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HFB......Say what you want thread!!


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1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Ed2, I'm glad you could make more sense out of what Vortios was saying.  I tried a couple of different translators and just couldn't make enough sense of it to give an honest reply.

It can be difficult to understand, even with some experience in reading him


On 17.7.2017 at 5:49 AM, vortios said:

En este y en otros hilos, siguen escribiendo, personas, aunque tengo dudas si llamarlos asĂ­, que parecen no tener vida propia, una pena, o son directamente una cuenta maquillada de RLC, para atacar o desanimar a quien critica, con toda razon, lo que no le gusta.

Realmente se puede decir que son la escoria del canal, ya que aportan poco, a no ser que quieras leer, paginas y paginas de cosas sin interes, claro, tienen que rellenar espacios de cosas que en realidad no pasa.  Ya que como digo, la falta de interes, por ejemplo, en la casa de vacaciones, es un hecho.

Pero tienen que ocultarlo, y como lo hacen? Pues como digo, escondiendolo en paginas y paginas, en las cuales no se dice nada. Eso es una realidad, pero va en contra de los intereses del propio CC y de su comunidad. Como cualquier lector se puede dar cuenta.

CC en un momento de su trayectoria, fue un referente para la comunidad voyeur, y para los seguidores de RLC, pero en parte por la persecucion que RLC hace a sus abonados, y en parte, a lameculos (o quizas) a esas cuentas fantasmas de la organizacion tiene para controlar los chats, se han cargado lo que era un foro vital y divertido.

Ahora queda poco o nada, de todo aquello. Como el lector puede comprobar, lo único que lee página tras página son cuatro comentarios "aburridos" en su mayor parte, de un grupo de gente, no más de diez cuentas en las que se repiten uno y otro día, lo mismo. Ya que tienen que ocultar que nada interesante pasa.

In this thread and other threads people are writing, people, although I have doubts if you can call them that, they seem to have no life, no shame, or maybe straight out are made-up accounts by RLC, to attack or discourage those who rightfully criticize what they do not like.

You can really say that they are [an expression I don’t fully understand], because they provide little to the forum, unless you want to read pages and pages of things without interest of course, they have to fill in the space with things that really does not happen. Because, as I say, it is a fact that there is a lack of anything interesting happening in, for example the “girls on vacation” apartments.

But they have to hide it [that nothing happens], as I say, they are hiding it in pages and pages where nothing really is said. That is the reality, but that is against the interests of CC itself and its community [we CC members]. As any reader can imagine.

CC was in its better days [a place to gather] for the voyeur community, and for fans of RLC, but partially because of RLC persecuting their subscribers, and partially because of toadies (or perhaps these ghost accounts are the organization trying to monitor the chats), they [have loaded?] what was once a vital and fun forum.

Now there is little or nothing of interest at all. As the reader can see, all you read is page after page with comments that are "boring" for the most part, there is a group of people, no more than ten accounts, they repeat the same each and every day, like they have to hide that nothing interesting happens.

On 17.7.2017 at 6:27 AM, vortios said:

No sé, y lo digo sinceramente, si uno queda más ridiculo, aparentando ser homofobo, cuando ataca a otros diciendo cosas tan ridiculas como "y tu novio", "sueñas conmigo" o cosas similares, o que leas en el perfil de un miembro que publica que es marido de una exparticipante.

Yo creo, que esta perfil o cuenta, como otros que escriben por el foro, están desubicados, los paladines, hace mucho tiempo que desaparecieron.

Pero entiendo que RLC, no quiera tener crĂ­ticas, y use a estas cuentas para desacreditar a la gente que libremente no opina como RLC quiere. Ya que lo oculta diciendo que ofende a las chicas. Bueno, cosa que personalmente siempre me ha hecho reir.


I do not know, and I say this sincerely, if one is more ridiculous when he attacks others with this homophobic posts, saying things as ridiculous as "your boyfriend" etc., or to read the profile of a member where it is published that he is the husband of a tenant.

I think that this profile or account, like others who also write for the forum, disappeared a long time ago, and were replaced by paladins.

But I understand that RLC is unwilling to take criticism, and use these accounts to discredit people who freely express opinions RLC do not want. Then they hide in formulations, like saying that you are offending/insulting the girls. Well, personally that excuse has always made me laugh.

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25 minutes ago, ed2 said:

It can be difficult to understand, even with some experience in reading him


In this thread and other threads people are writing, people, although I have doubts if you can call them that, they seem to have no life, no shame, or maybe straight out are made-up accounts by RLC, to attack or discourage those who rightfully criticize what they do not like.

You can really say that they are [an expression I don’t fully understand], because they provide little to the forum, unless you want to read pages and pages of things without interest of course, they have to fill in the space with things that really does not happen. Because, as I say, it is a fact that there is a lack of anything interesting happening in, for example the “girls on vacation” apartments.

But they have to hide it [that nothing happens], as I say, they are hiding it in pages and pages where nothing really is said. That is the reality, but that is against the interests of CC itself and its community [we CC members]. As any reader can imagine.

CC was in its better days [a place to gather] for the voyeur community, and for fans of RLC, but partially because of RLC persecuting their subscribers, and partially because of toadies (or perhaps these ghost accounts are the organization trying to monitor the chats), they [have loaded?] what was once a vital and fun forum.

Now there is little or nothing of interest at all. As the reader can see, all you read is page after page with comments that are "boring" for the most part, there is a group of people, no more than ten accounts, they repeat the same each and every day, like they have to hide that nothing interesting happens.

I do not know, and I say this sincerely, if one is more ridiculous when he attacks others with this homophobic posts, saying things as ridiculous as "your boyfriend" etc., or to read the profile of a member where it is published that he is the husband of a tenant.

I think that this profile or account, like others who also write for the forum, disappeared a long time ago, and were replaced by paladins.

But I understand that RLC is unwilling to take criticism, and use these accounts to discredit people who freely express opinions RLC do not want. Then they hide in formulations, like saying that you are offending/insulting the girls. Well, personally that excuse has always made me laugh.

Don't believe everything you read on someone's profile. Most of it's just Folklore & Fantasy.

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2 hours ago, ed2 said:

It can be difficult to understand, even with some experience in reading him


In this thread and other threads people are writing, people, although I have doubts if you can call them that, they seem to have no life, no shame, or maybe straight out are made-up accounts by RLC, to attack or discourage those who rightfully criticize what they do not like.

You can really say that they are [an expression I don’t fully understand], because they provide little to the forum, unless you want to read pages and pages of things without interest of course, they have to fill in the space with things that really does not happen. Because, as I say, it is a fact that there is a lack of anything interesting happening in, for example the “girls on vacation” apartments.

But they have to hide it [that nothing happens], as I say, they are hiding it in pages and pages where nothing really is said. That is the reality, but that is against the interests of CC itself and its community [we CC members]. As any reader can imagine.

CC was in its better days [a place to gather] for the voyeur community, and for fans of RLC, but partially because of RLC persecuting their subscribers, and partially because of toadies (or perhaps these ghost accounts are the organization trying to monitor the chats), they [have loaded?] what was once a vital and fun forum.

Now there is little or nothing of interest at all. As the reader can see, all you read is page after page with comments that are "boring" for the most part, there is a group of people, no more than ten accounts, they repeat the same each and every day, like they have to hide that nothing interesting happens.

I do not know, and I say this sincerely, if one is more ridiculous when he attacks others with this homophobic posts, saying things as ridiculous as "your boyfriend" etc., or to read the profile of a member where it is published that he is the husband of a tenant.

I think that this profile or account, like others who also write for the forum, disappeared a long time ago, and were replaced by paladins.

But I understand that RLC is unwilling to take criticism, and use these accounts to discredit people who freely express opinions RLC do not want. Then they hide in formulations, like saying that you are offending/insulting the girls. Well, personally that excuse has always made me laugh.

Thank you Ed2, I agree with Vortios and I love being able to understand what he is saying.  Thank you again!  Anybody with half a brain can see and understand what he meant by this post and others.  The forum is weak now, struggling to maintain itself, struggling to get any quality posts.  It has gone silent from the one's that always have something to say about those who don't see it the way they want to portray it.  RLC is fading and fading quickly.  The forum will be better when the occupants are better and it's not the same stuff day after day.  When RLC is boring, the forum is boring.  Also, some of the problems is CC tightening the purse strings..........meaning, people are not able to express themselves like they used to be able too.

Thanks for helping me understand what he was saying......much appreciated!!!

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On 7/18/2017 at 9:47 PM, HarleyFatboy said:

Thank you Ed2, I agree with Vortios and I love being able to understand what he is saying.  Thank you again!  Anybody with half a brain can see and understand what he meant by this post and others.  The forum is weak now, struggling to maintain itself, struggling to get any quality posts.  It has gone silent from the one's that always have something to say about those who don't see it the way they want to portray it.  RLC is fading and fading quickly.  The forum will be better when the occupants are better and it's not the same stuff day after day.  When RLC is boring, the forum is boring.  Also, some of the problems is CC tightening the purse strings..........meaning, people are not able to express themselves like they used to be able too.

Thanks for helping me understand what he was saying......much appreciated!!!

A bit of CC history:

The reason I asked Admin to allow the establishment of Rants & Flames was to accomplish some very simple things.

1) TBG & me were big on "free speech." Kitten hated us. We liked the Wild West Days of CamCaps.

2) Before that, TBG and I pushed for the establishment of "Old Dudes." We were getting sick of the youngster trolls who had invaded from 4chan, and we had all become friends of sorts, and discovered we could share meaningful stuff with other people from other cultures and other life-backgrounds. Hence, nobody was "allowed" in Old Dudes unless they were 40, could act like it, or was a cute female.

3) Fucking smart phones took over. People who use these little devices, who wanted to see tits and ass, needed to scroll endlessly through all sorts of useless comments. So we separated Pix, Video, and Comments for each RLC apartment.

4) More trolls kept showing up. So we clamped down on the rules regarding insults to other members in the Apartment threads. And then we clamped down on useless, unsupported insults to the tenants since they come here and we can't stop them anyway.

5) Rants & Flames is exempt from nearly all Rules of social propriety. If someone bitches about me or my Modding here, I don't give a damn. Things said on R&F are irrelevant when I Mod the other threads. It's free-range, except we will ban people here if they post CP or illegal or spam in this category. I think this leaves Rants & Flames as a "free speech" zone. Fine with me.

Just keep the Apartment threads clean and don't violate those common-sense rules, and you'll not have a problem with a moderator.

Like Harley said, members get disgustingly bored when nothing much happens on RLC. Mods are the same, we're just members, and we dedicate a lot of our time to this place. Continue to contribute. PM us if you have constructive criticism or suggestions on how we can keep this place fun.

IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. It's up to all of us members to keep it that way.


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53 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

A bit of CC history:

The reason I asked Admin to allow the establishment of Rants & Flames was to accomplish some very simple things.

1) TBG & me were big on "free speech." Kitten hated us. We liked the Wild West Days of CamCaps.

2) Before that, TBG and I pushed for the establishment of "Old Dudes." We were getting sick of the youngster trolls who had invaded from 4chan, and we had all become friends of sorts, and discovered we could share meaningful stuff with other people from other cultures and other life-backgrounds. Hence, nobody was "allowed" in Old Dudes unless they were 40, could act like it, or was a cute female.

3) Fucking smart phones took over. People who use these little devices, who wanted to see tits and ass, needed to scroll endlessly through all sorts of useless comments. So we separated Pix, Video, and Comments for each RLC apartment.

4) More trolls kept showing up. So we clamped down on the rules regarding insults to other members in the Apartment threads. And then we clamped down on useless, unsupported insults to the tenants since they come here and we can't stop them anyway.

5) Rants & Flames is exempt from nearly all Rules of social propriety. If someone bitches about me or my Modding here, I don't give a damn. Things said on R&F are irrelevant when I Mod the other threads. It's free-range, except we will ban people here if they post CP or illegal or spam in this category. I think this leaves Rants & Flames as a "free speech" zone. Fine with me.

Just keep the Apartment threads clean and don't violate those common-sense rules, and you'll not have a problem with a moderator.

Like Harley said, members get disgustingly bored when nothing much happens on RLC. Mods are the same, we're just members, and we dedicate a lot of our time to this place. Continue to contribute. PM us if you have constructive criticism or suggestions on how we can keep this place fun.

IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. It's up to all of us members to keep it that way.



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3 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

A bit of CC history:

The reason I asked Admin to allow the establishment of Rants & Flames was to accomplish some very simple things.

1) TBG & me were big on "free speech." Kitten hated us. We liked the Wild West Days of CamCaps.

2) Before that, TBG and I pushed for the establishment of "Old Dudes." We were getting sick of the youngster trolls who had invaded from 4chan, and we had all become friends of sorts, and discovered we could share meaningful stuff with other people from other cultures and other life-backgrounds. Hence, nobody was "allowed" in Old Dudes unless they were 40, could act like it, or was a cute female.

3) Fucking smart phones took over. People who use these little devices, who wanted to see tits and ass, needed to scroll endlessly through all sorts of useless comments. So we separated Pix, Video, and Comments for each RLC apartment.

4) More trolls kept showing up. So we clamped down on the rules regarding insults to other members in the Apartment threads. And then we clamped down on useless, unsupported insults to the tenants since they come here and we can't stop them anyway.

5) Rants & Flames is exempt from nearly all Rules of social propriety. If someone bitches about me or my Modding here, I don't give a damn. Things said on R&F are irrelevant when I Mod the other threads. It's free-range, except we will ban people here if they post CP or illegal or spam in this category. I think this leaves Rants & Flames as a "free speech" zone. Fine with me.

Just keep the Apartment threads clean and don't violate those common-sense rules, and you'll not have a problem with a moderator.

Like Harley said, members get disgustingly bored when nothing much happens on RLC. Mods are the same, we're just members, and we dedicate a lot of our time to this place. Continue to contribute. PM us if you have constructive criticism or suggestions on how we can keep this place fun.

IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. It's up to all of us members to keep it that way.


Very well stated my squirrelly friend, that some's up a us Mods and how we patrol the wild west.

Image result for hilariou squiril vidoes

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On 7/20/2017 at 3:18 PM, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

A bit of CC history:

The reason I asked Admin to allow the establishment of Rants & Flames was to accomplish some very simple things.

1) TBG & me were big on "free speech." Kitten hated us. We liked the Wild West Days of CamCaps.

2) Before that, TBG and I pushed for the establishment of "Old Dudes." We were getting sick of the youngster trolls who had invaded from 4chan, and we had all become friends of sorts, and discovered we could share meaningful stuff with other people from other cultures and other life-backgrounds. Hence, nobody was "allowed" in Old Dudes unless they were 40, could act like it, or was a cute female.

3) Fucking smart phones took over. People who use these little devices, who wanted to see tits and ass, needed to scroll endlessly through all sorts of useless comments. So we separated Pix, Video, and Comments for each RLC apartment.

4) More trolls kept showing up. So we clamped down on the rules regarding insults to other members in the Apartment threads. And then we clamped down on useless, unsupported insults to the tenants since they come here and we can't stop them anyway.

5) Rants & Flames is exempt from nearly all Rules of social propriety. If someone bitches about me or my Modding here, I don't give a damn. Things said on R&F are irrelevant when I Mod the other threads. It's free-range, except we will ban people here if they post CP or illegal or spam in this category. I think this leaves Rants & Flames as a "free speech" zone. Fine with me.

Just keep the Apartment threads clean and don't violate those common-sense rules, and you'll not have a problem with a moderator.

Like Harley said, members get disgustingly bored when nothing much happens on RLC. Mods are the same, we're just members, and we dedicate a lot of our time to this place. Continue to contribute. PM us if you have constructive criticism or suggestions on how we can keep this place fun.

IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. It's up to all of us members to keep it that way.


You know the U.S. Domestic policy Forum is a big bait, glad you added the U.K.

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On 7/5/2017 at 5:46 PM, C_TAY_2 said:

   Posted 10 minutes ago · Report post

Yes stinky feet man like motorcycle, like feel between legs when roar... ohhhhhh make Tay go dreamland now :biggrin:

Image result for fatboy viberatorTay Fatboy need not feel man woman have friend LOL::)


This can be stuck on the MC seat, so you get vibe going and MC rumbling, 2 for 1.  But such big chest you cannot hug the rider.  Some chicks go barefoot on bikes, looks nice.

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On 6/21/2017 at 4:18 AM, Snakeater said:

WHat magazines are you talking about Harley? My ladies would attest I get it up quite well, a couple of times in a row. So I do not need magazines such as the ones you read.  So you must be talking about yourself and your boyfriends. Their asses must not be tight enough for you.

Tell Naga there is now a forum for speculation, and he can write 24/7 and I will not have to see it or the ass kissing.

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2 hours ago, ze81 said:

People are free to like or not like things..myself found more sad people defending the endless teases,paiting sessions..and then the girls go have the real things outside cams..enjoy nothing.

You are free to like or dislike whatever you want. What I don't get however is why you would invest so much time in watching something you clearly dislike, and in the process try to ruin the fun of others who do like what they are watching?

Are there really people out there who's lives are so sad they need to go out and try to piss of as much people as they can, just to distract them from their own misery for a while?

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  • 1 month later...


This probably shouldn't go in the Flame Wars section, but it's your thread and it's called "Say what you want", so:

Although I don't agree with the majority of your posts, I hope you are okay. StnCld posted an update that you were hit by HARVEY. Thanks for letting us know, via him, that you are still around. I hope you can get your life back to somewhat normal very quickly.

Of a lot of my fellow CamCappers, I don't know where they live, but my thoughts are with all of you, and your loved ones, who were in the destructive path of HARVEY, or were, are, or will be in the path of IRMA. I hope none of you, or your loved ones, are injured or worse. That's the most important. All the rest, as horrible as it is, can be fixed eventually.

Hang in there, all of you.

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