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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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11 hours ago, Howard said:

Who is fat shaming?!  And if I said it looked like she lost a few pounds, will I be called out for saying she's anorexic?!

She gained weight - BFD. I'd bang her now. I'd bang her 10 lbs ago. I'd bang her if she was 15 lbs heavier (but not 16 lbs - who would want to bang a fat broad?). :rolleyes:

I have a sister whom is anorexic, I know you didn't mean it and as a joke but it isn't a joking matter. As a brother living through it, we males need to learn never to joke about women's weigh.An example is I can't say to my sister she is looking well as to her this means she is fat.

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51 minutes ago, maniac1690 said:

thats the 3rd time today this apartment has went UM , weird ?


The apartment has some issues with the bathroom lights, they have not been operating since they returned from holiday.It doesn't appear to be just the bulb, and a guy visited this morning and looked at it, perhaps he has returned to fix the problem.

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2 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

The apartment has some issues with the bathroom lights, they have not been operating since they returned from holiday.It doesn't appear to be just the bulb, and a guy visited this morning and looked at it, perhaps he has returned to fix the problem.

thanks jimbo4 


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Just to relieve the boredom, I thought I would throw something into the pot to stop peoples fingers cramping up due to lack of action.

As always, whenever Mr Romance is home, he brings along his dark cloud of despair and general feeling of apathy, He struts round like a sloth, and apart from constantly sticking his digit up his nasal organ shows little sign of life, or interest toward the beauty by his side.I have seen more life in a corpse.

Some of the blame must be laid at her door, as she has allowed him to become what he is. A mummies boy who has always been used to getting his own way, lacking in any social graces whatsoever. and without a trace of consideration for her feelings, which is so evident in their sex life. I say their sex life when in fact her feelings and needs do not matter to him at all, as long as he can relieve himself is all that matters, he would show as much feeling and consideration to a blow-up-doll, or a plank of wood with a hole in it. In fact he seems more attracted to Eva than to " Leora ", 

He may be academically clever, but without her he is incapable of functioning, she gives him too much kudos, and is forever pampering him and trying to satisfy his every whim.

As I mentioned these are the rantings of a bored and pissed off person.......I will go and paint the garden fence, and spend the rest of the day watching the paint dry. much more interesting than watching this apartment at the moment.


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5 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Just to relieve the boredom, I thought I would throw something into the pot to stop peoples fingers cramping up due to lack of action.

As always, whenever Mr Romance is home, he brings along his dark cloud of despair and general feeling of apathy, He struts round like a sloth, and apart from constantly sticking his digit up his nasal organ shows little sign of life, or interest toward the beauty by his side.I have seen more life in a corpse.

Some of the blame must be laid at her door, as she has allowed him to become what he is. A mummies boy who has always been used to getting his own way, lacking in any social graces whatsoever. and without a trace of consideration for her feelings, which is so evident in their sex life. I say their sex life when in fact her feelings and needs do not matter to him at all, as long as he can relieve himself is all that matters, he would show as much feeling and consideration to a blow-up-doll, or a plank of wood with a hole in it. In fact he seems more attracted to Eva than to " Leora ", 

He may be academically clever, but without her he is incapable of functioning, she gives him too much kudos, and is forever pampering him and trying to satisfy his every whim.

As I mentioned these are the rantings of a bored and pissed off person.......I will go and paint the garden fence, and spend the rest of the day watching the paint dry. much more interesting than watching this apartment at the moment.


I must concur, and feel compelled to also add, that I am sure that like many others who come to visit this particular thread of this forum, I also am a financial supporter of the RLC Project, and also like many others I am sure, I joined mainly and mostly because of interest in the apartment being referenced to, and have since had very little interest, if at all most times, in any of the possible activities of interest in any of the other tenants or apartments. Though it is without a doubt that the sweet woman who occupies the apartment being referenced to is astonishingly beautiful and stunningly attractive, very intelligent and truly talented in a number of ways, and has the sweetest and well-meaning disposition and outlook on life, the activities of interest that once occurred there in that apartment have been surely waning of late to say the least, and as a matter of fact, have been slowly becoming less and less for quite some time now, to a point where not much else in the ways of activities of interest seems to occur there in that apartment any more than does any of the rest of the RLC tenant apartments nowadays. I also feel that the male housemate has quite a bit of influence and is likely a substantial reason why she has been making some of the decisions and choices she makes and therefore is also a big part of the reasons why things have changed to the point they have. It is and never has been considered wise or rationale though, why some people choose to align themselves with, or choose others such as mates, who do not do enough else to matter enough to hold someone back in their life or keep them down to a point of not experiencing life the ways they could otherwise. At times, he talks to and treats her as if she is someone that he picked up off of the streets instead of his supposed mate, and he always behaves as though he pays the bills, which he does not, and when he raises his voice and talks down to her, she usually does not take up for herself enough and just takes it without saying enough in defense of herself. Those types of behaviors are not good nor are they right. So, although I truly wish that there was more I could do to help to improve in any way or make her life better, she probably would not be willing to accept any assistance. Most of the tenants with RLC either just forget, or fail to take into consideration, or simply just do not care, that the ways of living afforded to them, which seem to range anywhere from decent to really good, especially if the vacations they are afforded are taken into consideration, which they otherwise would most likely not be able to afford if they had to mainly worry about being employed just to be able to pay and keep up with bills somewhere to have places to live and survive as does much of the rest of the worlds peoples, and though if any of the tenants truly deserved vacations, it certainly would be the sweet and lovely juli' above any others, but all those benefits are financially provided by the people who decide to take interest in the project enough to subscribe to it, and that without the financial contributors and supporters or subscribers as they refer to it, there would be no RLC project. So I also am very close to being added to what I am sure is a rapidly growing list of fans and admirers who have made the unfortunate decisions to cancel subscriptions because of experiencing feelings of discouragement, disappointment, and just being too bored, by in turn, withdrawing my financial support from the RLC Project by unsubscribing or canceling the subscription that I have continued for quite a substantial length of time now. I still adore and admire tremendously, and love and have much respect for the lovely and sweet juli ! Even though I cherish being afforded the privileges of simply observing and viewing her beauty, intelligence, and at times her talents, unfortunately, it just makes no sense to continue much longer to give away money to be bored much of the time otherwise.  :sad:

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As you state, he does in my mind have a greater influence on her than she on him, I also think that she is far more intelligent than he is, which is why I cannot understand their relationship. She on one hand is naturally a girl with a happy disposition, with a keen sense of humour and a willingness to help people or animals less fortunate than herself,  I believe she had a hard childhood, and learned to overcome anything that was thrown at her from an early age, she has certainly grown into a wonderful woman, full of compassion and tenderness, which she shares, without looking for reward. He on the other hand gives the impression of being a spoiled mummies boy, still very immature and arrogant,who unlike her has the manners and social graces of a pig, he  has no thoughts for other peoples feelings, and will only ever think of his own needs and not anyone else's

I therefor have to question her judgment,or, is her self esteem so low that in her mind he is a good catch.....not from the point of view of earning money, or not being a drinker or gambler, but of being an equal in all the emotional aspects of life, It seems the more she gives him the more he will take, she could have done so much better than living with a self centered guy, who has in the past physically and emotionally abused her,as well as checking her personal phone to see who she talks to, and who does not encourage her to have friends.

They say that opposites attract, but in this case I have my doubts.

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Ok, guys, everything you wrote is very well said, but why am I not so (more) happy about it?
I hope this S O B (which she called him idiot this morning) goes to work at least next monday, and leaves this beautiful woman alone, who, it seems to me, be happier alone than accompanied with him.

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