burns, like modern-day Neros?
Or, if they invented data to make the results look more accurate, then
you really would have unrealistic models and you'd scream about that,

And, you keep saying these models are unrealistic. Why can't you see
they are anything except unrealistic or unreliable. They are accurate
representations of a moment in time. Each time they run the model,
they feed it newer, better, more accurate data and, logically, the results
become more and more accurate.

Imagine a new pencil two inches in diameter. If you had a sharpener
big enough, you could start twisting that pencil in it and slowly start
to make that pencil more and more pointed until finally you have a
finely sharpened point on the end.

Models are the same. They start out blunt because of lack of data,
especially with a virus that changes continuously and rapidly. But, as
time goes on you get more data, better data, more accurate data and
the results start to be more accurate, i.e. they start to look like that
sharpened pencil.

I think you pretend not to understand just so you have something to
rail against, something to argue about. You want it to be your way so
badly and find someone to lay the blame on so much, that you're
completely blinded to the fact that it can't be your way.

When a model predicts 240,000 deaths and medical and economic policy decisions are made based upon that number, but the real number turns out to be less than 60,000; in practical terms that model was not only worthless it may have led to detrimental consequences.  All you are doing is making excuses for a failed model.  Bottom line: their original prediction was way wrong.

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1 hour ago, Kkru394 said:

You clearly didn’t actually listen to Trump’s press conference, Trump did not suggest you inject Lysol into your body. Not once did he suggest that. He asked the research team if there was something we could inject that would cleanse the body of the virus similar to cleaning products. If you read this parallel comparison and understood it as inject Lysol, this is a problem. Some facts to consider while calling this president a moron: Many of you inject Botox to fix your faces. Botox is a poison. Many people are saved from chemotherapy, which is a poison. This poison cleanses the body of cancer cells and makes you very sick. A similar drug cleanser is not a dumb idea, but an idea that clearly has been used before for both saving lives and avoiding wrinkles, yet you compare his idea to injecting Lysol. Heat and light also have a history of saving lives. Heat kills the flu as we see every spring. Light is used in radiation therapy, again to kill cancer. Light therapy is also used to help with depression.These suggestions for research is what you should be looking at as hope, but instead you look to mock and dismiss as dumb, and that is seriously a tragedy.

Don't confuse these people with facts. You'll destroy their Trump hating narrative.  From what I've heard after the fact, it appears the news media again attempted to make a big to do about nothing. 

1 hour ago, Alladino said:


Let's be serious, I've seen the press convergence.  Meanwhile Trump tried to talk his way out of this bullshit by saying it was ment sarcastic. Sarcastic in a Covid-19 press converence ...

Now you can decide. Either Trump, in a Covid-19 press convergence, misrepresented a thought so badly that it could only be misunderstood, or he tried to be sarcastic. I think he picked up a few fragments of ideas before the press convergence, didn't understand them and then tried to play the big hero anyway. You know, there is an election at the end of the year.

In the end, once again, Trump just caused confusion. The more he interferes in this crisis, the more damage he causes. What a loser. 


Again, a big to do about nothing.   I'm more concerned about Gov. Andrew Cuomo's NY health dept. on March 24 issuing an order to New York nursing homes requiring them to readmit covid-19 positive residents to the homes, and that nursing homes could not refuse to accept new residents who were covid-19 positive. Now the idiot governor wants an investigation of why there were so many covid-19 deaths in New York nursing homes.


Sorry, Trump und Corona - die unendliche Geschichte von Dummheit.

Was hat Trump gesagt, war hat Trump gesagt. Wurden US-Medien davon beeinflusst? 

Fakt ist, das US-Medien den Dauer-Schwätzer von Trump, der auf Twitter und die gesamte Stunde nur Unsinnzahl, nicht mehr als

ernste Person sehen - statt nur als "Politik-Clown".

Allein, wer eine Frage war, ob trinken von Desinfektionsbedingten, dass seine Rechte, Rechte sich als Dummkopf, den kein Mensch

mehr ernst nehmen kann. Die USA sind ein großes Land und haben Anspruch auf einen intelligenten Status des Landes von Sehenswürdigkeitenern

Achtung in der Welt gibt. Trump mit "Amerika first" ist da eine NULL, er polarisiert, Trump spricht jede Stunde dumme Sachen. Trump ist

eine Gefahr für die USA. Seine Corona-Statements sind alle Unfug von einem Dummkopf. 

Die USA haben einen "Führer", einen Präsidenten mit Format gezwungen. Neuwahl kommt. Biden ist auch keine andere Alternative - doch gegen einen

Schwachkopf eine Offenbarung. Arme USA.  😁

Die Corona-Krise kann der USA helfen, über Politik zur Gesundheit und Umweltschutz endgültig nach zu denken. Kapitalismus ist nicht ALLES.


Es ist an der Zeit, das die USA sich wieder solidarisch in die Weltpoltik einordnet - bei Gesundheit, Umweltschutz, Weltsicherheit und mehr -

und nicht immer nur seine eigene kapitalistische Suppe kocht. Widerlich !!



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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

When a model predicts 240,000 deaths and medical and economic policy decisions are made upon that number, but the real number turns out to be less than 60,000; in practical terms that model was not only worthless it may have had detrimental consequences.  All you are doing is making excuses for a failed model.  Bottom line: their original prediction was way wrong.


Stop posting the same bullshit claim over and over again. In the press conference the experts mentioned numbers in the area of 100,000 or 200,000. 

They have also made it clear that they want to reduce this number significantly with the anti covid-19 measures. 



Currently, more than 50000 people in the USA have already died of Covid-19. If they actually manage to keep this number below 100000, that is a success of the measures. 

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2 minutes ago, Alladino said:


Stop posting the same bullshit claim over and over again. In the press conference the experts mentioned numbers in the area of 100,000 or 200,000. 

They have also made it clear that they want to reduce this number significantly with the anti covid-19 measures. 



Currently, more than 50000 people in the USA have already died of Covid-19. If they actually manage to keep this number below 100000, that is a success of the measures. 

53.265 to be exact

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Zahlen, Zahlen, Zahlen. Deutschland hat ein sehr gutes Gesundheits-System. Deutschland hat ca. 82 Millionen Einwohner.

Ohne Corona sterben hier jeden Tag ca. 3.000 Menschen, natürlich, an Unfall im Haushalt, auf der Straße, an Grippe-Influenza,

an multiresistenten Krankenhauskeimen (30.000 p.A.)

Nun sterben hier statistisch täglich 200 Menschen "MIT Corona". Gerichtsmediziner, die Menschen obduzieren berichten,

das 100% NICHT als Ursache an Corona gestorben sind sondern viele schwere "Vorerkrankungen" hatten.

Es bleiben vielleicht 10% die tatsächlich an Corona gestorben sind - das ist statistisch völlig unbedeutend. Die Toten wegen

Influenza-Grippe sind mehr als 10 mal höher. Corona ist in Deutschland im Moment Massen-Hysterie.

Jetzt gibt es Lockerungen der Einschränkungen: Schulen werden wieder offen, Betriebe geöffnet, Märkte mit Mundschutz.

Wir werden sehen, wie das Ergebnis sein wird.

Ich habe 40 Jahre lang ohne Impfung gegen Influenza gelebt - ich hatte sicher mehrfach Grippe - und ich lebe immer noch.

Ich bin nicht sicher, ob das ganze Thema Corona nicht total überbewertet wird und weltweit wirtschaftlichen Schaden anrichtet.

Die Umwelt bedankt sich. Still stehende Industrie-Anlagen vermeiden Co2 und helfen der Natur.

Der USA als Umweltsünder Nummer 1 in der Welt kann das zum denken anregen und besonders helfen. Danke Corona ???


2 hours ago, Kkru394 said:

You clearly didn’t actually listen to Trump’s press conference, Trump did not suggest you inject Lysol into your body. Not once did he suggest that. He asked the research team if there was something we could inject that would cleanse the body of the virus similar to cleaning products. If you read this parallel comparison and understood it as inject Lysol, this is a problem. Some facts to consider while calling this president a moron: Many of you inject Botox to fix your faces. Botox is a poison. Many people are saved from chemotherapy, which is a poison. This poison cleanses the body of cancer cells and makes you very sick. A similar drug cleanser is not a dumb idea, but an idea that clearly has been used before for both saving lives and avoiding wrinkles, yet you compare his idea to injecting Lysol. Heat and light also have a history of saving lives. Heat kills the flu as we see every spring. Light is used in radiation therapy, again to kill cancer. Light therapy is also used to help with depression.These suggestions for research is what you should be looking at as hope, but instead you look to mock and dismiss as dumb, and that is seriously a tragedy.

Well he decided it was a shite idea in the end anyway, cos he said he was just being sarcastic...:dodgy:

1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

Sorry, Trump and Corona - the never ending story of stupidity.

What Trump said was Trump said. Has it affected the US media? 

The fact is that the US media no longer than Trump's constant gossip, who on Twitter and the entire hour is just nonsense

see serious person - rather than just a "political clown".

Alone, who was a question of whether drinking disinfectant that his rights, rights as a fool that no one

can take more seriously. The United States is a large country and is entitled to the country's intelligent status as a tourist attraction

Respect in the world there. Trump with "America first" is a ZERO, he polarizes, Trump speaks stupid things every hour. Trump is

a danger to the United States. His corona statements are all nonsense from a fool. 

The United States has forced a "leader," a formidable president. New election is coming. Biden is also no other alternative - but against one

Idiot a revelation. Poor USA.  😁

The corona crisis can help the United States to finally think about health and environmental policies. Capitalism is not EVERYTHING.


It is time for the United States to rejoin solidarity in global politics - in terms of health, environmental protection, world security and more -

and not always just cooking his own capitalist soup. Disgusting !!



Yeah, global solidarity means the U.S. pays for everything. You socialists need us capitalists to pay all your bills.:tongue:

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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

53.265 to be exact

No, the 240,000 figure was based upon a model that included the policies put forward by Dr.Fauci and Dr. Birx.   If we did nothing to mitigate the virus spread, the first model from the UK said 2.2 million would die in the U.S.

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