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Everything posted by moos54

  1. they don't live in the same city 😁 for your record, Nora isn't Russian
  2. https://fr.chaturbate.com/michaelevie/ Stncld maybe you can add a topic for camshow for this apartment
  3. Hard to choose But i love Kaley, so i want to see her for ever 😉
  4. Terrific? it's a great game with suspense, 7 goals in the first game, not bad at all and my team win the match 😁 i hope the same for all the rest of the competition
  5. It simply means that she is a friend of several RLC participants, which is not so strange, as almost the different participants like Dasha, Nelly, Eva and others are also friends She is just part of the same circle of close 😉
  6. rien de plus que sur les images, petit jeu de séduction, on verra bien si elle revient dans le futur 😉
  7. she was Dasha's guest in this apartment when Dasha was with demid She also visited Masha and Dasha at Masha, Dasha and Sasha's apartment And she was Nelly's guest few month ago 😉
  8. Well, sex is planned now, glad to see romantism isn't dead on VHTV 😂
  9. even with guest name they fucked up 😂
  10. lui, oui il est connue, il vient de temps en temps Elle, je crois qu'elle est nouvelle et elle a pas l'air d'être embêter par les cams 😁
  11. pas ouvertement sur le forum car cela est en dehors des règles du forum mais cela peut être fait en privé si des personnes ont cette information
  12. Dasha est photographe, ou du moins elle l'était avant de rejoindre Masha 😉 donc cela sert surement pour étoffer son travail
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