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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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My Beautiful Super Sexy Belle:heart: has gone very still now with the black robe slightly obscuring the best of her. Hair down and very close to the camera. I think the light is off unfortunately but we are very close to seeing the perfect view of My Stunning Belle:heart:. If only I could make that robe has least unblock that ass :biggrin: I I need to go to wizard school - Robus Expeliamus!

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6 minutes ago, canito said:

i have a question is this the girls on vacation page or is it just for belles?just asking cause i dont want to write something on the wrong thread.

This is for all the vacation girls, but BBsq only post about Belle (and Leora), but feel free to post other things (or PLEASE post other things!!)

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6 minutes ago, canito said:

i have a question is this the girls on vacation page or is it just for belles?just asking cause i dont want to write something on the wrong thread.

The solution is very simple why not write something on the other girls or and I can't stress this enough you know where the ignore feature is. 

My Belle:heart: is giving me enjoyment. I'm sorry that it's not the same for you or if it is the same for you why not say something positive although to be fair to you it does kind of look that way now

Anyway just put her shorts on so I probably won't come in for a while.

The other day nobody else commented for about 6 hours so it's either me commenting on Belle or absolutely nothing.


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12 minutes ago, canito said:

i have a question is this the girls on vacation page or is it just for belles?just asking cause i dont want to write something on the wrong thread.

If you want, you are free to talk about all other girls from this two apartments like BB do with Belle :biggrin:

I am not a big fan for all he make but i prefer this kind of comment than a lot of others from frustrated members :biggrin:

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5 minutes ago, ed2 said:

This is for all the vacation girls, but BBsq only post about Belle (and Leora), but feel free to post other things (or PLEASE post other things!!)

You put it much more succinctly than I did. I do occasionally post on other girls but my focus is on My Belle:heart: here. I'm also a fan of Neia and Nicole.

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4 minutes ago, moos54 said:

If you want, you are free to talk about all other girls from this two apartments like BB do with Belle :biggrin:

I am not a big fan for all he make but i prefer this kind of comment than a lot of others from frustrated members :biggrin:


11 hours ago, ed2 said:

No, I'm here for the info, discussions, and exchange of thoughts... I'm not really a guy that write love-letters.


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5 minutes ago, ed2 said:

This is for all the vacation girls, but BBsq only post about Belle (and Leora), but feel free to post other things (or PLEASE post other things!!)

thank you Ed2 just wanted to know thank you guys for the info.

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4 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

You put it much more succinctly than I did. I do occasionally post on other girls but my focus is on My Belle:heart: here. I'm also a fan of Neia and Nicole.

I love Beatrice and Karol. Leia is very nice too.

The twins and Gina are very beautyfull, but to me, also very boring. I used to be fan of Nicole, now I think she is OK. Can't tell much about Avi yet, she is new. I think Belle is OK too, but not a big fan.

I can't stand Neia!

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14 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I love Beatrice and Karol. Leia is very nice too.

The twins and Gina are very beautyfull, but to me, also very boring. I used to be fan of Nicole, now I think she is OK. Can't tell much about Avi yet, she is new. I think Belle is OK too, but not a big fan.

I can't stand Neia!

like i said before i like them all my favorite is nicole and always will be even though she can be selfish sometimes gina is ok as well as the twins karol is okay besides nia and leia dont know who is who.who was the one who gave karol the massage i think shes pretty.and belles yea i like belles not a big fan i used to be in the beginning but not anymore shes alright i guess.

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I guess because I have a degree in Statistics (other things as well but the main focus was on this area) I note Belle on this visit has performed very well in the most viewed.

For instance on the list of Replays over the last 24 hours, the top 30 features the following girls of B2 and B4:

Gina 6 Belle 5 Neia 5 Nicole 5 The Rest 0. 

4 of those were when the 3 B2 girls were together and only Gina has higher entries (ooh errr missus) than Belle. Yesterday the party featuring all the girls was intermingled with Belle but on the live stream while Belle and Avi were in the corner posing they were actually above the rest of the girls posing on the sofa. Simply Belle gives goo value. She went through a sticky phase at the start of the second visit but even before she started getting naked on the bed halfway through her second stay she has always been near the top.

There is nothing to stop the rest of you bigging up your girls. In fact I remember the days when the wall to wall eulogies for Kami and Kristy used to annoy me because as far as I was concerned they were doing nothing but since they have gone on to indisputable greatness. Of course now I get the adulation. We are lucky to have these girls. I used to comment a lot and not always in a positive way always giving my honest opinion as I know some of you do here but I guess in the end I now accept what is what is and encourage my favourite. You can all do the same. Your choice as it is my choice.

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4 minutes ago, canito said:

like i said before i like them all my favorite is nicole and always will be even though she can be selfish sometimes gina is ok as well as the twins karol is okay besides nia and leia dont know who is who.who was the one who gave karol the massage i think shes pretty.and belles yea i like belles not a big fan i used to be in the beginning but not anymore shes alright i guess.

Totally fair canito and actually your post was quite funny. We all like different girls. 

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