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B5 COV Alexandra & Lucian / Piper & Taylor / Claire & Carlos - General Topic 2020 #11 (November)


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2 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Oh O the genius who got us to this point is barfing up the turd that he ate.  All the while complaining that there is nothing going on when he gets what he wants.  What a fuck wit.  Enjoy assholes.

Hey max. I'm trying to eat my dinner!!

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9 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

I think it was just neighbours at the door...They surely would've opened to police...

Carlos and Taylor had laid down on the floor and they were trying to secretly see what's outside from  the window. I am guessing they were trying to see if the Police car is gone. I don't think they would want to open the door to the police as they might be fined (or worse) for breaking the rules. also having cameras in there may raise some questions. 

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6 minutes ago, bluewinner said:

Carlos e Taylor si erano sdraiati sul pavimento e stavano cercando di vedere di nascosto cosa c'era fuori dalla finestra. Immagino stessero cercando di vedere se l'auto della polizia è sparita. Non credo che vorrebbero aprire la porta alla polizia perché potrebbero essere multati (o peggio) per aver infranto le regole. anche la presenza di telecamere potrebbe sollevare alcune domande. 

Infatti gli e’ stata fatta una multa di 300€

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Just now, quasi said:

It almost seems like they are hiding from somebody that somebody knows and doesn't want to see.  If it were the police they would have opened the door and if too many people in there somebody hide.  

i live in spain and reunions with more than 6 people are forbidden...maybe they were hiding from police due to that

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