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Dana & Chris Part #2

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If VHTV is really based in the EU (i did not know this so far) they must act to our regulations. They should better hope, that none of those who did not know about being filmed and broadcasted report this issue to the courts. This might cause some real trouble as our laws are actually quite strict and clear on things like that.

Amy, you expressed exactly what i am feeling and what made me finally post here!

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15 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

actually even if they take drugs or tell lies isn't that real life? therefore shouldn't that be allowed to be seen? also we don't really know where they live so it would be difficult to catch them & prosecute them! point is that we should mostly stay out of their business. we should just watch or not watch.

golfer06 has a point! Haven't we all told lies to have sex? This is supposed to be a voyeur site so real life should be seen but if an illegal act is committed surely we also have an obligation to report it!

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I feel that we know what happened(or have an pretty good ideia of it)and probraby C&D had some kinda of fine or at least warning and should be end of talk about that.They now will be more alerted and not repeat mistakes.Lets just enjoy Dana fine as hell nude body and naughtness.

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since the apt went back online, the timeline wasn't deleted, & the videos are in the archive, let's assume that "summer" was playing with dana & everything is legal & everyone is ok with what happened. everything has been reported & the correct conclusion has been arrived at. dana is pretty good at entertaining us so how about we let her continue to do it?

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2 hours ago, letsdothis said:

If she has to explain that, then you have to explain the opposite. 😊

It doesn't matter if it was a deliberate lie or not. The simple act of
speaking the words makes it a crime. You don't have to know that
you're breaking a law to be guilty of a crime.

If they did agree, outside of the apt, to tell that lie on camera, then
in addition to the lie, they are guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud.

Sounds like a typical Chaturbate scenario to me - "she doesn't know...." :biggrin:

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15 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Thanks for your support. Appreciate it! 

Now now sarcasm doesn't suit you lol, just think it's been flogged to death now, everyone's had their opinions so let's all just move on eh.

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