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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #16

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6 minutes ago, Pepe said:

I will say one thing this whole thing of shutting off free cams sure has brought out a whole lot of new people commenting on this forum. 😂

Yes, I did notice that. They're not happy they're not getting a free ride anymore!

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2 hours ago, SAMY LE MARIN said:


Bonsoir Samy Euh, tu te prend pour qui pour répondre comme ça, ton ego a l'air bien surdimensionné pour mettre ton pseudo en majuscule ainsi que ton texte de cotation. Mais je vais quand même te répondre, il y a des topics pour chaque types Photos-Vidéos-Discussions, donc il me semble logique les discussions ailles dans le chat et pas dans Photos ni vidéos, si à force de demander et répéter, les membres qui font ça ne comprennent toujours pas qu'ils ne sont pas dans le bon topic, il faut bien envoyé des messages un peu plus clairs. Si tu veux je donne des cours de savoir vivre mais c'est comme pour le Premium il sont payant.

Good evening Samy Oh, you take you for whom to answer like that, your ego looks well oversized to put your pseudo in capital letters as well as your text of quotation. But I will still answer you, there are topics for each type Photos-Videos-Discussions, so it seems logical to me discussions in the chat and not in Photos or videos, if by dint of ask and repeat, the members who do that still do not understand that they are not in the right topic, it must be sent messages a little clearer. If you want i give lessons to know how to live but it's like for the Premium it is paying.

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8 hours ago, firewall said:

yes, like I said yesterday VHTV can be the big winner of that,

ok not everybody enjoy VH but now there is not many free cams on rlc it can be a good alternative for the people are not member every months on rlc but the free cams on VH are not really good this is the problem.

curious to see the stats of the two sites in the next weeks and months, rlc will stay number one I have no doubt with that but I want see if VH progress or not

If people are looking for Sex then VHTV is the place to be.  There's more sex in 1 Day at VHTV then people see on RLC in 2 Months.

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3 hours ago, parapay said:

you wouldn't do anything because she wouldn't let you within 50 meters of her. i can imagine you to be a smelly, overweight and hairy old muslim man. much like the one in that stupid fucking GIF.

Good evening parapay, do I speak to a racist guy, first of all there are many people in all the races and all the countries who are very nice to coast, of course I do not speak about extremists and racists, I put the gifs for the fingers that says no and not for his race and to let you know, I am white and a fucking fucker who practices sex to give pleasure to women before taking mine. You do not know me, but you must have a very little brains to imagine me as in the gifs. And to conclude, to talk about sex, if the improbable was to come one day, yes I think she would want me to become his sex friend (knowing that it will never happen, allow me anyway in dream). Also I do not like racists let alone KKK


Bonsoir, est ce que je parle a un gars raciste, premièrement il y a plein de gens dans toutes les races et tous les pays qui sont très agréable a cotoyer, bien sûr je ne parle pas des extrémistes et des racistes J'ai mis le gifs pour le doigts qui dit non pas pour sa race et pour te laisser savoir, je suis blanc et un putain de baiseur qui pratique le sexe pour donner du plaisir aux femmes avant de prendre le mien. Tu ne me connais pas, mais tu dois avoir un sacré petit cerveau pour m'imaginé comme dans le gifs. Et pour conclure, pour parler sexe, si l'improbable devait un jour se présenter, oui je pense qu'elle voudrai que je devienne son sex friend (sachant que cela n'arrivera jamais, permet moi quand même d'en rever).Aussi, je n'aime pas les racistes, encore moins le KKK


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20 minutes ago, Rod001 said:

Good evening parapay, do I speak to a racist guy, first of all there are many people in all the races and all the countries who are very nice to coast, of course I do not speak about extremists and racists, I put the gifs for the fingers that says no and not for his race and to let you know, I am white and a fucking fucker who practices sex to give pleasure to women before taking mine. You do not know me, but you must have a very little brains to imagine me as in the gifs. And to conclude, to talk about sex, if the improbable was to come one day, yes I think she would want me to become his sex friend (knowing that it will never happen, allow me anyway in dream). Also I do not like racists let alone KKK


Bonsoir, est ce que je parle a un gars raciste, premièrement il y a plein de gens dans toutes les races et tous les pays qui sont très agréable a cotoyer, bien sûr je ne parle pas des extrémistes et des racistes J'ai mis le gifs pour le doigts qui dit non pas pour sa race et pour te laisser savoir, je suis blanc et un putain de baiseur qui pratique le sexe pour donner du plaisir aux femmes avant de prendre le mien. Tu ne me connais pas, mais tu dois avoir un sacré petit cerveau pour m'imaginé comme dans le gifs. Et pour conclure, pour parler sexe, si l'improbable devait un jour se présenter, oui je pense qu'elle voudrai que je devienne son sex friend (sachant que cela n'arrivera jamais, permet moi quand même d'en rever).Aussi, je n'aime pas les racistes, encore moins le KKK


You don't like racists let alone the KKK?? Well, that's awfully racist of you...


Listen, you sound like a virgin retard. Talking to internet strangers about imagining what you would do to Leora, because you're such a manly man? Stop being silly

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1 hour ago, Pepe said:

I will say one thing this whole thing of shutting off free cams sure has brought out a whole lot of new people commenting on this forum. 😂

1) Hmmmm...I'd say - let's blame the newbees and their neverending need for reposts. Think even our Queen was fed up with all of that... So now there's some time for the ones behind to get to organize and catch up eventually, hehe

2) + - we've got into some serious trouble here. As I (and so many others, hehe) said to myself - I'd never log on to RLC again, until our Queen is back (in all her glory that is! ))  ) I wonder how will we know taht our Queen is actually back on the track...

     I mean - someone will have to sacrifice himself to check on regulary (like - every 5 min...or....so )) ) so that we dont all do it and still promote the RLC.

3) Perhaps our beloved Queen is powerfull enough to tell the RLC to not fuck with her and to give her back her biggest fan ( me, ofc, hehe). She should mention them by the way that she can make another RLC - ''Real Leora Cam'' site at anytime!


P.s.: I really enjoy my six pack....



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Il y a 1 heure, Rod001 a dit :

Bonsoir Samy Euh, tu te prend pour qui pour répondre comme ça, ton ego a l'air bien surdimensionné pour mettre ton pseudo en majuscule ainsi que ton texte de cotation. Mais je vais quand même te répondre, il y a des topics pour chaque types Photos-Vidéos-Discussions, donc il me semble logique les discussions ailles dans le chat et pas dans Photos ni vidéos, si à force de demander et répéter, les membres qui font ça ne comprennent toujours pas qu'ils ne sont pas dans le bon topic, il faut bien envoyé des messages un peu plus clairs. Si tu veux je donne des cours de savoir vivre mais c'est comme pour le Premium il sont payant.

Good evening Samy Oh, you take you for whom to answer like that, your ego looks well oversized to put your pseudo in capital letters as well as your text of quotation. But I will still answer you, there are topics for each type Photos-Videos-Discussions, so it seems logical to me discussions in the chat and not in Photos or videos, if by dint of ask and repeat, the members who do that still do not understand that they are not in the right topic, it must be sent messages a little clearer. If you want i give lessons to know how to live but it's like for the Premium it is paying.

si ce que tu as à dire n'est pas plus beau que le silence ,alors tais toi

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7 hours ago, maxfactor said:

So you don't pay and never have otherwise you statement does not make sense. :dodgy:

no i use to pay then one day i got banned for sending RLC a pic of a peace of shit beating the hell out of a puppy for taking the pic. not for posting anything here  just to them. so i stopped paying and just watched leora on the free cams. but now that she is no longer free i see no reason to even go to RLC at all


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I have already tried to pass it, a simple post is not enough because members continue to dictate in bad topics, yet it is not complicated, it's just a lack of will. Photos = Photos or a small comment on the Photo.So it takes some posts a little clearer to try to send them in the right topic, but it does not seem to work lol.

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