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Discussion:2019 Novel Corona Virus (Covid19) and It's Political Ramifications #5

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An excellent description and definition of IQ45's "base".

"Trump and his spokespersons have consistently presented information and opinions intended to strongly impact the emotional state of their followers. This leads vulnerable followers, who rely on their feelings to define reality rather than examining objective facts, to strongly "feel" that the "information" they are provided is accurate.

Feeling convinced, they will not explore or consider any other information or facts; they distrust, disbelieve and (angrily) reject as "fake" any contrary information; they disregard logical inconsistencies; and ultimately, they act decisively on the basis of the "information" provided (in a manner that meets the purposes of the Trump cabal). Despite the total inconsistency with objective facts, they continue to view Trump as essentially infallible, honor him with adulation, rally to his support — and project onto perceived "enemies" blame for any negative events that befall Trump or his admirers.

This is occurring at the current time when, even at their own peril and even though medical evidence and objective facts clearly indicate that Trump himself has dangerously ignored warnings and left himself, his administration and his followers vulnerable to COVID infection, Trump's followers continue to maintain convoluted explanations or conspiracy theories in order to justify feeling that they and Trump are innocent victims."

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On 10/11/2020 at 3:34 AM, letsdothis said:

I'm not even sure what to say. First, you apologize, then you accuse me of something I already said I didn't know. And, I never took a shot at you. I said before, there was no malice in my first post.

But, you obviously wanted to make sure I saw this post. After your apology, I have no idea why you would say something like this. I've never lied to you, or anyone else on this site, for that matter, about anything, for any reason. That extends into my life off this site, as well.

Think about it, why would I lie? Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't need to. I'm free to say just about anything I want on this site, but I choose to always deal in truth and accuracy. What I can't do is make people believe what I say, that's their decision. But, that doesn't change the truth of what I say, and it's always true. So, truth is my choice, belief is yours.

This back and forth is going like most conversations on this covid thread, nowhere. And you don't what my political beliefs are, you assume its different from yours. Or whatever you said. The problem on this thread is you all believe we're on one side of the other when ranting. I hate both of the parties in my country and they're destroying the country driving people to hate each other. We have more in common with each other than well ever have in common with the fucking corrupt asshole politicians everyone in here is defending. And i said  you lied because I accused of something you already admitted to? I have no idea what that means. But if you say you don't know what to believe as if I might have meant lol at that video, then I guess we have nothing else to say to each other. 

16 hours ago, letsdothis said:

An excellent description and definition of IQ45's "base".

"Trump and his spokespersons have consistently presented information and opinions intended to strongly impact the emotional state of their followers. This leads vulnerable followers, who rely on their feelings to define reality rather than examining objective facts, to strongly "feel" that the "information" they are provided is accurate.

Feeling convinced, they will not explore or consider any other information or facts; they distrust, disbelieve and (angrily) reject as "fake" any contrary information; they disregard logical inconsistencies; and ultimately, they act decisively on the basis of the "information" provided (in a manner that meets the purposes of the Trump cabal). Despite the total inconsistency with objective facts, they continue to view Trump as essentially infallible, honor him with adulation, rally to his support — and project onto perceived "enemies" blame for any negative events that befall Trump or his admirers.

This is occurring at the current time when, even at their own peril and even though medical evidence and objective facts clearly indicate that Trump himself has dangerously ignored warnings and left himself, his administration and his followers vulnerable to COVID infection, Trump's followers continue to maintain convoluted explanations or conspiracy theories in order to justify feeling that they and Trump are innocent victims."

Spoken like the elitist asshole that you are.

3 hours ago, Alladino said:


Or maybe Fauci is lying about being non-partisan, especially; since he has praised Hillary Clinton and his wife donated $1200 to Hillary's  presidential campaign.

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14 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

Dieses Hin und Her verläuft wie die meisten Gespräche in diesem Covid-Thread nirgendwo. Und Sie wissen nicht, was meine politischen Überzeugungen sind, Sie nehmen an, dass sie sich von Ihren unterscheiden. Oder was auch immer du gesagt hast. Das Problem in diesem Thread ist, dass Sie alle glauben, dass wir beim Schimpfen auf der einen Seite der anderen sind. Ich hasse beide Parteien in meinem Land und sie zerstören das Land und treiben die Menschen dazu, sich gegenseitig zu hassen. Wir haben mehr miteinander gemein als jemals zuvor mit den verdammt korrupten Arschlochpolitikern, die jeder hier verteidigt. Und ich sagte, du hast gelogen, weil ich etwas beschuldigt habe, das du bereits zugegeben hast? Ich habe keine Ahnung was das heißt. Aber wenn du sagst, dass du nicht weißt, was du glauben sollst, als ob ich bei diesem Video lol gemeint hätte, dann haben wir uns wohl nichts anderes zu sagen. 

Blah, blah . blah - wenn SIE keine konkrete Meinung/Aussage hier vortragen können dann säugen Sie lieber Ihre Babys anstatt Menschen die Zeit zu rauben Ihren Schwachsinn lesen zu müssen. Tschüß Baby.

Melden Sie sich wieder wenn Sie irgendwann erwachsen geworden sind. Ich habe keine Lust dumpfen Schwachsinn zu lesen. Weib hin oder her. ☹️

2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Blah, blah. blah - if YOU can't give a concrete opinion / statement here then you prefer to nurse your babies instead of robbing people of the time to read your nonsense. Goodbye baby

Get in touch again when you've grown up. I don't feel like reading dull bullshit. Woman or not. ☹️

Haha, I've given a concrete opinion,  you're an asshole!  You better get in the tub, almost bedtime, or Mommy will beat your ass with her wooden spoon again! 😊

  • Haha 2
54 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

Haha, ich habe eine konkrete Meinung abgegeben, du bist ein Arschloch! Du gehst besser in die Wanne, fast vor dem Schlafengehen, oder Mama schlägt dir wieder mit ihrem Holzlöffel auf den Arsch! 😊

Ich bin ein gebildeter und höflicher Mensch. Du schreibst hier Unsinn. Ich mahne das an. Und Du beleidigst und wirst verbal ausfallend.

Du bist weit unter meinem Niveau. Wie sagst Du "Arschloch" ? Du bist eine überhebliche dumme amerikanische widerliche Buschratte - das Foto erspare ich mir zunächst. Deine Kinder tuen mir leid. Bei so einer "Mutter" (mit oder ohne Pinsel) können ja nur gewaltbereite Idioten daraus werden - so wie 90% der Amerikaner. Fick Dich selbst.

Habe selten so  primitive Beiträge wie von Dir gelesen - ich denke Du surfst hier unter falscher Flagge. ☹️

  • Haha 1
  • Sad 1
50 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

I am an educated and polite person. You're writing nonsense here. I urge that. And you insult and become verbal.

You are far below my level. How do you say "asshole" ? You're an arrogant stupid, stupid American disgusting bush rat - I'll spare myself the photo at first. I'm sorry for your children. With such a "mother" (with or without a brush), only violent idiots can become them - just like 90% of Americans. Fuck yourself.

I rarely read as primitive posts as you read - I think you surf here under the wrong flag. ☹️

That is the best joke you told all day --you constantly prove it with your posts. 

  • Haha 3

People on here keep blaming Trump for all the covid deaths in this country. On March 8 Dr. Fauci in a tv interview said there was no benefit to wearing a mask, so how many people did Fauci kill with that statement?

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19 minutes ago, happyone said:

Das ist der beste Witz, den Sie den ganzen Tag erzählt haben - Sie beweisen es ständig mit Ihren Posts. 

Baby, halte Dich aus den Verkehr heraus. Du bist hier nicht angesprochen. Der Abdruck der "google-Übersetzung" zeigt wieder einmal wie Scheisse die Übersetzung ist. Die entstellt den Text vom Ursprung total.

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