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Discussion:2019 Novel Corona Virus (Covid19) and It's Political Ramifications #4

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2 minutes ago, happyone said:

Yes there are idiots in the USA, just like in other free countries.  The problem is those people are selfish and do not think of others.  Freedom should include respect for others rights as well including the health and well being of others when you

can do something to possibly prevent them from becoming sick and even die----Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. 

Hi happy,your absolutely correct of course and trust me we have them here as well.Our beer gardens are open now and myself and a couple of family members paid a visit just to sample draught beer again.The pub toilet was open and as I approached it two guys came out trying to knock each other out,idiots.I found out later that one of them hadn't used the sanitizer.Simple things like that we are asked to do but some just don't get it.

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Well done :angel:

Coronavirus: he dies at 30 after having participated in a "covid party"

 It's a very special type of evening, which we were talking about a few days ago ... and which very logically made its first victims. Sometimes until death.

Many evenings have been recorded in Alabama (United States), but it seems that they exist throughout the country. The one that led to the death of a 30-year-old young man took place in Texas, in the southern United States.

This young thirties died in the hospital, shortly after having participated in a "covid evening". The principle: do everything to be infected first by a sick person, sometimes with the aim of winning a prize pool.

 At the Methodist hospital in San Antonio, Dr. Jane Appleby sees patients 20 to 30 years old succeed one another. The man who died this week thought the covid-19 was "just a hoax," she said.

And he had therefore participated, carefree, in a "covid-party", according to the doctor interviewed on NBC.

"He thought he was invincible when he was young and that he would not get sick. One of the most upsetting things was that he said to his nurse, 'I think I made a mistake,'" says Jane Appleby.

 The doctor decided to communicate on this case not to frighten but to remind that anyone can get sick, regardless of age: "I don't want to be alarmist, but we are just trying to make people understand that this virus is very dangerous and it can spread easily, "she explains. "I call on everyone and especially young people to take this disease seriously," she concludes.

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2 hours ago, Faze Me said:

I just lost myself in the forum and landed here, for one single poste based on the 2 last pages. And yes, I'm a fucking foreigner from Europe.

You're discussing from where between MAGA/BLM people comes this raise in infection ? really ? What's the difference ? virus don't make any difference, and knowing that will only serve political discussion, not health discussion.

If you want to get rid of this virus, you should react and there currently is only one proven way to stop it : reduce/stop contact between people. That's the point, anything else is bullshit.

Now I let you continue your oral figth....

Reducing/stopping contact between people does not "get rid of this virus".    Makes more sense to me to allow younger healthy people to live their lives while protecting people who are more at risk of dying from the disease. I still believe Sweden was one nation that got it right from the beginning, except for them not sufficiently protecting nursing home residents.

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Do you people have any clue about how many people can't go 2 weeks without leaving their house? Many live on a few dollars a day and can't even think about supporting themselves for 2 weeks. Then you have the people with medical problems, the people that have to go to work just to keep the lights on and the water flowing. You can keep going all the way to us lowly truck drivers that have to transport all of these essential items to the store that has to be open so you can buy them.

Just a vicious circle. And it will go on into infinity.

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1 hour ago, TBG 150 said:

Do you people have any clue about how many people can't go 2 weeks without leaving their house? Many live on a few dollars a day and can't even think about supporting themselves for 2 weeks. Then you have the people with medical problems, the people that have to go to work just to keep the lights on and the water flowing. You can keep going all the way to us lowly truck drivers that have to transport all of these essential items to the store that has to be open so you can buy them.

Just a vicious circle. And it will go on into infinity.

I do not advocate staying locked in your house under quarantine unless you are infected (which a test is supposed to let you know whether or not you are positive for COVID).  What I do advocate is that people use common sense, be aware of their surroundings, wear a mask, social distance among friends and strangers (not immediate family), wash your hands regularly, and sanitize anything that comes into your house as much as possible.  People should be allowed to work and use the proper equipment in that environment. (ie my daughter works as a dental hygienist--wears a mask, a face shield, a disposable gown, and gloves.)  The office screens all persons entering and uses other sanitary and social distancing precautions When she get off work, she removes her work clothes, takes a shower, and changes before coming in contact with anyone including her husband and son.  Simple things can and will, until a real cure is discovered and an effective vaccine created,  reduce the number of infections and death. 

PS Dave-27 -aren't you proud of me???? --you won't have to reply ":Hi happy,you're making this political pal!!!"  😏

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4 hours ago, happyone said:

I do not advocate staying locked in your house under quarantine unless you are infected (which a test is supposed to let you know whether or not you are positive for COVID).  What I do advocate is that people use common sense, be aware of their surroundings, wear a mask, social distance among friends and strangers (not immediate family), wash your hands regularly, and sanitize anything that comes into your house as much as possible.  People should be allowed to work and use the proper equipment in that environment. (ie my daughter works as a dental hygienist--wears a mask, a face shield, a disposable gown, and gloves.)  The office screens all persons entering and uses other sanitary and social distancing precautions When she get off work, she removes her work clothes, takes a shower, and changes before coming in contact with anyone including her husband and son.  Simple things can and will, until a real cure is discovered and an effective vaccine created,  reduce the number of infections and death. 

PS Dave-27 -aren't you proud of me???? --you won't have to reply ":Hi happy,you're making this political pal!!!"  😏

But if we take your advice the economy will operate and Democrats cannot allow that to happen until after the election.:angel:

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I will only accept testing as a solution if people are tested daily. I believe that a person is responsible for protecting his or herself from others - while protecting others from them, should they become symptomatic - by wearing a mask.

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7 hours ago, happyone said:

I do not advocate staying locked in your house under quarantine unless you are infected (which a test is supposed to let you know whether or not you are positive for COVID).  What I do advocate is that people use common sense, be aware of their surroundings, wear a mask, social distance among friends and strangers (not immediate family), wash your hands regularly, and sanitize anything that comes into your house as much as possible.  People should be allowed to work and use the proper equipment in that environment. (ie my daughter works as a dental hygienist--wears a mask, a face shield, a disposable gown, and gloves.)  The office screens all persons entering and uses other sanitary and social distancing precautions When she get off work, she removes her work clothes, takes a shower, and changes before coming in contact with anyone including her husband and son.  Simple things can and will, until a real cure is discovered and an effective vaccine created,  reduce the number of infections and death. 

PS Dave-27 -aren't you proud of me???? --you won't have to reply ":Hi happy,you're making this political pal!!!"  😏

Ok happy,good one,message received and understood😁👍

Excellent post BTW👍

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

The head of the WHO, Tedros, is a fucking puppet of the Chinese Communist Government. He is working with China to make sure the world economy does not improve and thereby making China the dominant world economic power.

gordon ramsay cooking GIF by Hell's Kitchen

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“Biden and Obama stopped their testing,” Trump said. “They just stopped it. You probably know that. I’m sure you don’t want to report it. But they stopped testing. Right in the middle, they just went, ‘No more testing.’”

Biden and Obama are to blame for COVID-19 are they? Three years after they left office?! What an unmitigated chump!  😂


The president on Monday again sought to redirect blame for his pandemic response to the previous administration.


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