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Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures and Videos ~ April 2016.

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28 minutes ago, mr1010 said:

Guys it costs only $12 a year to join! What is that like 3 cents a day?


When the owner gets some kind of security for the transaction I'll gladly join. Or get another way to join. Hell he could raise the price to cover the cost. I'd pay $20 a year to join. But I don't buy anything for an unsecured site. Not going to happen. 

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This likely won't go over well with some of the members that do not like the idea of not seeing all photos all of the time, but I think it needs to be said, and this is the way I feel about it.

Paying $12 a year to join this site and get access to all media also puts a responsibility on us. If we upload all of our captures to 3rd party sites that can be seen by anyone, we are CHEATING both RLC and CC. If everyone did that, no one would pay RLC's $45 to join to see closed rooms, and neither would they join CC for $12 to see its library. Let's face it, if you can see everything without paying - why would you?

This has nothing to do with "class" and everything to do with respect.

I upload my captures to the CC database, and everyone who pays the $12 annual fee gets to see them. I think that's only fair to the website that has an investment in creating and maintaining CC in the first place.

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I have no problem with members using 3rd party servers. Just be aware that the image will probably mysteriously disappear when RLC routinely hands out its DMCA take-down orders. Then, whether you are a paid CC member or not, you will not see these pictures. The dead link with be removed by our sanitation engineers, and there will be nothing to see there, either.


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1 hour ago, mr1010 said:

Oh, i get you DES. You been hacked or victim of identity theft?

Yes one time and it was from a site that was secure. I'm not over the top about as I know any site is subject to hacking. But the first rule of buying on the internet is don't buy from an unsecured site or one your not sure of. There's a lot of ways to set something up for people to join. And if the price had to go up a little to pay for it that would be fine. It's only $12 now so add another $5 or even $10 for a year would be OK with me.

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1 hour ago, DES7469 said:

Yes one time and it was from a site that was secure. I'm not over the top about as I know any site is subject to hacking. But the first rule of buying on the internet is don't buy from an unsecured site or one your not sure of. There's a lot of ways to set something up for people to join. And if the price had to go up a little to pay for it that would be fine. It's only $12 now so add another $5 or even $10 for a year would be OK with me.

To all the bitchers, moaners and complainers:

I paid my $12 bucks to enjoy what this site provides, not to constantly have to be subjected to hearing all the bellyaching that goes on about what you can or cannot see.  If you can pay the money, fine.  If you cannot, that is fine too.  I understand you, as I've been there myself.  Just stop the fucking whining, please.  Stop trying to defend indefensible positions.  Play by the fucking rules based on what you can afford, or go elsewhere.  I do not care about your problems, or issues, or your beliefs.  I also do not care about what you can or cannot see. Grab yourself by the balls or the lips and pull yourself up, hard.  Be a man, a woman, but BE.

Take it to the flame wars section and let these pages be free and clear to carry on with their designed purpose.  To provide voyeuristic entertainment.  This is a site for adults, not for supposed adults carrying on like whiny bratty little kids.

Thank you.

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