ddhm Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 @DeepdaveHats off and kudos to you today with your posts and with some back and forth commenting/ posting with other members , providing in 1-2 pages of this topic what has happened , what is happening and according to that what can possible happen in the future . Excellent English vocabulary used and not so difficult to follow your thoughts for any of us who aren’t English native speakers . Well done to everyone , that what’s the meaning of a good forum and discussion you provided earlier 😇😇👏👏
girlsfun Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 5 hours ago, Deepdave said: Martina is aware of Alberto's migraines. They normally do not last long so this is good. (I just saw Emnv’s post which confirms my comment). Martina is definitely bi-sexual. But this does not mean that she is promiscuous. Her affair with Nelly was with the knowledge of Alberto. I do not believe that Alberto was happy with her affair but the affair served many purposes. Martina's popularity on RLV skyrocketed. Her affair was hot and well watched. But it was not done in secret. It was done in front of the world. That is a special point. There was more to this than love. But strangely, Bogdan could not accept the affair. Perhaps he saw that Nelly could not handle it either. Nelly's drug and alcohol abuse made it imperative that Nelly and Martina discontinue their affair. And more importantly Martina saw the harm for both Nelly and Bogdan. End of relationship. And Alberto was there throughout. He was always there when she came home. It always took him a couple of days to get use to Martina's bi-sexuality but he knew that he was the only guy for her. That was enough to keep their relationship strong. He helps her in every way that he can. He makes sure that she eats well, sleeps well, studies hard, does not get concerned when she goes out with friends, ensures that the household duties are taken care of, walks the dogs, walks the dogs with her when she wants and makes love to her. I hope they continue to stay strong with their relationship. it reminds me of the 60s when the man of the house 'went out' and the housewife was waiting for him ...God know what the man were doing....so in 2021.....Now it Martina time 'went out', God know what Martina is doing.... 1
Deepdave Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 1 minute ago, girlsfun said: it reminds me of the 60s when the man of the house 'went out' and the housewife was waiting for him ...God know what the man were doing....so in 2021.....Now it Martina time 'went out', God know what Martina is doing.... God, Martina and Alberto know what she is doing. Martina and Alberto trust each other and tell each other what is going on. You are insinuating that Martina is promiscuous when she goes out. Eliminate the Nelly affair which was known to the world and all you have is off cam speculation and babble. I know you are having fun, but is it fun? 4 1 1
Pete1960 Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 17 hours ago, girlsfun said: When something seen to be new, she could have learned new positions with someone else and apply them with Alberto And also may not have
daerjohn2015 Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 7 hours ago, Deepdave said: Martina is zich bewust van de migraine van Alberto. Ze duren normaal gesproken niet lang, dus dit is goed. (Ik zag net de post van Emnv die mijn opmerking bevestigt). Martina is absoluut biseksueel. Maar dit betekent niet dat ze promiscue is. Haar affaire met Nelly was met medeweten van Alberto. Ik geloof niet dat Alberto blij was met haar affaire, maar de affaire diende vele doelen. Martina's populariteit op RLV schoot omhoog. Haar affaire was heet en goed bekeken. Maar dat gebeurde niet in het geheim. Het werd gedaan voor de ogen van de wereld. Dat is een bijzonder punt. Er was meer aan de hand dan liefde. Maar vreemd genoeg kon Bogdan de affaire niet accepteren. Misschien zag hij dat Nelly het ook niet aankon. Nelly's drugs- en alcoholmisbruik maakte het noodzakelijk dat Nelly en Martina hun affaire staken. En nog belangrijker, Martina zag de schade voor zowel Nelly als Bogdan. Einde van Relatie. En Alberto was er de hele tijd. Hij was er altijd als ze thuiskwam. Het kostte hem altijd een paar dagen om te wennen aan Martina's biseksualiteit, maar hij wist dat hij de enige man voor haar was. Dat was genoeg om hun relatie sterk te houden. Hij helpt haar op alle mogelijke manieren. Hij zorgt ervoor dat ze goed eet, slaapt, hard studeert, zich geen zorgen maakt als ze uitgaat met vrienden, zorgt dat het huishouden gedaan wordt, de honden uitlaat, de honden uitlaat wanneer ze wil en de liefde bedrijven aan haar. Ik hoop dat ze sterk blijven in hun relatie. zorgt ervoor dat de huishoudelijke taken worden gedaan, loopt de honden uit, laat de honden met haar uit wanneer ze wil en bedrijft de liefde met haar. Ik hoop dat ze sterk blijven in hun relatie. zorgt ervoor dat de huishoudelijke taken worden gedaan, loopt de honden uit, laat de honden met haar uit wanneer ze wil en bedrijft de liefde met haar. Ik hoop dat ze sterk blijven in hun relatie. Verschrikkelijk die migraine, je bent echt geen mens meer. 1
Adalbert Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 It's the same family and had the same upbringing. She doesn't have to be ashamed, she is nice to look at👍
Deepdave Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 8 hours ago, Deepdave said: God, Martina and Alberto know what she is doing. Martina and Alberto trust each other and tell each other what is going on. You are insinuating that Martina is promiscuous when she goes out. Eliminate the Nelly affair which was known to the world and all you have is off cam speculation and babble. I know you are having fun, but is it fun? I find it strange that HarleyFatboy finds my comment funny and Jman finds my comment sad. If you would be so kind to explain your repsonses. 1
HarleyFatboy Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 24 minutes ago, Deepdave said: I find it strange that HarleyFatboy finds my comment funny and Jman finds my comment sad. If you would be so kind to explain your repsonses. I found it funny because of your dying love for this "CAM" pair. It all comes down to you knowing nothing about what either one of them do when they are outside the apartment regardless of what a translator has mentioned. I find it very odd that Martina spends overnighters with her "friends" when everyone knows how promiscuous she is. I would probably not say a word about it but she damn near does it every weekend from what I read about it. If her and Alberto were so much in love, don't you think she would stay home with Alberto on most weekends? I could see her going out and having an overnighter once every other month but not the way she does them now. You are too naive to believe she's out at a friends house having drinks and smoking like a chimney!! P.S. I also find it funny that you pay so much attention to emoji's that people give you for one of your post!! 3 3
ddhm Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 58 minutes ago, Deepdave said: I find it strange that HarleyFatboy finds my comment funny and Jman finds my comment sad. If you would be so kind to explain your repsonses. Please , don’t let the forum’s biggest troll define your contribution here . Just ignore him and keep on with the excellent analysis on various subjects concerning this place . 2 2 1 1
Deepdave Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 36 minutes ago, ddhm said: Please , don’t let the forum’s biggest troll define your contribution here . Just ignore him and keep on with the excellent analysis on various subjects concerning this place . Your point is well taken! 2 1
nagachilli2 Posted November 26, 2021 Posted November 26, 2021 1 hour ago, ddhm said: Please , don’t let the forum’s biggest troll define your contribution here . Just ignore him and keep on with the excellent analysis on various subjects concerning this place . Tricky one that...Any clues DD?...😏
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