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Jane & Dick - General Chat Topic (2018)

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Just now, mic351 said:

I think that is TK.  He's let his hair grow out or he's styled it different but I think that's him..

yes it's him and her 

all people said the same since this apartment is open :biggrin:

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13 minutes ago, curious said:

may i ask why 3rd gone in member's ?

Let me first say that I have no affiliation w/ CC or their Sysops.

I decided 3rd attachment when to the members forum for a couple reasons. In no particular order (and I'm sure I'm forgetting some)...

  • I upload (share) a shitload of vids and pics on CC. A vid may average 70..80+ downloads (last I checked), yet maybe 10% of those who d/l the file say thanks.  It's not that I need validation. I derive no benefit from taking the time to prep each video, prepare a collage for those to see what they would d/l (and to those who don't have the bandwidth to d/l a file but can see what occurred via the collage). It's that most people don't have (what use to be) common courtesy.  Words like please, thank you, may I - they barely exist in this egocentric, entitlement societys. I often say in my posts "...you can thank me now" as a subconscious dig to those who, if not reminded, wouldn't think twice of saying thank you.
  • Entitlement. 3rd went to member's forum because so many of you feel entitled (and so many of you are cheap shmucks). The first two vids I posted in this forum are damn good (especially part 1). *I* wanted to make a statement and this is one way I felt would get some attention. And indirectly, 98% of anyone who d/l a file or pic I have ever posted visits CC regularly and can afford $20/year to be a member. $20/year is more than fair (it's damn cheap) to support a site you derive lots of benefit from.

I know anyone out there can u/l their own file, or take the file I u/l (it's been done many times before) and post in the general forum for all to enjoy. That's not my concern.  But primary reason for my action is the lack of a nice gesture of saying thank you.

Just say THANKS.


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