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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic October - November 2018 #5

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3 minutes ago, RAIMOND said:

Effectivement et Paul en est le grand fossoyeur....

RLC doit comprendre et surtout réagir, car c'est Léora qui fait (faisait) tout l'attrait du site, si ça ne s'arrange pas ils vont à coup sur perdre des abonements en masse.

Donc Popol au boulot, et Léora pourra vaquer à ses occupations.

Ça fait plus de 5 ans qu'ils sont présent sur le site, donc je ne pense pas que la présence de Paul soit un problème que ce soit pour RLC ou pour Leora 

Les seuls qui ont un problème avec lui, c'est vous en fait ^^

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1 hour ago, moos54 said:

It's been over 5 years that they are present on the site, so I do not think that the presence of Paul is a problem for RLC or for Leora 

The only ones who have a problem with him are you actually ^^

Having blocked European over six weeks ago I can only imagine what the one dimensional imbecile is saying because the fool never varies.

With regard to RAIMOND and Dragon, I can to a certain extent understand their frustration, although I do not wholeheartedly agree with them, perhaps certain things have become distorted in translation. But looking at their profiles I notice that they are not  " Newbies, " so in all probability have been watching The little One and Paul for a few years, and have like us all enjoyed two great years of unfettered wall to wall eroticism courtesy of our good lady. 

Suddenly!  Paul, who sadly does not enhance a viewing experience, and in all probability has a negative input to much of it, is in permanent residence again, and because of that we are in all probability going to see the routine and the dynamics of the apartment change, which will I'm sure have a negative affect on RLC viewing figures for a while, as some disgruntled members do not renew memberships. 

Those of us who don't like it should remember, Life is about choices, if you don't like it, you have the choice to leave or watch one of the other substandard apartments.....Like him or loath him, Paul is The Little Ones choice and has been for many years, and HE LIVES THERE WITH HER, she seems perfectly happy with the arrangement, so why can't folks respect her choices. 😼

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7 hours ago, esanders9863 said:

This apartment has been extremely boring lately

I personally love the beautiful Leora , and Leora and only her is why I'm a paid member of RLC, but what worries me is the longer Paul hovers around her the more likely he will start to suck all the hotness from her emotionally and physically.

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5 minutes ago, esanders9863 said:

I personally love the beautiful Leora , and Leora and only her is why I'm a paid member of RLC, but what worries me is the longer Paul hovers around her the more likely he will start to suck all the hotness from her emotionally and physically.

Only if she allows it to happen, Paul is no fool, despite what some people think, and he knows who is the breadwinner in their relationship....he will play the game by her rules or the alternative is to find work again. 😺


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9 minutes ago, esanders9863 said:

I personally love the beautiful Leora , and Leora and only her is why I'm a paid member of RLC, but what worries me is the longer Paul hovers around her the more likely he will start to suck all the hotness from her emotionally and physically.

I am guessing (informed guess) that they have been together 10 years. I see nothing about The Goddess that has been sucked!

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11 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

I am guessing (informed guess) that they have been together 10 years. I see nothing about The Goddess that has been sucked!

Me too!

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3 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

Leora, time to put Operation "Big Lump" into action. Action 1 is giving Paul the shopping list...

Leora is in the middle of playing mind games with Paul. It is going to be interesting to see how  this transpires !  ::)

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1 minute ago, scutus said:

Leora is in the middle of playing mind games with Paul. It is going to be interesting to see how  this transpires !  ::)

Looks like "Operation Lump" is underway. 🙂

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