StnCld316 Posted December 16, 2018 Posted December 16, 2018 Every Relationship has its troubles every now and then. They'll work their way through things as they have done in the past. 2
Pierrecaty Posted December 16, 2018 Posted December 16, 2018 On 15.12.2018 at 16:50, RoyMakaay said: lce happens between these two girls is often incomprehensible , and not because of the fact that I do not understand their language ... There are 18 hours sturmchaser said: The last 48 hours have had any sort of "theatrical". This was real life that almost disintegrated, and real love that saved ... There are 13 hours likidamber said: Remember - that we often believe something because we want to. We want to confirm what seems appealing to. 😀 "To be or not to be" RLC offers above all a show and couples are above all actors, and when real life is not enough to give a show, RLC or the actors make a small scenario showing a good quarrel, and a good part of sex. The quarrel is boosting the audience, and everyone is happy to see the reconciliations on the pillow.😍 The curtain fell, and the sofa quickly returned the king of the apartment, and the ladies resumed their habits as if nothing had happened. Then I admit that the show was of high quality, but this is the hundredth time they have performed this piece, it becomes almost a Pavlovian reflex.😊 But after all, isn't life just a huge theatre? I started with Shakespeare, I will end with Molière: "The theatre is only made to be seen" and RLC understood this perfectly. 😋 1
bigmac18 Posted December 16, 2018 Posted December 16, 2018 Hi all, The last week I was unable to follow our favorite girls closely. I had to cope with just a minimal amount of time to watch. Luckily there were numerous forum entries that kept me updated, from some active and some unregular posters. Thank you all for that. Unfortunately, it was like a funeral: you get to see all of the family members (known-and-close and unknown-and-far), but the occasion itself is just sad. Most of you know how I feel about the girls. I admire them for their creativity, perseverance and openess. As such, I was, like you, struck down by their hours-long fight. Like many of you, I have thought hard, and worried harder, about what happened this week. A few thoughts that I like to share with you. It feels weird to talk about such emotional business in the open. The onyl reason I dare to share them with you is that it is just my fantasy working. As with the nature of RLC and CC, it is just based on my thoughts and nothing more. They might -and probably are- grotesquely wrong. it might be sensationalism or insulting: I hope you understand that is none of my intentions. First of all: the conciliatory sex. The sex had me puzzled. It felt out of the blue. A Deus Ex Machina (which in the end didn't help after all). I will risk and try a hypothesis in this group... I wonder if Kira pleasured Nina to show Doe Eyes who Nina belongs to. Assuming Doe Eyes watches the cams, that is. "She may be a b*tch but she is mine!" Another theory is that Kira wanted to release the angry-energy out of Nina by giving her an orgasm. There is a perverse incentive for Kira. With Kira being angry and Nina being apologetic and pleading, Kira finally gets the Nina she perhaps craves. Kira finally gets center-stage with Nina paying positive attention to her. That is why she smiles sometimes while being furious and dissappointed with Nina. Rather bitter ironic, really. Then: Doe Eyes The fellowship of three. Nina - Kira - Doe-Eyes. Three wonderful girls who can not live together, nor can not live (or work) without each other. There are strong feelings between them, and in my view that can only originate in a long, shared history. What that is, we will probably never know. Don't forget, we only see a fraction of their (true) interaction. On the positive side, I believe the symbiosis between the three of them is unique and beautiful. It is more than just friends or colleagues. But there is a negative side too. Like a three sided seesaw with balls in it: move one ball and it automatically has effect on the other two. Their lives are severly intertwined. Love or plain lust between two can damage the balance between the three. Tip: look forward, girls. To conclude. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to trust each other (again) after another foul layer of the truth was exposed. I hope they will not do (or have done already) anything stupid. I hope they don't slam the door (emotionally) for each other, especially DE. I hope that the three of them still see how many times they have laughed together. How many times they have exchanged jokes, and truly enjoyed each others company. They are strong and very capable to get in that nice spot again. Where the three of them can be that three great girls again. Because they are just that. This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up 1 1
bigmac18 Posted December 16, 2018 Posted December 16, 2018 14 minutes ago, pierrecaty said: "To be or not to be" RLC offers above all a show and couples are above all actors, and when real life is not enough to give a show, RLC or the actors make a small scenario showing a good quarrel, and a good part of sex. The quarrel is boosting the audience, and everyone is happy to see the reconciliations on the pillow.😍 The curtain fell, and the sofa quickly returned the king of the apartment, and the ladies resumed their habits as if nothing had happened. Then I admit that the show was of high quality, but this is the hundredth time they have performed this piece, it becomes almost a Pavlovian reflex.😊 But after all, isn't life just a huge theatre? I started with Shakespeare, I will end with Molière: "The theatre is only made to be seen" and RLC understood this perfectly. 😋 Well said. Beautiful. In this context, if true, it is good to realize this makes us not only just the audience, but also part of the play itself. This forum is a stage in it own right 🙂
bigmac18 Posted December 16, 2018 Posted December 16, 2018 On 12/15/2018 at 4:04 PM, ed2 said: But maybe I'm prejudging. Like @le5b05, I always meant that DE mainly was trouble in N&K's relationship. I have never quite liked her. She seems like a two faced bitch to me! Sorry! hi @ed2, good to see you back here! I hope all pis well! I hear often that Doe Eyes is the disruptive factor in the relationship between Nina and Kira. And naturally, I agree on this largely. Although I firmly appreciate Doe for the person she is. I will go on a limb here... In an unobserved moment long ago, my thoughts went diametrically... What if Kira is the disruptive person between the older relationship between Doe Eyes and Nina? What if Kira is the evil mastermind who stole Nina from Doe Eyes? Like I said earlier. This forum is part of the theater stage. Panem et circenses. So feast your brains on this spectacular and juicy teaser theory, boys (and girls) 😎 Looking forward to your reactions and views. 1
Pierrecaty Posted December 16, 2018 Posted December 16, 2018 il y a 3 minutes, bigmac18 a dit : ien dit. Belle. Dans ce contexte, si cela est vrai, il est bon de réaliser ce qui nous permet non seulement de l'auditoire, mais aussi une partie de la pièce elle - même. Ce forum est une étape dans son propre droit 🙂 Criticism of RLC methods did not conflict with the values of our three daughters; They are obviously 3 extraordinary girls, Nina is a very good singer, Kira an exceptionally smart girl, and DE an outstanding organizer. But they are also part of RLC, and as such they are paid to perform. And they're performing. But I repeat, it doesn't take anything away from their intrinsic qualities. On the contrary, it proves that they are also excellent actresses. We see on RLC only a very small part of their life, if there is a true part there is also a part... a little more comfortable for the show. 1 1
bigmac18 Posted December 16, 2018 Posted December 16, 2018 Ah, they are home again. Kira just kissed Nina on the belly. Not that I know much about relationships or human interaction, but kissing on the belly is usually a good sign, isn't it? 😬 1
Pierrecaty Posted December 16, 2018 Posted December 16, 2018 there are 27 minutes bigmac18 said: @ ED2 I often hear that Doe eyes is the disruptive factor in the relationship between Nina and Kira. And of course, I am inagreement on this much. Although I strongly appreciate Doe for the person she is. In a time long ago unobserved, my thoughts diametrically me ... Andif Kira is the disruptive person from the relationship between themore Doe eyes and Nina ? What if Kira is the brain of theevil that hasrobbed Nina Doe eyes? ... I don't think there are any disruptive elements in their trio. There are ups and downs like everyone else, arguments, anger, but they are very close together, both professionally and emotionally. Professionally, DE and Kira are very involved in Nina's musical success. Sentimentally, while Kira and Nina are a couple, both have had romantic relationships with DE. It's a complex emotional situation, but they know how to manage. No doubt about it.😊 2
likidamber Posted December 16, 2018 Posted December 16, 2018 1 hour ago, pierrecaty said: "To be or not to be" RLC offers above all a show and couples are above all actors, and when real life is not enough to give a show, RLC or the actors make a small scenario showing a good quarrel, and a good part of sex. The quarrel is boosting the audience, and everyone is happy to see the reconciliations on the pillow.😍 The curtain fell, and the sofa quickly returned the king of the apartment, and the ladies resumed their habits as if nothing had happened. Then I admit that the show was of high quality, but this is the hundredth time they have performed this piece, it becomes almost a Pavlovian reflex.😊 But after all, isn't life just a huge theatre? I started with Shakespeare, I will end with Molière: "The theatre is only made to be seen" and RLC understood this perfectly. 😋 Gorgias said something extraordinary: the one who cheats (playwright, actors) is more right than the one who does not cheat; and the one who is deceived (the viewer) gets to know more than the one who has not been deceived. To think about it, since we've arrived at Shakespeare and Moliere, Goodnight all 1
bigmac18 Posted December 17, 2018 Posted December 17, 2018 6 hours ago, pierrecaty said: I don't think there are any disruptive elements in their trio. There are ups and downs like everyone else, arguments, anger, but they are very close together, both professionally and emotionally. Professionally, DE and Kira are very involved in Nina's musical success. Sentimentally, while Kira and Nina are a couple, both have had romantic relationships with DE. It's a complex emotional situation, but they know how to manage. No doubt about it.😊 You are right. There is a fundamental flaw in my reasoning of my philosophy. DE can only be a disruptive element in the relation of N&K, when you look at N&K as a couple of two. While probably the best way to look at them is seeing the three as a trinity. They are a highly involved and emotionally invested in each other, absolutely. I am not completely 100% certain though that they know how to manage, as you state . The situation is complex indeed and thus susceptible. A fallout of that is what we probably saw this week. But yes, they try very hard and succeesd often to keep the balance. Which is life -beautiful and difficult at the same time- and which is why we/I like them. 1
Thomazz Posted December 17, 2018 Posted December 17, 2018 7 hours ago, pierrecaty said: Sentimentally, while Kira and Nina are a couple, both have had romantic relationships with DE. It's a complex emotional situation, but they know how to manage. No doubt about it.😊 Okay. They can handle this situation. But how long? Nothing lasts forever. This sooner or later will really hurt someone.Nina or Kira? Do not know. Will there always be forgiveness? I do not think so. This is not healthy in the long run. ps. I do not think Nina has romantic feelings for DE. Maybe a couple of years...she was to be but NOW...I do not think so. Ira and Kira? Who knows? Always Nina is the "bad guy," but the other two girls are not a saint either. OK.. That's all I wanted. 1
likidamber Posted December 17, 2018 Posted December 17, 2018 4 godziny temu Thomazz powiedział: W porządku. Nowy poradzić sobie z tą sytuacją. Ale jak długo? Nic nie trwa wiecznie. To prędzej lub później reallyiesz zaszkodzi. Nina czy Kira? Nie wiem. Czy zawsze będzie przebaczenie? Nie wydawę. To nie jest zdrowe na dłuższą metę. ps. Nie wydaje się, aby Nina podejm romantyczne uczucia do DE. Może za kilka lat ... y miał być , ale teraz ... nie wydawać. Ira i Kira? Kto wie ? Zawsze Nina jest "złym facetem", ale te dwie dziewczyny też nie są święte. DOBRZE. Wszystko, czego chciałem. Moja pozycja się zmieniła. Zwiększył się podziw dla kreatywności i wydajności dziewcząt. Ale w tym, co się dzieje, patrzę na wzrok. Wiem, że mnie zdradza, ale cie się się, że się się dzieje. Nie martwię się lostm królika, any nagle zniknął. Myślę, że królik jest w porządku. Nie martwię się o Niny, Kiry i DE, myślę, że są one dobre, a konflikt jest tylko rekwizytem. Czekam kolejnej sztuczki. Magia. Iluzja. Myślę, że ich prawdziwe relacje są normalne, takie jak trzema sypialniami. Nina kocha Kira, DE jest ich przyjacielem i współpracownikiem.Prawdopodobnie kłócą się, kłócą się, ale bardziej aktywnie, w zakresie ich grupy muzycznej l. Ich życie jest poza RLC i jest prawda. Widzimy konflikt na RLC, ale zawsze wraca, gdy ważne rzeczy zdarzają się grupować. Jest to najbardziej aktualny i aktualny. 2
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