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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Kick backs are never discussed out in the open,.. You need to PM the administrator about that. I suggest a tactful approach like: "Hey big shot where's my dough!"?
  2. Yeah I know,.. It just kind of jumps out at ya. Thankfully it wasn't in 3D. You would probably be able to smell it.
  3. I've noticed in life, that those that excel at English, or word usage usually don't do as well with math, and vice versa. I'm so glad they invented little hand held calculators. Though my math has gotten somewhat better.
  4. We had a priest come by when I was around twenty or so to bless the house. And I told him he'd better do my room twice. A true story.
  5. Maybe you prefer blondes? How funny,.. I personally would like to see that picture plastered up on billboards across this fair land,.. It could help us in the up coming elections. It could have the caption,.. "Would you vote for this!?"
  6. Well,.. You'd be surprised at how many girls do itch for this sort of thing,.. Though I'll grant you I was a bit rough or coarse in my little example of it here. There, I tamed it down a bit, just for you my friend.
  7. Wow,.. What a flop this idea turned out to be. Not exactly the same sort of success story that that filthy juvenile diatribe 'Fifty Shades of Grey' had garnered. For all the girls out there, outside of Kitten, there hasn't been one other girl to share their secret little kinky desires with us. But then, like I said before,.. Location is everything. And I don't know how many young girls would even care to wander into the 'Old Dudes Board' to even see our encouraging sign post. Oh well,.. Too bad, it could have been fun for them as well as for us. Maybe a "Girls Confessional" would have worked better, with Father Woodie presiding over our guilt laden little lassies, as they pour out their heart and tears and confess. "Oh Father Woodie, I wish I had a boyfriend that would just take the initiative sometimes, and would just fuck me on the floor, or maybe throw me across the kitchen table when I would start to act up like a little bitch sometimes." "Oh, What can I do?" "What can I do?" "I'm so desperate anymore."
  8. We still see eye to eye on too many things for us not to be friends, and I still hold you in high esteem, at least when I'm half tanked on Scotch anyway. Now shall I tell you of the time when I once told this Muslim man that in so many words I used his Koran once for toilet paper. It is pretty funny.
  9. B.S. but you're entitled to your opinion. I stand by what I said, I also don't see the need to bring a separate topic into the argument, but if that is all you have..... Just remember Panther, Your dealing with your basic MTV crowd here.
  10. They're all a bunch of pigs. I saw Paul once with his big gaping mouth open yawn right in Leora's face. He wasn't anymore than two inches away from her when he woke up one morning. She then quickly put her own hand up in order to shield herself from his no doubt atrocious breath. Nothing but a bunch of uncouth pigs, the whole lot of them.
  11. What the fuck is that suppose to mean!? If your a friend of sorts, fine. If not I'll survive.
  12. Just a gut feeling. I did sort of consider you something of a friend though, so I could have been wrong about that too.
  13. Being circumcised is a good thing,.. Being circumvented is not.
  14. You get respect. Or you can just think of it as your local union hall shake down. Local 69
  15. Come on girls, there's no turning back now, the road has been paved for you by the likes of Squirrel, TBG, and myself. For we know that Victoria isn't the only one with a secret. So be brave like our own adorable little Kitten. You'll be completely cloaked in anonymity, so there's no reason to be shy. I'll even help start you out. Dear Diary, Sometimes as a girl I secretly dream of,... ? And fellas, if this doesn't prove fruitful,... Well, at least I tried. I don't know how many girls might wander into 'The Old Dudes Board', But hopefully Kitten has a few female friends out there.
  16. woodworker

    Read Me

    Weeee,.. There goes another liberal slinky. Thump thump thump thump thump
  17. If they ate solid foods they'd get fat. They don't really do anything, including sex, to ever wear the calories off.
  18. Thanks Pepe, I knew I could count on you. It could be in a "Dear Diary" format,.. Something like: Dear Diary, I just read the Creed of Submission that Squirrel had posted, and suddenly found myself quivering in anticipation over just such a thing. Oh how a girl like myself does yearn for this, instead of that hapless little boy Paul that's always just lumbering around my place pawing at me at every chance he gets. A man who doesn't just drools like some dog with his tongue hanging out every time he wants to get close to me. Oh, how my loins do ache for the touch of a man at times. A man that won't constantly just put up with my tantrums or that will subdue me over his knees whenever I get too far out of line. (See how easy it would be girls) And it can be on whatever kinky little ideas you may have. This was merely an example. And even if there are only a few girls brave enough to venture in,.. It would still be worth while to put out the shingle and invite them.
  19. Leora is clearly annoyed at Paul's incessant strumming on his guitar. Hey Paul, Why don't you sing her a serenade while she scans the internet or maybe even RLC for a guy who can really put her out of her misery.
  20. Hey Squirrel, I meant to mention this to you before, but was too wrapped up in this ball of yarn that our little Kitten was still toying with. Perhaps we should have a girl's fantasy forum, where our nervous yet excitable young girls here at Camcaps can divulge their little secrets in complete anonymity. Yes girls, now won't that be exciting! I don't think we would need the warden's approval, and we know our little Kitten would heartily no doubt like this. Just a thought. And who knows, maybe that lifeless, dull witted tree stump, Kinko, might stumble on to it and start scratching his own little head.
  21. And Squirrel, I can't tell you how impressed I was at how quickly you were able to post that 'Creed of Submission'. Was it just laying around the house kind of close by at the time, just waiting for the right moment for you to spring it into action? Man you are fast! No wonder you can fly.
  22. Well, I either scared her away, or she's busy typing her little fingers off to TBG right now. Oh well, have fun Kitten,.. And just remember,.. Your still alright in my books.
  23. It take's a lot to make me laugh,.. Especially when I was wandering down memory lane again. See what you did Kitten! Oh yes,.. Our naughty little moderator wants to spark a war between us. I'll have you standing in the corner naked little girl with a stinging red bottom, before I will ever let you make sport out of me.
  24. Are you thinking about changing your name again Kitten? Or is this little girl all done playing? Just trying to spark you from a distance Kitten. Nothing serious,.. Yet.
  25. I hold my own ground Kitten. If you only knew,.. but then, I won't be baited into a fight between friends for just a cheap thrill or kicks. One has to be serious with me.
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