jabbath1987 Posted January 12, 2016 Posted January 12, 2016 I just wrote them an email asking if she will leave for good.
Zinc Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 well...she hasnt packed all her clothes...it seems like a vacation...but then again..the initial reaction by both Ilona and Anna was that of shock and sadness...though it disappeared quickly...
sereno Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 Legrand: Do not bother to mess with the likes of this individual! You are well above all that!
DaMutt11 Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 Irma is sure slurping down the honey it seems, and sitting around with pants, and a coat on... Maybe ill - or departure is immanent ?
henriPas Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 Legrand: Do not bother to mess with the likes of this individual! You are well above all that! yes it is... !
daily Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 Je pense ce qui a rendu triste Irma dimanche soir quand elle est rentrée à l' appartement et que les filles sont venues la consoler c' est qu' elle a du recevoir un appel téléphonique ce jour là et de se rendre compte qu' elle devait repartir chez elle surement plus tot que prévu pour des raisons personnelles ou professionnelles on ne le saura jamais et pour se changer les idées c' est là qu'elle ont décidé de sortir en boite de nuit Ilona a du essayer d' arranger l' affaire pour qu' elle reste plus longtemps mais peine perdue Le massage de la nuit dernière de Irma sur Ilona c' était en quelque sorte un cadeau d' au revoir entre les deux et se faire plaisir une dernière fois ensemble c' est tout cela va pas plus loin et Anna s' est masturbée car elle imaginait ce qui se passé à coté et entendre les gémissements de Ilona cela l' a excitée et je le redis encore une fois elle doit le regretter de ne pas avoir été plus loin le 31 Décembre et aurait aimée etre à la place d'Ilona C'est vrai qu'elle va manquer dans l' appart mais c' est la vie malheureusement think what made sad Irma Sunday evening when she returned to the apartment and the girls came to console that is that it had to receive a phone call that day and realize that it was surely leave home earlier than expected for personal or business reasons we will never know it and get your mind it's there that she decided to go out clubbing Ilona had to try to settle the matter for that it lasts longer but to no avail massage last night Irma Ilona c 'was sort of a gift of goodbye between the two and make one last fun together it's all wrong further and Anna s' is masturbated as she imagined what happened next and hear the groans of Ilona that the has excited and I repeat again it must regret not having gone beyond 31 December and would be loved instead of Ilona Yes it will be missed in the apartment but it's unfortunately life
DES7469 Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 To Irma, You are a lovely Lady inside and out. Thank you for sharing your time with us. You will be missed more than you know. Be Safe, Be Well, and Above All Be Happy. I know this isn't your style of music but this is part of the lyrics of a song that says more than I can. My Wish I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow And each road leads you where you want to go And if you're faced with the choice and you have to choose I hope you choose the one that means the most to you And if one door opens to another door closed I hope you keep on walkin' ?til you find the window If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile But more than anything, more than anything My wish for you Is that this life becomes all that you want it to Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small You never need to carry more than you can hold And while you're out there gettin' where you're gettin' to I hope you know somebody loves you And wants the same things too Yeah, this is my wish
HarleyFatboy Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 Good luck Irma, you will be missed dearly!! You provided so much fun and excitement to this apartment, let alone the beauty that was you due to your personality, sincerity, sense of humor, thoughtfulness towards others, and openness to all the fans you made through RLC. I couldn't wait to see you everyday that you were here just to see how you were going to make me smile for that particular day!! Best of luck to you in the future and what ever you do, don't change who you are for anybody, stay true to yourself!!!
GetSome2014 Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 All of these guys act like she is already gone and leaving for sure. Give her a chance. Just enjoy her for the rest of her time here, however long it may be! I think it was a bad move on her part moving Layla into her room. It makes it easier for her if she ever tried to give Layla a massage, but it also took away her privacy for masturbation. You can tell she is sexually frustrated by the way she acted giving Ilona that massage the other night. How she was dragging her tongue over her back and kissing her neck. Also how she took off her top and rubbed her tits from the back of Ilona's neck down to her ankles. Dragging her nipples back and forth. What a great show! So lets hope she stays a little longer and enjoy her while she is here...........and let's hope she gets naked and makes it with every one of them..lol
mid4hiking Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 Without what really happen I checked w*k* online she has 90 days on visa, 60 left. but the best which RLC does not have is Bahamas you can stay there for 8 months.
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