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Discussion: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) #2

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3 hours ago, AntEater said:

Actually Dr. Birx is the modeler not Dr. Fauci, he has nothing to do with the models. He just reads them for those that force him to read it for them. The media will twist anything he says or does, you want him to just shut up and say nothing at all? Why should he silence himself because other people are not bright enough to understand that the media is not thier friend? Instead he is very hesitant when answering a question that wants him to come to a conclusion on things and will always say not to take his word for it because he is no psychic only a scientist guessing. If people choose to have selective hearing or are blindly led by the media that is not his fault, at least he tried to warn people. He even says "I don't want to give an answer because it will be used as a soundbite" multiple times. If you listen to him speak you will understand that he spends a lot of time trying to get the newspapers not to put words in his mouth, but they do anyway because they're sharks. 

Also the numbers are not unrealistic they are a rough sketch so experts can start getting a rough picture of what's going on. They share them in the name of transparency with full disclosure that they are only as accurate as the data they have available. Please look at the link @Alladino  he is to give any answer.

Hu anteater. I agree. He risks losing some credibility putting put models. He has been putting a disclaimer on them, but most people hear the numbers. And when you go from 100,000 to240,000, a huge spread. To 61000 a few days later he should avoid putting them put and keep pushing things we need to do, stay in your house unless absolutely necessary, keep your distance, and your hands. That might start to fall on dead ears if he loses credibility giving out these numbers. If the press wants a story, f them

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

They want voters to not connect the virus to unemployment, so that when the pandemic passes they can blame Trump's economic policies for the unemployment numbers and the recession. They and the Democrats are just hoping the American people are too stupid to know that the pandemic caused the recession.

That's pretty far fetched. So which is it then? They're ignorant and stupid or they're smart and conniving and plan to blame Trump? 

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5 hours ago, Alladino said:

Well, that is different with Trump. The first time I saw him, I thought he is an idiot. Today, I still think the same. 🤣 

Anyway, I have no idea what you have to criticize about Dr. Fauci. He proceeds systematically and is currently a very needed source of reliable information. Of course he can't do magic, but unlike Trump he never claimed to be able to do so. 

"reliable information"?

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I don't get my news from the American Media. I get it from CamCaps. That way I can be guaranteed it's nothing but a load of bullshit spewed by a load of know-nothings with nothing but an opinion about shit that they read in the media. 

As for the so-called experts? 😂 😂😂 

Remember, the more you tell a lie, the more the sheeple will believe it.

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Il y a 9 heures, Alladino a dit :

Well, that is different with Trump. The first time I saw him, I thought he is an idiot. Today, I still think the same. 🤣 

Anyway, I have no idea what you have to criticize about Dr. Fauci. He proceeds systematically and is currently a very needed source of reliable information. Of course he can't do magic, but unlike Trump he never claimed to be able to do so. 

I really pity any American who listens to what Trump has to say about the virus.

He screwed up big time and now he is finding all ways to blame others for his mistakes.

If you need a leader who will lead you to bury your family and friends, that is if you do not go down before them, Trump is your guy.

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2 hours ago, SierraTM said:

I really pity any American who listens to what Trump has to say about the virus.

He screwed up big time and now he is finding all ways to blame others for his mistakes.

If you need a leader who will lead you to bury your family and friends, that is if you do not go down before them, Trump is your guy.


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