Robwin Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 10 minutes ago, DARKJOKER666 said: The only point I was trying to get across is that there hasn't been a single president that has been universally loved across the board and there's always going to be vocal factions who raise a stink because they shout louder than everyone else. Don't get me going about the "Politically Correct" brigade for fucks sake lol as over here in the UK it is just getting bloody worse all the time god knows where it will all end up. Its that bad now I reckon if you farted in public some twat would report you to the police for polluting the bloody atmosphere. If you wolf whistle a young lady now you get called a pervert lol.we have a saying now here that those people who are so easily offend now by almost anything we call them "Snowflakes". It is just so sad that so many people just seem to want to be offended by anything just so they can cause a row or argument and funnily it seems to be most of the younger generation that get offended most. 1
StnCld316 Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 There are only 3 Ways to get a Sitting President out of Office before their Term is Completed. 1) Impeachment 2) Resignation 3) Assassination
Robwin Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 34 minutes ago, DARKJOKER666 said: Yeah as far as I know the only President that's ever been removed from office was Nixon. Even then he wasn't impeached. In fact if you get impeached it doesn't necessarily mean you get removed. Clinton got impeached but he remained in office. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe Nixon in fact resigned so technically he wasn't removed but went before he was lol. 1
DARKJOKER666 Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 Just now, Robwin said: Correct me if I am wrong but I believe Nixon in fact resigned so technically he wasn't removed but went before he was lol. lol I'll give you that technicality. It is indeed written down as Nixon "Quitting" One of my favorite Louis C.K. bits is about just that. 1
Amy3 Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 2 minutes ago, Robwin said: Correct me if I am wrong but I believe Nixon in fact resigned so technically he wasn't removed but went before he was lol. Yep! 2
itsme Posted August 23, 2018 Author Posted August 23, 2018 On 8/22/2018 at 12:30 AM, Thestarider said: I didn't think you bought into conspiracy theories ? I don't, but I do believe in the facts, and there has been a lot of disgrace in the Intelligent agencies over the last couple years that is coming to light. I will break it down and try my best to let you see how I view things now versus the previous administration. Granted I am empty nested and almost 60 yrs old. 1. By what metric are we better off? a. Nato is now finally after years spending more money on defense, Niki Haley represented the US very strongly at the United Nations. North Korea, needs no elaboration if your honest with what has transpired with Mike Pompeo at the lead as Secretary of State. China's economy is sliding fast from the tariffs, with their Markets down nearly 30%. Mexico is coming to the table and soon new fairer trade, the EU has already came begging to negotiate new trade deals. Recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel as so many Presidents before promised. Recognized Taiwan as a democratic republic and promised to defend them against the Chinese aggression. Isis is almost non existent from the head chopping off times of President Obama. Bailed out of the stupidest Paris Climate Accord which the US would be funding the largest part and have the toughest goals to meet. Got out the billion dollar debacle called the Iran nuclear accord. Didn't bail out on the red line drawn in the sand like Obama did in Syria. Currently there is much greater stability in Afghanistan, and Iraq. Increased sanctions against those who sponsor terrorism such as North Korea, Iran, and of course on Russia. This sums it all up if you would like to take the time and read it: b. Personally, the tax cut put about $ 285 more a month in my payroll deposits, or $3040 annually, and under the new IRS tax forms for the tax year 2018, I will actually benefit from the short form which allows my standard deduction for head of household at $18000 which is about $3000 more than last years itemized deductions. The crumbs for me at an annual income of $88000 amounts to about $6000, which I can now invest in my retirement, which is up btw by 43% since the President Trump took office. My health insurance premium has not risen the past 2 years, and before that it rose every year that President Obama was our president. The people of the Midwest are again taking a great deal of pride in this great country after feeling like they were completely forgotten during the President Obama administration. c. Simple actually but very true "PEACE through Strength" My son is currently deployed in the mediterranean sea, he can tell you point blank first hand, the difference in the Unites States Military since President Trump took office. BTW he re-enlisted, but was ready to join the ranks of civilian life if the election would have went the other way. Veterans are far better off and respected again for their service to this great country. d. I live in town that demographics have completely changed over the past 3 decades due to illegal immigration and a Yemen and Somalia mass influx of refugees because they can get jobs in the meat packing industry, currently the school system is about 80% Hispanic. The town of 25000 is about 65% Hispanic. The IRS once contacted us and asked if we had Jorge Luis Carmona with social security# *********, they were wondering because that # had paid income tax is 7 states, and they wanted to know where to send the refund to. My point being, if you don't live with Illegal immigration, you don't experience it in everyday life, if you haven't seen your crime rate triple, If you don't stand behind the immigrants and refugees in the grocery store and watch them pay for their food with food stamps, then get into a brand new $50000 dollar vehicle in the parking lot. If your son that was looking for a job in a grocery store, or fast food joint, in high school could not get a job because he wasn't bi-lingual, even though he was a National Honor Society student with 3.5 GPA. How is it even possible for you to understand how I feel about immigration reforms and stronger boarders. e. Why do you show so much disrespect for our President ? History shows that the greatest of Presidents, were not always very well liked and pissed off a lot of people, all while they went about building this country in to a great nation. From Washington, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Truman, I Like IKE, JFK, and Reagan, they all accomplished great things for both the US and the world, they were pretty good at pissing people off when they needed to. Einstein was right, for every action, there is a reaction. Think about it. I am tired and need to go to bed, I can if you wish complete this long post tomorrow 🙂 A. It's too early to know how many of those things will turn out. I have yet to see an article from a legitimate economist that thinks what Trump is doing with the economy will workout in the long term. What he did in North Korea was something that any prior president could have done, but they chose not to because they recognize that Kim is a dictator and mass murderer. Put simply we don't know how his diplomatic and economic policies will work out in the long term. Much of what Trump has done seems to be more about short terms gains than long term solutions. My guess is that the rest of the world realizes that he is con man and an anomaly so they are just going along with him knowing that he likely won't be reelected and may very well be impeached. B. Again that's great that you got a tax cut, so did I. But in the long term someone is going to have to pay for those tax cuts that by every estimate will increase the debt significantly. The only way that I would have supported this tax cut is if he made major cuts in other areas. Temporary tax cuts do nothing but win support in the short term while robbing already financially depressed younger generations. You could also look at as a transfer of wealth from the young to the old. C. Sure we need a strong Military but we do we really need to spend more than the next 8 or is 10 countries combined? We need to be fiscally responsible with Military spending and ensure that things like education, infrastructure, environmental protection, and the sciences are well funded. D. No one is saying we should have open borders, but we need to be humanitarian when dealing with people. Put effort into fixing the system rather than spending billions on a wall. E. Trump is nothing like those presidents that you named. Sure some presidents have had bold and revolutionary ideas that were worth fighting for, Trump on the hand has no moral compass and changes his views on things depending on who he is talking to. Trump is not a good president, in fact he is the type of president that the forefathers were concerned about, someone with way too much power that seeks to sabotage the very government that he's supposed to be representing. I am not a liberal I am more of a centrist libertarian. I think that Republicans have some good ideas, but Trump is destroying your brand and setting your party back. In my opinion the best thing that your party could do is distance yourself from Trump and not go down with the burning ship. 2
happyone Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 18 hours ago, bean1111 said: He never really won it was not won fairly. I was taught that if you cheat to win you really didn't win. maybe 6 months. wait until the midterm results Same old crap as when Gore lost --you lose an election and somehow it is not fair, it is rigged, or you develop some other reason. 1
happyone Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 20 hours ago, mic351 said: It's what he did not tell us he was going to do or had done is what bothers me. Such as violating campaign finance laws. Alienating our allies while sucking up to our enemies. Rolling back environmental laws such as legalizing asbestos (pure dumb ass move Not the least of which was outing an Israeli agent buried in hamas and kissing Putin's dick in Helsinki. I could go on and on but I'm tired and depressed at seeing what my country has become.. That is not true--if you want all the facts, I can post them. Brieifly----Asbestos has never been banned at any time, but the clean air act limited it's uses. He has not violated any campaign finance law-nor has it been proven that he did-, even if Cohen implicated him in the hush money,. --If you want some more legal facts, I can provide them.. Briefly, there is a grey area, subject to interpretation if hush money is a violation of campaign law. You are probably tired and depressed because the country is doing fantastic under Republican government. 1
Ridgerunner Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 21 hours ago, bean1111 said: turn any other news than fox and you will see the answer to your question. The dem's are holding their own in midterms and after yesterday the rep's are scrambling. Wake up he's done nothing to help the average man. Ask the farmers, Harley Davidson, or even Carrier what the think of Trump now. A biased college professor like you who lives in his intellectual ivory tower knows nothing about the average man in America.Strange in your analysis that you left out the employees in the coal,steel,aluminum and oil industries. 1
Ridgerunner Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 18 hours ago, mic351 said: It's what he did not tell us he was going to do or had done is what bothers me. Such as violating campaign finance laws. Alienating our allies while sucking up to our enemies. Rolling back environmental laws such as legalizing asbestos (pure dumb ass move). Not the least of which was outing an Israeli agent buried in hamas and kissing Putin's dick in Helsinki. I could go on and on but I'm tired and depressed at seeing what my country has become.. Violating campaign finance laws?Alan Dershowitz says not,and I think he probably knows more about campaign finance laws than you do.I agree that you are tired and depressed and also brainwashed by the propaganda of mainstream media. 1
Ridgerunner Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 Trump just calling out Jeff Sessions for "not taking control of the Justice Department" may prove to be a brilliant move.Jeff Sessions fired back that he is in control. And according to a CNN headline,said that the "DOJ won't be'improperly influenced'. So now Jeff Sessions has the mainstream news media on his side against President Trump.I wonder how the media will react if Sessions announces that James Comey,Andrew McCabe,Peter Strzok,Lisa Page,Bruce Ohr,Nellie Ohr,Christopher Steele,Glenn Simpson and others have been indicted by the DOJ. 2
Ridgerunner Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 When Michael Cohen was indicted for his crimes the news media portrayed him as a sleazy,low life attorney who worked for Donald Trump.Now that Cohen has turned on Trump he has become a saint to the news media. LMAO
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