Aussie_oi_oi Posted September 6, 2020 Author Posted September 6, 2020 Being a confirmed voyuer I wouldn't judge anyone. But one thing I do know is I have compassion for anyone whom is unwell. I'm hoping Leora has a speedy recovery. Voyeurism is defined as an interest in observing unsuspecting people while they undress, are naked, or engage in sexual activities. The interest is usually more in the act of watching, rather than in the person being watched. 4 1
jimbo4 Posted September 6, 2020 Posted September 6, 2020 18 minutes ago, Ghost1234 said: --- Personal message to Leora: Lucky it's just the flu… We are the ones who are going to pursue "Camcaps.Net" for: Fraud and breach of trust not to say abuse of conscience !!! This is our response to the sanction of the nice moderator imposing the impossibility of writing on the forum for 24 hours on September 3, 2020 around 11 p.m. (east) ... Let's talk about the Premium Member of OUR two TO GET STARTED ... No video access, no photo access; that videos and photos barely inaccessible after a few hours of publication by members who REALLY want to take care of other members: Here is what they are entitled to: Video & Image Content No Longer Available for years: (No but nobody wakes up, it's only us who feel wronged and flouted by these fashionable mods) … I always believed because I was not a member - that the contents were padlocked ONLY FOR THE NO MEMBERS whereas, in reality, the Premium Member has the same rights AND ∕ OR ACCESS TO CAMCAPS.NET as the one who does not pay a single penny ... Where are the thousands of photos and videos promised… ??? Continued to worry about the poor Masterchief who throws a panoply of insults but who cannot receive any because protected by his friend moderator stnc I do not know what, maybe a cop of the web, who knows? lol lol lol… We, in the meantime, will sue you from Canada in Small Claims Court for blatant customer lies and non-existent content for Premium Members … As of the publication of this email we consider our $ 20 well invested… By the way, we don't give a shit about your website of our two without the content promised in the site advertising including the panoply of moderators who can say anything to anyone and, what is more, at the risk of repeating ourselves, without any existing video and ∕ or photo content, that promised to Premium Members … In fact, we are ready to invest morally and financially and in all conscience after many discussions between us via private chats just so that the Gods (Moderators of all kinds of this site) come back to earth: that they expressly understand that freedom of expression cannot be moderated … In short, this is what we are entitled to: Nothing in particular except: -Non-existent content - power trip for moderators who only accept what they find interesting. On the other hand, they can say anything to any of the members AND SENTENCES TO ARBITRARY SANCTIONS WITHOUT LAWYER and it goes ... Sorry, but that will not work any more… We are 27 of which 7 banned so far , existing members and former members … We are going to bring a class action for fraud , more than false advertising etc., etc., because tried, just for the fun, to access old videos or old photos: IMPOSSIBLE THEY ARE ALL PADLOCKED or more exactly blocked by the site…. After paying our ruby subscription on the nail, we were unable to access anything NEW apart from the porn sites that are accessible year round on the net without costing us a dime TO SEE REALLIFECAM'S DEBATESFREE ... See: Is taken who would have thought to take… (Vielle Expression Française) PS This text will be published on all existing platforms of Camcaps and on Google complaint until which we get : - Or explanations of fraud ... (85,000 abused subscribers multiplied by $ 20, that's a pretty jackpot, no !!!) - - Or a public apology on the Forum that you have abused your subscribers for a number of years and you shut up their mouths when they are too relevant not to say disturbing ... Not so bad this message eh modos… ??? LOL LOL LOL See you more… Pick up your pennies, they will be useful… LOL LOL Good luck and goodbye… Don't like to be the bearer of bad news, but I think you posted this on the wrong topic page...😹 And why don't you tell someone who actually gives a shit !!! 4 1 1
Aussie_oi_oi Posted September 6, 2020 Author Posted September 6, 2020 14 minutes ago, Ghost1234 said: ---Message personnel à Leora : Chanceuse que ce soit juste la grippe… C’est nous qui allons poursuivre "Camcaps.Net" pour : Fraude et abus de confiance pour ne pas dire abus de conscience !!! Ceci se veut notre Réponse à la sanction du gentil modérateur imposant l’impossibilité d’écrire sur le forum pendant 24 heures le 03 septembre 2020 vers les 23 hres (est)… Parlons du Premium Member de NOS deux POUR DÉBUTER… Aucun accès vidéo, aucun accès photos; que des vidéos et photos inaccessibles à peine après quelques heures de publication par les membres qui veulent, eux, VRAIMENT prendre soin des autres membres : Voici ce dont à quoi ils ont droit : Vidéo & Image Content No Longer Available depuis des années : (Non mais personne NE se réveille, il n’y a que nous qui se sentent lésés et bafoués par ces modos à la mode)… J’ai toujours cru parce que je n’étais pas membre ― que les contenus étaient cadenassés QUE POUR LES NON MEMBRES alors que, dans la réalité, le Premium Member a les mêmes droits ET ∕OU ACCÈS À CAMCAPS.NET que celui qui ne paie pas un simple sou… Ou sont les milliers de photos et videos promis… ??? Continué à vous préoccuper du pauvre Masterchief qui lance une panoplie d’insultes mais qui ne peux pas en recevoir parceque protégé par son ami modérateur stnc je ne sais trop quoi, peut-être un flic du web, qui sait ? lol lol lol… Nous, en attendant, nous allons vous poursuivre à partir du Canada à la Cour des Petites Créances pour mensonges éhontés à la clientèle et pour un contenu inexistant pour les Premium Member… À compter de la publication de ce courriel nous considérons nos 20$ bien investis… En passant, nous n’en avons rien à foutre de votre site web de nos deux sans le contenu promis dans la publicité du site incluant la panoplie de modérateurs qui peuvent dire n’importe quoi à n’importe et, qui plus est, au risque de nous répéter, sans aucun contenu video et∕ou photo existant, celui promis aux Premium Member… Dans les faits, nous sommes prêts à s’investir moralement et pécuniairement et en toute conscience après moult discussions entre nous via les chats privés juste pour que les Dieux (Modérateurs de toutes sortes de ce site) reviennent sur terre : qu’ils comprennent expressément que la liberté d’expression ne peut être modérée… Bref, voilà ce dont nous avons droit : Rien de particulier si ce n’est : -Contenu inexistant - power trip des modérateurs qui acceptent seulement ce qu’ils trouvent intéressant eux. Par contre, ils peuvent dire n’importe quoi à n’importe lequel des membres ET LES SENTENCÉS À DES SANCTIONS ARBITRAIRES SANS AVOCAT et ça passe… Désolé, mais ça ne passera plus… Nous sommes 27 dont 7 bannis jusqu’à présent, membres existants et anciens membres… Nous allons intenter un recours collectif pour fraude, publicité plus que mensongère etc., etc., car essayé, juste pour le fun, d’accéder à d’anciens videos ou d’anciennes photos : IMPOSSIBLE ELLES SONT TOUTES CADENASSÉES ou plus exactement bloquées par le site …. Après avoir payé notre abonnement rubis sur l’ongle, il nous a été impossible d’accéder à quoi que ce soit DE NOUVEAU mis à part les sites pornos qui sont accessibles à l’année longue sur le net sans que ça nous coûtent un centime POUR VOIR LES ÉBATS DE REALLIFECAM GRATUITEMENT… Voyez : Est pris qui eût cru prendre… (Vielle Expression Française) P.S. Ce texte sera publié sur toutes les plates-formes existantes de Camcaps et sur Google plainte jusqu’à ce qui nous obtenions : -Soit des explications sur la fraude… (85 000 abonnés abusés multiplié par 20$ ça fait un joli pactole non !!!)- -Soit des excuses publiques sur le Forum comme quoi vous abusé vos abonnés depuis bon nombre d’années et vous leur fermer la gueule lorsqu’ils sont trop pertinents pour ne pas dire dérangeants… Pas si mal ce message hein les modos… ??? LOL LOL LOL À Plus… Ramasser vos sous, ils seront utiles… LOL LOL Bonne chance et à bientôt… F-off 2
brian smith Posted September 6, 2020 Posted September 6, 2020 5 hours ago, jimbo4 said: " Never judge anyone until you have walked a mile in their shoes " Quite true..but I feel it's going in the direction of the forum a week or two ago and feel a Mod coming on.. .. You cannot criticize the participants brigade.. and them that try to.. you cannot have an opinion.. negative one anyway.. about the participants that's now wrote in stone.. Who gives a rats ass if she as a cold.. she as like the rest of us as had one before and will have more again.. She doe's not in my opinion need anyone's protection on here as she can look after herself that's for sure.. As Morals are concerned yeah we are all guilty as charged watching young girl's Masturbate it's disgusting.. Hurry up Leora we are all waiting for the next round... 1
Howard Posted September 6, 2020 Posted September 6, 2020 7 hours ago, Nicholas said: Not hardly popeye, there is certainly a difference between someone possessing a certain level of perversion, and someone who presents themself as being unsympathetic or uncompassionate for anyone that may not be completely well as far as any morality may go. Apparently you already have you an inflatable companion since you've obviously been checking out where to get them. If so, perhaps you should just go do whatever it is you may do with it, and afterwards feel like you are moral enough to be poking fun at or making fun of anyone that may not be completely well, or anyone who may show any care about it, whether it's here or anywhere else just for attention or likes. Ouch! Your words hurt me. I'm in pain inside and out,.... HYPOCRITE! 1
Aussie_oi_oi Posted September 8, 2020 Author Posted September 8, 2020 Leora is still coughing and doesn't sound to healthy either.
chris hillman Posted September 8, 2020 Posted September 8, 2020 Corvid starts with a cough i hope she is ok
pulo filipe Posted September 8, 2020 Posted September 8, 2020 malia 🌟 too It's starting coughing 🐈 2 1
Nicholas Posted September 8, 2020 Posted September 8, 2020 Since Saturday, I've actually been thinking that it would not be surprising at all if the next thing that may be noticed, would be that her friend and roommate Malia was to start exhibiting signs of having some symptoms of not feeling completely well herself. A majority of respiratory illnesses including some of those related to no more than a common cold are contagious to some extent. I believe it may have been better for Leora to stay at the apartment more to herself than she has been since a day or so after first exhibiting symptoms of not being completely well herself. But obviously she has not other than a day or so out of nearly a week since first exhibiting any symptoms of not being completely well. So unfortunately, it is not surprising that some of her symptoms have seemed to only worsen as of the last couple of nights there. Yet, she is out and about and away from the apartment again today.
jetlag8 Posted September 8, 2020 Posted September 8, 2020 36 minutes ago, Nicholas said: Since Saturday, I've actually been thinking that it would not be surprising at all if the next thing that may be noticed, would be that her friend and roommate Malia was to start exhibiting signs of having some symptoms of not feeling completely well herself. A majority of respiratory illnesses including some of those related to no more than a common cold are contagious to some extent. I believe it may have been better for Leora to stay at the apartment more to herself than she has been since a day or so after first exhibiting symptoms of not being completely well herself. But obviously she has not other than a day or so out of nearly a week since first exhibiting any symptoms of not being completely well. So unfortunately, it is not surprising that some of her symptoms have seemed to only worsen as of the last couple of nights there. Yet, she is out and about and away from the apartment again today. I can only hope that both Ladies have gone to a doctor or for a covid-19 test, instead of being out with friends where they could make other people sick.
nagachilli2 Posted September 8, 2020 Posted September 8, 2020 3 hours ago, chris hillman said: Corvid starts with a cough i hope she is ok Me too...but, as far as I've witnessed, non of the RLC cast have practiced good social distancing..🤒
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