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Nina & Alan and Serena - Part #4

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1 hour ago, squish said:

Does anyone know for sure whether NAS won the competition? Nina's 'holiday' is beginning to look more like a VH sponsored fact finding trip.

Nope, the beat goes on. 😏

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If there is some kind of sex on free cam competition then I think Otto and Lola would win hands down. I can't even the remember the last time they fucked in their own bedroom but I don't even watch that apartment anymore so maybe it happened recently.

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On 6/9/2018 at 3:16 PM, ur10intung69 said:

Sorry, pal. I am not trying to be disrespectful or trying to start something. I have my opinions, he has his.  Neither of us attacked anyone. It's a free world. If you wanna take this "out of context", thats your right. Read my post again. It says, "Let's NOT get into it", to keep from argument. In your last paragraph, you are wrong again. Bear has the right to his opinion, same as me. I would never deny anyone their opinion. 

This was a convo between me and Bear. YOU, SIR, ARE BUTTING IN.


"This was a convo between me and Bear. YOU, SIR, ARE BUTTING IN."

This is a public forum. Everything you post is seen by hundreds, maybe
thousands of people. There's no such thing as a private conversation in
a public forum. Anyone who reads your post has the right to reply to it.
That's not called butting in. That's called the entire purpose of the forum.

There weren't a lot of words in your first post, which makes it difficult to
take anything out of context. But, I actually considered the tenor of your
entire post in my reply.

For example, from your first sentence, "Here we go." you made the
assumption that Bear was trying to argue with you, which, as I said
before, he was not. He just offered a differing opinion in a non-
threatening way.

In your next three sentences:

"Do you what IMO means? In My Opinion, got it? What that means is,
that is my opinion, nothing more."

You spoke down to him, treated him like he was an idiot and was rude
by accusing him of not understanding what IMO meant. Whether or
not he knows, that's how you came across.

When you said, "Let's not get into it. Fair enuf?" you again made the
assumption that he wanted to argue and that you were trying to nip
it in the bud. But, there was nothing to nip. There was no argument
in his post.

That's pretty much in context, I think. The meaning and content of
your entire post was that Bear shouldn't post his opinion, because
he was trying to start something, which he clearly was not. He just
kindly and thoughtfully offered a different opinion.

In other words, IMO, your original post was unnecessary, although
you're free to post it, because Bear was never trying to get into or
argue with you, about anything.


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23 minutes ago, Robwin said:

Yet another victim, oops sorry, b/f for Serena lol, anyone know what her current total is now it must be ahead of Misty by now lol.

please ,
Serena had a lot of guests, but she did not come close to Misty's past schedule ..... the last # I remember of her was next to number 40.

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