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Foxy, Kira - Part #1

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6 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

if you have a problem just say it. i have no stock in vh & i'm not paid by them. you are free to unsubscribe any time that you want to.

I wasn't aware I suggested you had you are obviously reading more into what I said 😊

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11 minutes ago, Coffee94 said:

Il a fait plus de posts en 1 heure que tout les autres appartement!!

Well to be fair,this house had more than 500coments in two days only and prior to this event, Lot of other houses took three,four months to reach something like that.

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15 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

You know I always have the attitude people are innocent until are proven guilty by hard proof or evidence. Calling these people prostitutes is nothing but insulting and making defamatory statements for me. Easy to do out of the anonymity of the forum. People won't have the balls to tell them directly eye to eye... 

Now yes !
My friend, you have spoken with all the letters, commas and punctuation due to those who really have an interest in it (direct or indirect, as I already start to be alert here).
Here it is' "prostitution" and in RLC is what?

More than 10 people "concentrated" in a balcony (and that today we see was not so great this way). And when one of them comes out of it and becomes visible, it has a blanket rolled at the waist and without pants.
This is what?

Or another episode also witnessed and motivated to leave the site.
5 people (two men and three women, also concentrated in an attached bathroom to "smoke" ....... Please?

Still come to preach real life banners and legitimate voyeur style?

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2 minutes ago, thedbear said:

Now yes !
My friend, you have spoken with all the letters, commas and punctuation due to those who really have an interest in it (direct or indirect, as I already start to be alert here).
Here it is' "prostitution" and in RLC is what?

More than 10 people "concentrated" in a balcony (and that today we see was not so great this way). And when one of them comes out of it and becomes visible, it has a blanket rolled at the waist and without pants.
This is what?

Or another episode also witnessed and motivated to leave the site.
5 people (two men and three women, also concentrated in an attached bathroom to "smoke" ....... Please?

Still come to preach real life banners and legitimate voyeur style?

I don't know and I don't care about RLC. I can only speak about VH as til now we don't have any hard evidence for prostitution.

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Just now, Robwin said:

I wasn't aware I suggested you had you are obviously reading more into what I said 😊

then let's start over. the forum used to be a place where people could have fun. even when the apts were bad the cc members didn't tear each other apart. now it's turned into an us vs them fight club & it sucks. if it keeps up like this pretty soon it will be 1 person talking to themselves. i'd like to see something like "mary & joe are having a great time in bed fucking each other's brains out. she is really hot!". instead i get "let's call the police because that girl is a prostitute & she's taking drugs. that girl must be a sex slave & underage. i really don't want to see anything except real life sex. anything staged is bad". and of course why are those people here? after complaining about how horrible the site is they should just go somewhere else & let the others enjoy it. otherwise soon there will be no forum at all.

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5 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Yes I know it is not allowed and I reported it to VH like Amy and Sparkles did.

many things is not allowed, but people do it. Real life , I hear all the time on this forum about real life, that it's something most of you want to watch. And suddenly, when real life showed its face, everybody rise howling: we don't want it, we don't want it

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15 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

si vous avez un problème il suffit de dire. je n'ai pas de stock dans vh et je ne suis pas payé par eux. vous êtes libre de résilier votre abonnement en tout temps que vous voulez.

Bien dit.

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

then let's start over. the forum used to be a place where people could have fun. even when the apts were bad the cc members didn't tear each other apart. now it's turned into an us vs them fight club & it sucks. if it keeps up like this pretty soon it will be 1 person talking to themselves. i'd like to see something like "mary & joe are having a great time in bed fucking each other's brains out. she is really hot!". instead i get "let's call the police because that girl is a prostitute & she's taking drugs. that girl must be a sex slave & underage. i really don't want to see anything except real life sex. anything staged is bad". and of course why are those people here? after complaining about how horrible the site is they should just go somewhere else & let the others enjoy it. otherwise soon there will be no forum at all.

You forget the twitter of VH complains,it's an thing that exists for ages,but now it's devil.

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2 minutes ago, waldi said:

beaucoup de choses ne sont pas autorisés, mais les gens le font. La vraie vie, j'entends tout le temps sur ce forum sur la vraie vie, que c'est quelque chose la plupart d' entre vous voulez regarder. Et tout à coup, quand la vraie vie a montré son visage, tout le monde se lever hurlante: nous ne voulons pas, nous ne voulons pas

Bien dit. Un peu de lucidité. Je vais être un peu rude; par définition un voyeur n'a pas une vie satisfaisante (sinon il ne regarde pas les autres). Donc, regardez, apprenez puis décider.

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10 minutes ago, waldi said:

muchas cosas no están permitidas, pero la gente lo hace. En la vida real, escucho todo el tiempo en este foro sobre la vida real, que es algo que la mayoría de ustedes desean ver. Y de repente, cuando la vida real mostró su rostro, todos se levantan aullando: no lo queremos, no lo queremos

Very well, we will wait then to see some rape, some murder, some beating ... things that happen in real life and that we can see every day on television or in the newspapers. All very real

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