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New girl Michelle

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Guest emeraldking

she hasnt made much interaction with lima or melissa

how does she know this belle girl? :huh:

also loving the undies melissa been wearing the last few days 

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58 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Hi Kitek

It's 21th today... Is it in December or??

B says she can be here until 20 ..... she adds, that Anna is coming. M: When? B: 22 . M asks whether to this apartment. B confirms". 

Let's wait and see if she comes tomorrow, like I said I don't know if that is 'RLC ANNA'

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eyh bien!!!! encore une qui n'a pas été recruté dans une église!!!!!:biggrin: elle est plutôt à l'aise avec les godes!!!!!:cry: a quand le grand show michelle?? tu en as l'habitude!!!!:sleepy:

well!!!! Yet one that was not recruited in a church !!!!!:biggrin:She is rather comfortable with the dildos !!!!!:cry:A when the big show michelle ?? You're used to it !!!!:sleepy:

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Michelle wants to live in B2. She says that B1 is dirty and unpleasant.

She talked with Zhenya (Emperor). He said he will know everything in 24hrs, when Anna (Candy) comes there will be 4 girls in B2 and in B1 only two. Belle says that in her room there is a lot of space and they can all fit in there. Michelle hopes that from 1 there will be a place for her in B2. otherwise she is going leave.

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3 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

It's a big deal. Michelle has lots of potential.

In my opinion they should send Sia to Barca 1 and get Michelle nin Barca 2

i think the same, sia is more independant like Melissa and Lima ;-)

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