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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. The thing is though that American exports are poor They just aren't very good standard compared to what we have here in Europe. American steel is poor quality, nobody wants to drive shitty American cars, we've got our own coal and can get our own oil and gas from Russia and the Mid East. The only thing US imports have going for them is that they are cheap because they are not as good as our own stuff. It is right that we should have tariffs put on high volume cheap imports from the US - we have as much a right to look after our own industries and business as America and protect them for poor quality cheap imports as America wants to do against China and Mexico. Here's a list of the import/exports between the EU and USA. All the stuff that the US sends to the EU, we can manufacture ourselves and indeed have our own industries doing that, which provides jobs to our residents. Fuck Donald Trump getting his nappy in a twist because America has fucked itself up so much that the rest of the world no longer listens to it or wants to buy its low quality trade goods. 😂 https://pierstransportation.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/top-u-s-imports-exports-with-europe/
  2. Really excellent summary of Thatcher's 80s. The two things that saved her government were the Falklands and the North Sea gas. One gave them a false sense of national unity despite the rape of the North and West and the other gave them the money to plug up the financial gaps in her disastrous social and economic policies. I've never had and never will have any respect for the opinions of a person the proudly proclaims that they vote Tory. They have absolutely fucked up the UK on so many levels (health, education, economy, pensions, reputation), are demonstrably racist as well providing a government that weekly provides a fresh example of the word "incompetence," who, at every opportunity, picks the side of evil over humanity, see Saudi Arabia and Israel for the modern day equivalent of Thatcher's Pinochet and Jimmy Saville (what a wide pallet a of depravity).
  3. https://ourfuture.org/20140930/reagan-set-up-the-death-of-the-middle-class-but-china-was-the-clincher "Before Reagan working people benefitted more during economic recoveries than the top 10 percent. After Reagan the top 10 percent benefitted more. But after 2000, 90 percent of us not only didn’t benefit during economic recoveries, we continued to fall behind. Reagan shifted the power to the wealthy, and the wealthy used that power to escape the borders of democracy by moving production to China. And that, my friends, was that."
  4. What was that? China was put on the path to become the top economic superpower that the USA used to be? All for the sake of cheap imports and cheap outsourced wages. We'done Ronny for plunging America into the the debt that has made economic slaves out of all of you. Nice one.
  5. There's a movement to make sure that American Idiot by Greenday is the number one song in the UK when Darth Tangerine sneaks into the country. A bright orange baby that is too scared to make an official visit because that will expose him to the mockery of the British public. Great choice for President USA, you're doing great.
  6. @voyeur-villa How do you explain the fact that RLC and VH are opening up new apartment after new apartment and do not seem to have any trouble getting tenants, when you keep saying that finding talent is your biggest problem? They seem to have more than enough tenants to go around, what is it that you need to improve on? Can you please improve and quickly because people are finally turning against VH and their really shitty model of business so there is a real opportunity for you to become a major player again but... you have to get rid of all the current tenants and replace with new. I was a little bit happy to see you opened a new apartment, Pushkin, the cameras and positions seem good then later I saw it was the same boring fucking people that have made your site die and I couldn't believe it. C'mon, you need to be better than this!!
  7. I'd like to take this opportunity to restate what I've been saying for months, due to shitty management choices like not paying for servers and opening up shit apartments that do not bring value, VH is dying on its arse so don't be a fool and continue to subscribe and throw money at this sinking ship. That's all, cheers!
  8. @Foamy T. Squirrel I can see why people who aren't vested in the UK democratic process might enjoy the aggressive back and forth of political debate from the House of Commons but in the UK most people think that PMQs and the way our politicians deport themselves during it is an absolute disgrace. Grown men and women, braying, cheering and jeering in order to shout down or drown out questions/replies, like they are three-years old and have had too many e-numbered sweets at a soft-play center. Also there is a thing called Parliamentary Privilege, which should ensure that MPs can talk about any subject that is in the national interest without fear of for example, being sued, however the current government abuses this and get away with flat out lying when they are asked questions. Because of this it is very rare that the PM or her cabinet will tell the truth when asked any question at all.
  9. Wow, something happening in this apartment that isn't fake. Well, it's probably fake too but at least it's a less predictable kind of fake. Fucking bullshit apartment.
  10. Lol, both of them now watching a tiny phone and there's a big tv not being used! :D
  11. Have they watched porn together on the TV yet? Why watch on a tiny phone screen when they have it in the living room?
  12. I like the idea but at the moment Iris and Lex are the only two tenants that should be in the project. I'm not interested in the other tenants when they are at home so am definitely not interested in what they might do outside of it. But it is an interesting feature, I don't subscribe but if you had some good tenants then I think this feature would be quite popular. Good luck with it.
  13. I think they need to jump out of the bath and put on the favourite porn channel! No messing around this time, take the sentiments from the bath to the living room. George could even set it up waiting for them and go to the office to let them do their thing!
  14. So Chloe's pattern is to start in the living room to tease and then go into the bedroom to make people pay for RLC. That got boring quick. She could have been better than Leora but it's obvious she's not working to her own schedule. SHe's really hot but I ain't gonna pay 50 bucks just to watch her in the bedroom.
  15. I think it's time to put your favorite porn channel on the TV!
  16. What and give up the quality time that you and I infrequently spend together? Never!
  17. You don't have to reply to every comment that's not playing the VHTV tune. Try it, I guarantee you'll feel better.
  18. Would be good to know that people's subscription money is only going to the genuine people "real time, real lives," not paying the rent and overheads of a professional business.
  19. Oh great. They are back - the professional cam business in which people that subscribe to VH get the privilege of watching these pros go about their fake sex cam business whilst their subscription money is used to pay for their overheads! What a con job.
  20. Haha! "Yeah, she might teenage prostitute, that's fine with me, in fact I kinda likes it, but drugs? Hell No! I'm a fine upstanding fella and although I don't care if I'm watching teenage prostitution, I do draw the line at grown adults choosing to do drugs!"
  21. Awesome!! If she did that more regularly she would beat Leora to the title of Queen.
  22. Pretty much yep I agree. VH is moving to become a subscription porn channel and there are frankly much better ones out there (if people really feel the need to pay money for porn which I would seriously question, however, whatever floats one's boat). RLC on the other hand offers a hands-off voyeur type experience, they don't tinker with it and we are watching the tenants live as close to a normal life as possible - seeing as they are aware of the cameras. It's funny but all this shite with VH has left such a nasty taste in my mouth that I've really reconsidered RLC now. They are the best that offers a voyeur experience plus they obviously pay their tenants very well and they all seem happy with the project. Look at what happened to VV, they had some amazing tenants and the bar of expectation was set too high for once the churn happened. The VV management were too hands on and made bad decision after bad decision They didn't listen to anything their subscribers suggested and now it is a shadow of what it used to be. This will happen too for VH. How many apartments and actual cameras and bandwidth that is wasted must VH now have, let alone tenants freeloading their paychecks? Their overheads must be astronomical and totally unnecessary. I wrote loads to VV to try and point them back in the right direction because they seemed like a decent bunch of people but with VH now - nah, let it die, they're happily killing themselves. The tenant churn has started and VH will go the same way as VV or become a Camarads copy. I would resub to RLC after many years away but the price is a little ridiculous and their policy of banning people for posting pictures is shit but it still remains that RLC offering a unique voyeur type experience will mean it is still around in 5 years when VH wil have destroyed itself.
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