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New girl Michelle


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17 hours ago, kitek said:

Michelle and Candy plan a trip to Paris but they made mistake when they booked the tickets instead of Dec 13 they entered Jan 13 and had problems with canceling the tickets so they lost a lot of money. They found cheaper flight by Milan,Italy so they would have a day in Italy and day in France. They rented room in Paris to save money on hotel. Candy was pissed because she doesn't have much money left.

Thank you kitek let's hope that candy does some hot nights in the appts to get that lost money back :) 

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17 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I like you vlkvlk but you are way off here on your line of thinking.  What is it with you calling the rest of us "unfortunates"?   I have never been unfortunate a day in my life!  These girls are in the position they are in because they don't give a SHIT ABOUT THEMSELVES!!  You see it everyday, wether it be in the news or by one of your friends telling you about it.  There are girls out there that will take a beating, that will take the mental abuse, that will put up with the cheating, and so on and so on.   I've seen it way to many times in my lifetime and I still hold the same ground!  These girls, and not only these girls, but all girls that have a low self-esteem of themselves allow this shit to happen.  Don't go telling me that they come from a poor country and that's what they need to do to make money.  I call BS on that.  If they want to have a good life then they need to make a good life.  Not making a life of who fucked the most guys and who's been with the guy that has the biggest cock.  The cock is all these girls care about and I don't feel sorry for them one bit!

I like you and I like allot of what you say, but when you start feeling sorry for them......fuck them!!  They get what they deserve!

There are so many roads to live a life. None of them is meaningful or meaningless. ... With time, the responsibility comes to decide for ways. ... With time, this task will end. ... Happy is, who not missed the ways he would have liked to go.  ... Do you like to walk the ways of all the others or do you like to have your own path? ... Why should the girls not go their way?



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On 11/20/2016 at 6:43 PM, kitek said:

18-11-2016 23:23

Michelle enters B2 asking for Belle.

Belle ends the conversation with Emperor as Michelle enters her room. Michelle says that there is horrible (B1?) so she came here. It turns out that Belle and Michelle for some reason quarreled before. Michelle says that she bought tequila to make up with her. M explained her that she had not brought some pills for her because she left quite suddenly and had no time to buy it. Belle says that friends are forever, and nothing should affect their friendship. Belle says she had some friends only for a short time. For friends she is ready to do anything. They shake hands in agreement. Later they hug. They go out into the living room. Belle made a presentation of her room-mates. She asks Belle if she knows what name RLC has given her. She says that it's Michelle. Belle grabs her stomach with laughter. Michelle says that other choice was Nina. M looks around and says that here is better. B says she can be here until 20 ..... she adds, that Anna is coming. M: When? B: 22 . M asks whether to this apartment. B confirms. M upset tapping her foot: How so? Belle: she brings me my pills and you do not. M: I just could not. M says that she will not last  there for long (B1) and that there is a nightmare. Especially the girls. B: You can party here. M: With difficulty I managed to get here. B asks whether they bought the ticket for her and then tells what to eat: cheese, tequila, milk ... They go into the kitchen. You can hear the Sia says that tequila glasses are different than for wine. M says that she had left in B1 her suitcase, she talked a little bit with Lima and Melissa and came here. Belle whispers something about. Lima. In the living room. Belle urges Sia to drink tequila. Sia refuses saying she is not feeling well. Belle insists but Sia can not be convinced. Belle after few drinks tells Michelle that it is so warm she often doesn't wear panties and she put the shorts just while ago. They keep dancing with loud music playing until Belle gets so drunk she falls asleep in her bed.

thank you sir


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  • 2 weeks later...

24.12 approx. 0:04

Michelle comes back from her short date. D & C interviewing her how was it. He invited her tomorrow to go to some beautiful place and later all of them to a party at the villa. It is to be dinner with wine. Danaya trying to learn something from Michelle about this party, but Michelle says that it does not matter because it's out of date. Girls do not understand what's going on. They ask why she is acting strangely. In the end, Michelle says that she told him about it (made a gesture pointing to the apt). Mi: He reacted very badly. Very. He was very disappointed. Candy asks who is he (in a sense what it does?) M: I do not know. Next wondering whether the guy for some reason does hide his identity and depends on it, not to be filmed and Mi was substituted. M says that can hardly think so because if she were an agent, she would have tried to persuade him to do something [incriminating] and she did not do anything like that. Danaya is outraged. She says that he reacted as if they were together for a year and she hid from him this terrible secret. As Oksana . Mi: He said that if I warned him about this before they came here it would be different. D: When did you tell him ?! On the first date ?! The first date does not count. On the second by chance you hit here. Michelle says that they had to go somewhere else but it was cold and she invited him here.  Then Danaya being ironic says that he ran around the balcony with his dick out and they had sex on the balcony. But it must not be easy for him because it was cold, in jacket and under the covers and on the balcony. Later Michelle gives more detail. When he invited them to the party she told him that one of the girls is leaving. Then he began asking about the cause. And so by asking the question she decided to tell him and he responded negatively. He said he would write to her but Michelle is convinced that this is the end. Danaya asked if she had told him that on the balcony there is nothing (probably about the camera). Michelle said yes. Danaya comforting Michelle that he will sleep over it and write back to her. After all, she did not hide this from him for a year as Oksana did but told him about it at the first opportunity. He can not accuse her of cheating.

Later at 0:40 Michelle comes and says that the guy called and invited them to the party. Danaya asks about the place of the party. Michelle tells that it will be on the terrace. D: What terrace? Michelle says that this is his house. Danaya says she is afraid to go to someone who she does not know. They will be on foreign territory in an unknown company and do not know what can happen. It would be different if they were in a public place accessible to all.


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5 minutes ago, kitek said:

24,12 aprox. 0:04

Michelle regresa de su corta fecha. D & C entrevistándola cómo fue todo. Se invitó a su mañana para ir a algún lugar hermoso y más tarde todos ellos a una fiesta en la villa. Es ser la cena con vino. Danaya tratando de aprender algo de Michelle sobre esta fiesta, pero Michelle dice que no importa ya que está fuera de fecha. Las niñas no entienden lo que está pasando. Se preguntan por qué está actuando de manera extraña. Al final, Michelle dice que ella se lo contó (hizo un gesto señalando el apt). Mi: Reaccionó muy mal. Muy. Estaba muy decepcionado. Caramelo pregunta quién es él (en un sentido lo que hace?) M: No sé. A continuación se pregunta si el chico por alguna razón hace ocultar su identidad y depende de ella, a no ser filmada y Mi sustituido. M dice que difícilmente se puede pensar así porque si fuera un agente, se habría tratado de convencerlo de hacer algo [incriminatorias] y ella no hacer nada por el estilo. Danaya está indignado. Ella dice que él reaccionó como si fueran juntos durante un año y se escondieron de él esta terrible secreto. Como Oksana. Mi: Dijo que si le advertí sobre esto antes de venir aquí sería diferente. D: Cuando le dijiste?! En la primera cita?! La primera fecha no cuenta. En el segundo por casualidad se golpea aquí. Michelle dice que tenían que ir a otro sitio, pero era frío y ella lo invitó aquí. Entonces Danaya siendo irónica dice que él corrió alrededor del balcón con su pene hacia fuera y tenían relaciones sexuales en el balcón. Pero no debe ser fácil para él porque hacía frío, en chaqueta y bajo las sábanas y en el balcón. Más tarde Michelle da más detalles. Cuando los invitados a la fiesta a la que le dijo que una de las chicas se va. Entonces él comenzó a preguntar acerca de la causa. Y así, haciendo la pregunta que decidió decirle y él respondió negativamente. Dijo que iba a escribir con ella, pero Michelle está convencido de que este es el final. Danaya preguntó si ella le había dicho que en el balcón no hay nada (probablemente alrededor de la cámara). Michelle dijo que sí. Danaya reconfortante Michelle que va a dormir sobre ella y escribir de nuevo a ella. Después de todo, ella no ocultó esto desde él durante un año como lo hizo Oksana, pero se lo contó a la primera oportunidad. Él no la puede acusar de hacer trampa. Danaya preguntó si ella le había dicho que en el balcón no hay nada (probablemente alrededor de la cámara). Michelle dijo que sí. Danaya reconfortante Michelle que va a dormir sobre ella y escribir de nuevo a ella. Después de todo, ella no ocultó esto desde él durante un año como lo hizo Oksana, pero se lo contó a la primera oportunidad. Él no la puede acusar de hacer trampa. Danaya preguntó si ella le había dicho que en el balcón no hay nada (probablemente alrededor de la cámara). Michelle dijo que sí. Danaya reconfortante Michelle que va a dormir sobre ella y escribir de nuevo a ella. Después de todo, ella no ocultó esto desde él durante un año como lo hizo Oksana, pero se lo contó a la primera oportunidad. Él no la puede acusar de hacer trampa.

Más tarde, en doce y cuarenta Michelle viene y dice que el chico llamó y les invitó a la fiesta. Danaya pregunta por el lugar de la fiesta. Michelle dice que será en la terraza. D: ¿Qué terraza? Michelle dice que esta es su casa. Danaya dice que tiene miedo de ir a alguien que no sabe. Estarán en territorio extranjero en una empresa desconocida y no saben lo que puede suceder. Otra cosa sería si estuvieran en un lugar público accesible a todos.



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2 hours ago, kitek said:

24.12 approx. 0:04

Michelle comes back from her short date. D & C interviewing her how was it. He invited her tomorrow to go to some beautiful place and later all of them to a party at the villa. It is to be dinner with wine. Danaya trying to learn something from Michelle about this party, but Michelle says that it does not matter because it's out of date. Girls do not understand what's going on. They ask why she is acting strangely. In the end, Michelle says that she told him about it (made a gesture pointing to the apt). Mi: He reacted very badly. Very. He was very disappointed. Candy asks who is he (in a sense what it does?) M: I do not know. Next wondering whether the guy for some reason does hide his identity and depends on it, not to be filmed and Mi was substituted. M says that can hardly think so because if she were an agent, she would have tried to persuade him to do something [incriminating] and she did not do anything like that. Danaya is outraged. She says that he reacted as if they were together for a year and she hid from him this terrible secret. As Oksana . Mi: He said that if I warned him about this before they came here it would be different. D: When did you tell him ?! On the first date ?! The first date does not count. On the second by chance you hit here. Michelle says that they had to go somewhere else but it was cold and she invited him here.  Then Danaya being ironic says that he ran around the balcony with his dick out and they had sex on the balcony. But it must not be easy for him because it was cold, in jacket and under the covers and on the balcony. Later Michelle gives more detail. When he invited them to the party she told him that one of the girls is leaving. Then he began asking about the cause. And so by asking the question she decided to tell him and he responded negatively. He said he would write to her but Michelle is convinced that this is the end. Danaya asked if she had told him that on the balcony there is nothing (probably about the camera). Michelle said yes. Danaya comforting Michelle that he will sleep over it and write back to her. After all, she did not hide this from him for a year as Oksana did but told him about it at the first opportunity. He can not accuse her of cheating.

Later at 0:40 Michelle comes and says that the guy called and invited them to the party. Danaya asks about the place of the party. Michelle tells that it will be on the terrace. D: What terrace? Michelle says that this is his house. Danaya says she is afraid to go to someone who she does not know. They will be on foreign territory in an unknown company and do not know what can happen. It would be different if they were in a public place accessible to all.


it seems that Danaya is the one that has more brain of all the girls put together

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5 hours ago, kitek said:

24.12 approx. 0:04

Michelle comes back from her short date. D & C interviewing her how was it. He invited her tomorrow to go to some beautiful place and later all of them to a party at the villa. It is to be dinner with wine. Danaya trying to learn something from Michelle about this party, but Michelle says that it does not matter because it's out of date. Girls do not understand what's going on. They ask why she is acting strangely. In the end, Michelle says that she told him about it (made a gesture pointing to the apt). Mi: He reacted very badly. Very. He was very disappointed. Candy asks who is he (in a sense what it does?) M: I do not know. Next wondering whether the guy for some reason does hide his identity and depends on it, not to be filmed and Mi was substituted. M says that can hardly think so because if she were an agent, she would have tried to persuade him to do something [incriminating] and she did not do anything like that. Danaya is outraged. She says that he reacted as if they were together for a year and she hid from him this terrible secret. As Oksana . Mi: He said that if I warned him about this before they came here it would be different. D: When did you tell him ?! On the first date ?! The first date does not count. On the second by chance you hit here. Michelle says that they had to go somewhere else but it was cold and she invited him here.  Then Danaya being ironic says that he ran around the balcony with his dick out and they had sex on the balcony. But it must not be easy for him because it was cold, in jacket and under the covers and on the balcony. Later Michelle gives more detail. When he invited them to the party she told him that one of the girls is leaving. Then he began asking about the cause. And so by asking the question she decided to tell him and he responded negatively. He said he would write to her but Michelle is convinced that this is the end. Danaya asked if she had told him that on the balcony there is nothing (probably about the camera). Michelle said yes. Danaya comforting Michelle that he will sleep over it and write back to her. After all, she did not hide this from him for a year as Oksana did but told him about it at the first opportunity. He can not accuse her of cheating.

Later at 0:40 Michelle comes and says that the guy called and invited them to the party. Danaya asks about the place of the party. Michelle tells that it will be on the terrace. D: What terrace? Michelle says that this is his house. Danaya says she is afraid to go to someone who she does not know. They will be on foreign territory in an unknown company and do not know what can happen. It would be different if they were in a public place accessible to all.


Was this during the extremely long house cleaning??

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27.12 11:21

Michelle talking with the Emperor.

Michelle: Listen Zhenya could friend come to me for three days?

Zhenya: ???

Michelle: Yes. I understand. He can. It's the New Year. Fine. I understand. I ensure that the guy is fine.

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16 minutes ago, kitek said:

27.12 11:21

Michelle talking with the Emperor.

Michelle: Listen Zhenya could friend come to me for three days?

Zhenya: ???

Michelle: Yes. I understand. He can. It's the New Year. Fine. I understand. I ensure that the guy is fine.

Thanks kitek michelle is asking for her bf (zhenya) to come ? did i get that right ?

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