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46 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I don't think anyone will be talking about sending any tickets anymore. At least not here anyways. It's been made very clear that it's unacceptable and you will be shamed for doing so. 

Unfortunately, it may only take 1 ticket and you never know who is sending them. 

Of course I will say when I make tickets. Why shouldn't I doing it?

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3 minutes ago, squish said:

Groomy sir, are you able to confirm that the white bag on the coffee table is a bag of flour or sugar? The brand name is just about visible.

Cocainum (c). :biggrin:

It looks like this. Flour - local agroholding "Uvelka".



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31 minutes ago, squish said:

Yes and its spoiled what could have been an interesting viewing. herman owes us.

This is getting into a situation where a tenant might want to do something that appears to be a fineable offense, but really isn't. Even though the tenants could warn VHTV in advance there would be no way to avoid the tickets. I guess we could all assume that whatever happens on VHTV is on the up and up and therefore if it stays on the air, then it's not what it appears to be. 

There is one problem with that. Regina and Stas invited a 12 year old boy into their apt and he took a fully naked bath on cam while VHTV was turning away tickets saying the boy was really 22. Since VHTV doesn't watch every cam 24/7 in real time, can we really trust and rely on VHTV to only air acceptable material? It seems the answer is technically and proveably, no. 

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5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

? It seems the answer is technically and proveably, no. 

As long as you are not saying that it is better to jump to the wrong conclusion to be on the safe side. Groomy wasn't fooled so and VH shouldn't have been had they looked a little closer.

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8 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

This is getting into a situation where a tenant might want to do something that appears to be a fineable offense, but really isn't. Even though the tenants could warn VHTV in advance there would be no way to avoid the tickets. I guess we could all assume that whatever happens on VHTV is on the up and up and therefore if it stays on the air, then it's not what it appears to be. 

There is one problem with that. Regina and Stas invited a 12 year old boy into their apt and he took a fully naked bath on cam while VHTV was turning away tickets saying the boy was really 22. Since VHTV doesn't watch every cam 24/7 in real time, can we really trust and rely on VHTV to only air acceptable material? It seems the answer is technically and proveably, no. 

But it plays against subscribers too.


Z&B - camera incidents = tickets. The result is no longer reason to send tickets, as well as opening their apartment. In fact -1 apt.

Dana - tried to demonstrate English-language skils and invited English-speaking friend - ticket = now all participants informed that not demonstrate English-language skils. And need to think 3-4 times - before say any English word.

Otto&Lola - less friends and active role-playing games. Now they prefer usual cards. Is it boring? Yes. But no fines.

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4 minutes ago, groomy said:

But it plays against subscribers too.


Z&B - camera incidents = tickets. The result is no longer reason to send tickets, as well as opening their apartment. In fact -1 apt.

Dana - tried to demonstrate English-language skils and invited English-speaking friend - ticket = now all participants informed that not demonstrate English-language skils. And need to think 3-4 times - before say any English word.

Otto&Lola - less friends and active role-playing games. Now they prefer usual cards. Is it boring? Yes. But no fines.

So, what's the answer? Trust VHTV? 

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