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Die Empfehlungen von Trump mit Desinfektionsmittel zu arbeiten sind lebensgefährlich.

Wann wird dieser Typ endlich aus den Verkehr gezogen ?? Zum Wohle der USA und der Welt.




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trump ceased to be funny long ago. he needs to be sent away to trumptown where he & his brainwashed followers can drink all of the koolaid that they want. and all of the republicans that allowed him to continue to destroy the country can go with him. but the mystery will still not be solved. why did anyone listen to him in the 1st place?





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35 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

Trump hat vor langer Zeit aufgehört, lustig zu sein. Er muss nach Trumptown geschickt werden, wo er und seine gehirngewaschenen Anhänger den ganzen Koolaid trinken können, den sie wollen. und alle Republikaner, die ihm erlaubt haben, das Land weiter zu zerstören, können mit ihm gehen. aber das Rätsel wird immer noch nicht gelöst. Warum hat ihm überhaupt jemand zugehört?


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Amerika wurde vor 200 Jahren von Abenteuer-Menschen überfallen, die in Europa Versager waren. Trump sein Großvater war einer davon.

Zur "Landgewinnung" wurden Indianer und Büffel ausgerottet. Es gibt danach viele intelligente  und gute Amerikaner, die der Welt geholfen haben.

DANKE dafür !! Trump gehört nicht dazu. Sein Großvater wurde aus Rheinland-Pfalz - damals Bayern, ausgewiesen und hat im 2. Anlauf durch

Betrug viel Geld  gemacht. Klein Donald ist mit goldenem Löffel im Maul groß geworden, hat als Playboy keine Ahnung von allem und hat nur

Kapital seiner Vorfahren vernichtet. Und es gibt tatsächlich Amerikaner die so einen Versager zu ihren "Präsidenten" machen ?? Die Welt lacht

und ist höflich. Der "us-Präsident" soll doch respektiert werden !?? Schade - wer kann Respekt vor einen Dummkopf haben, der jeden Tag

neuen Müll verbreitet ??? 

"Präsident Kennedy hatte den Tod NICHT verdient". Ob die Waffenindustrie den Auftrag für seine Ermordung gaben ist bis heute unklar.

Ich hasse die USA nicht, auch wenn ein Schwachkopf hier im Forum mich bereits als "Sauger an Hitlers Schwanz" diffamiert hat. Es gibt ohne

Frage intelligente und sozial denkende große US-Amerikaner - und es gibt IDIOTEN, sorry. US-Amerikaner haben bald die Wahl, ob sie in der Welt

endlich wieder anerkannt werden wollen oder ob sie Quelle von internationalen Spott bleiben wollen. Let's go US-Babies !!!



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I'm so sick of hearing about this virus.....SICK!

I’ve seen a lot of things today that “Trump suggests we inject or drink disinfectant to kill the virus”, so naturally, with my being skeptical of any media, I decided to look up the video from the press conference and hear the words from his mouth. I did a google search. I found 7 or 8 articles on the first page of google from sources like CNN, MSN, Washington Post, and The Hill. Each article title says things like “President Trump suggests injecting Lysol to kill the virus”, “The President says to inject disinfect to potential kill the virus”. I pulled up the video and listened.

Here is what the president said during the press conference: President Trump was talking about his amazement at how disinfectants like Lysol kill the virus almost instantly. He turned to a scientist and asked if there was a way to do something like that with an injection to kill the virus instantly. He said it would take a large team of medical doctors, and it would take time.

Here’s what he did NOT say: He did not tell people to go get disinfectant and inject it. He did not tell people to drink disinfectant. He did not say that it was safe to either inject or drink Lysol.

If you don’t believe that the media controls what we read and see, then you are living under a rock. I’ve never seen somebody’s words taken so blatantly out of context, and while I may not agree with everything the man says or does, he does deserve my respect because he is the president of the United States.

I’m not asking for an argument or a debate here. I only want to point out that what President Trump said is not what is being reported."

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33 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

He said it would take a large team of medical doctors, and it would take time.

Don't know what large team of Medical Doctors as any Doctor in the field would not even think of doing anything as such and it wouldn't take any time at all. Just one word NO!  

Trump should be writ for even bringing up such a suggestion.  So much for his Genius mind.  🤣  


I wouldn't worry much though.  It's only 6 Months and the Voters will decide if he stays or goes.

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34 minutes ago, Thestarider said:


I'm so sick of hearing about this virus.....SICK!

I’ve seen a lot of things today that “Trump suggests we inject or drink disinfectant to kill the virus”, so naturally, with my being skeptical of any media, I decided to look up the video from the press conference and hear the words from his mouth. I did a google search. I found 7 or 8 articles on the first page of google from sources like CNN, MSN, Washington Post, and The Hill. Each article title says things like “President Trump suggests injecting Lysol to kill the virus”, “The President says to inject disinfect to potential kill the virus”. I pulled up the video and listened.

Here is what the president said during the press conference: President Trump was talking about his amazement at how disinfectants like Lysol kill the virus almost instantly. He turned to a scientist and asked if there was a way to do something like that with an injection to kill the virus instantly. He said it would take a large team of medical doctors, and it would take time.

Here’s what he did NOT say: He did not tell people to go get disinfectant and inject it. He did not tell people to drink disinfectant. He did not say that it was safe to either inject or drink Lysol.

If you don’t believe that the media controls what we read and see, then you are living under a rock. I’ve never seen somebody’s words taken so blatantly out of context, and while I may not agree with everything the man says or does, he does deserve my respect because he is the president of the United States.

I’m not asking for an argument or a debate here. I only want to point out that what President Trump said is not what is being reported."

He does not say it explicitly but since he understands that UV and disinfectants can destroy the virus in a few minutes on the streets, he simply asks the question if it was possible to clean the body with disinfectant or put a light in the body to kill the virus
The problem is that this kind of question you ask your scientist and doctor, you do it in the oval office and not live on television
Because the problem in saying this is that it allows you to have a doubt, and that some people hear that drinking disinfectant would kill the virus.
And above all, it is enough to see the reactions of the scientists and doctors who were around him
I know you're used to it doing bullshit but right now it's not really what to do, everyone is afraid of this virus and would do anything to avoid getting it
There was the episode of chloroquine which is not really a good track by looking at the different first results of the tests because there is still a significant mortality with this drug, and now there is this story, it's already been too much blunder for a person like him

I think that this story would not have taken as much proportion if by himself he had admitted to having made a mistake while asking not to drink disinfectant
But instead he preferred to pretend that he was sarcastic
Even a press release earlier said that the media had misinterpreted his words
So that makes two different justifications on the same subject and it shows a big communication problem

So the next day, he avoided talking, to say the least, on the television

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7 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Don't know what large team of Medical Doctors as any Doctor in the field would not even think of doing anything as such and it wouldn't take any time at all. Just one word NO!  

Trump should be writ for even bringing up such a suggestion. So much for his genius at least   🤣  


I wouldn't worry much though. It's only 6 Months and the Voters will decide if he stays or goes.

We really need at least one debate between Trump and Biden (assuming he is going to get the Democratic nomination).  But we have to make sure that Biden does not get to wear an earpiece so

Jill can coax him and remind him what to say 😏

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2 hours ago, Thestarider said:


Ich habe es so satt, von diesem Virus zu hören ... KRANK!

Ich habe heute eine Menge Dinge gesehen, die "Trump schlägt vor, dass wir Desinfektionsmittel injizieren oder trinken, um das Virus abzutöten". Da ich gegenüber Medien skeptisch war, beschloss ich natürlich, das Video von der Pressekonferenz nachzuschlagen und die Worte zu hören aus seinem Mund. Ich habe eine Google-Suche durchgeführt. Ich habe 7 oder 8 Artikel auf der ersten Seite von Google aus Quellen wie CNN, MSN, Washington Post und The Hill gefunden. Jeder Artikeltitel sagt Dinge wie "Präsident Trump schlägt vor, Lysol zu injizieren, um das Virus abzutöten", "Der Präsident sagt, Desinfektion zu injizieren, um das Virus möglicherweise abzutöten". Ich zog das Video hoch und hörte zu.

Folgendes sagte der Präsident während der Pressekonferenz: Präsident Trump sprach über sein Erstaunen darüber, wie Desinfektionsmittel wie Lysol das Virus fast augenblicklich abtöten. Er wandte sich an einen Wissenschaftler und fragte, ob es eine Möglichkeit gebe, so etwas mit einer Injektion zu tun, um das Virus sofort abzutöten. Er sagte, es würde ein großes Team von Ärzten brauchen, und es würde Zeit brauchen.

Folgendes hat er NICHT gesagt: Er hat den Leuten nicht gesagt, sie sollen Desinfektionsmittel holen und es injizieren. Er sagte den Leuten nicht, sie sollten Desinfektionsmittel trinken. Er sagte nicht, dass es sicher sei, Lysol zu injizieren oder zu trinken.

Wenn Sie nicht glauben, dass die Medien kontrollieren, was wir lesen und sehen, dann leben Sie unter einem Felsen. Ich habe noch nie gesehen, dass jemandes Worte so offensichtlich aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen wurden, und obwohl ich vielleicht nicht mit allem einverstanden bin, was der Mann sagt oder tut, verdient er meinen Respekt, weil er der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten ist.

Ich bitte hier nicht um ein Argument oder eine Debatte. Ich möchte nur darauf hinweisen, dass das, was Präsident Trump gesagt hat, nicht das ist, was berichtet wird. "

Ich schätze Ihre Arbeit sehr. Sie sind sehr gründlich in in Ihren Recherchen. DANKE ! 

Es hat doch einen Grund warum US-Medien den Aussagen von Trump nicht mehr glauben oder ihn anders oder falsch zitieren. Die US-Medien sind einfach

müde von dem vielen Müll der aus Trumps Mund kommt. US-Medien haben kein Respekt mehr vor Trump als US-Präsident. Warum nur ??

Als Präsident eines Staates ist man "Autorität" und moderiert behutsam die Stimmen in seinem Volk und versucht alle Menschen zusammen zu bringen.

Und was macht Trump ?? Trump polarisiert, will starker Mann sein, erklärt über Medien und Twitter jede Stunde neuen Unsinn ohne sachliche Prüfung.

Bei den US-Medien sind auch kluge Menschen, die Trump inzwischen als NARREN erkannt haben und null Respekt mehr vor ihm haben.

In Deutschland und der Welt kommt dann nicht mehr einer der vielen wirren Original-Texte von Trump an sondern das was von den US-Medien in der

Welt verbreitet wird. Das glaubt dann die Welt.

Nach dem Motto: "Wer 1 mal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht, und wenn er auch die Wahrheit spricht". Fakt ist: Trump ist bei den US-Medien nur noch eine

Figur zum lachen - Trump wird nach seinem vielen Reden von Unsinn nicht mehr ernst genommen - ein US-Nobody-Präsident.

Wenn die USA in der Welt wieder Achtung erhalten will brauchen sie eine ernst zu nehmende Figur als Präsident. Das ist hier KEINE Reklame für Biden !!!!

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4 hours ago, Thestarider said:


I'm so sick of hearing about this virus.....SICK!

I’ve seen a lot of things today that “Trump suggests we inject or drink disinfectant to kill the virus”, so naturally, with my being skeptical of any media, I decided to look up the video from the press conference and hear the words from his mouth. I did a google search. I found 7 or 8 articles on the first page of google from sources like CNN, MSN, Washington Post, and The Hill. Each article title says things like “President Trump suggests injecting Lysol to kill the virus”, “The President says to inject disinfect to potential kill the virus”. I pulled up the video and listened.

Here is what the president said during the press conference: President Trump was talking about his amazement at how disinfectants like Lysol kill the virus almost instantly. He turned to a scientist and asked if there was a way to do something like that with an injection to kill the virus instantly. He said it would take a large team of medical doctors, and it would take time.

Here’s what he did NOT say: He did not tell people to go get disinfectant and inject it. He did not tell people to drink disinfectant. He did not say that it was safe to either inject or drink Lysol.

If you don’t believe that the media controls what we read and see, then you are living under a rock. I’ve never seen somebody’s words taken so blatantly out of context, and while I may not agree with everything the man says or does, he does deserve my respect because he is the president of the United States.

I’m not asking for an argument or a debate here. I only want to point out that what President Trump said is not what is being reported."

Ok...so it was just a hypothetical question to his scientific team then then... 😏

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22 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Ok...so it was just a hypothetical question to his scientific team then then... 😏

Not so much hypothetical, but unfortunately, more realistically stupid. 😏

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i can understand that when trump was running for pres he got some support because the people were sick of the direction that the country was headed. they wanted to believe his lies then. but he has been exposed as a total fraud for a long time now & anyone that still supports him & makes excuses for him is either not paying attention or is a complete idiot. this includes all of the congressmen, senators, & staff that stick with him. if i pick my nose right now i can say that i didn't & you couldn't prove that i am lying since you haven't seen me do it. but trump's lies have been broadcast to the world over & over & over & over & over & over again for all to see. a permanent record is available & he is not nor ever has been convincing to anyone with even a small fraction of a working brain. everyone that stands up for him now will at some point be thrown under a bus as soon as they disagree with him. the question is why the sheep continue to follow while surrendering all self respect. he is a lying sack of shit that is not qualified to lead anyone at all. will his followers all have to get sick & die to show that they should not have listened to him? that would be a shame but we still have a choice. if 1 of his followers would have some guts & call him out at 1 of his pep rallies (aka covid19 briefings) the snowball effect would start. but they would be called names on twitter & that would be soooooooooooooo horrible! trump & the republicans must go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his lies, distractions, childish behavior, bullying, name calling, .............. JUST PLEASE EVERYONE VOTE THE IDIOT OUT !!!!!! THEN INVESTIGATE & PROSECUTE HIS ASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it won't be difficult. the job is already mostly done. we just need to have people in power that will actually look at the evidence instead of the brain dead republicans that continue to enable his continuing the downfall of the country. some recent highlights. 

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