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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Kitty don't like brocolli.mp4
  2. Check out this post. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/14661-masha-pictures-2020-10/?do=findComment&comment=1636004580
  3. You have to get here before they're deleted by RLC. If people used mab to post their pics, they would stay here for 2-3 days like the videos do. But, since they use various other 3rd-party hosts, they're gone within hours.
  4. Thanks for your concern. Just a matter of too much to do and not enough time to do it.
  5. And yet, not a single pic or video. How does that happen? Not faulting you, Jawis, there are lots of people who post content. Just saying.
  6. If ACB were a true originalist, she couldn't be a Supreme Court Justice. She couldn't enter into contracts, or own property in her name, or have equal rights, or even vote. That's true originalism. That's not quite true. "In the context of United States law, originalism is a concept regarding the interpretation of the Constitution that asserts that all statements in the constitution must be interpreted based on the original understanding "at the time it was adopted". Wikipedia" And, even though that second part, "...not seeing things that are not there in order to fit a justice's personal ideological agenda," doesn't even enter into it, I'm sure ACB intends to use her "originalist" thinking in just that manner, to suit her and/or her party's agenda. Having said that, how would it even be possible for anyone, originalist or otherwise, to "...interpret the Constitution based on the original understanding "at the time it was adopted"? Who can know the minds of men who have been dead 200+ years?
  7. You have a very short attention span and memory. Let me help. No tactics in play here. I can't and won't take credit for someone else's words. That's called plagiarism. So, I only quoted the words of someone else. I did refute your claim that I spoke the words, because they weren't my words. I also said, explicitly, that I did agree with them, or I wouldn't have posted them. No tactics, just truth. Something you have a BIG problem with.
  8. I've noticed it doesn't happen very often, but it's very annoying, especially when it's a very long line(s) of text. And, it should be easily fixable just by editing the long lines into several shorter ones.
  9. I use Windows 10 and Firefox right out of the box. Nothing special about either one. The message you mentioned only appears, at least for me, if I paste text that contains special characters, such as bolded or italicized text, for example. If I'm finished with the post, I just ignore it and click submit. If I want to keep the special characters, I'll just press the Shift key (other keys work, too) and the message goes away. Otherwise, I'll click the message to paste plain text. When I paste a link, a YouTube video link, for instance, a preview pic of the video will show first, along with the message asking if I would rather paste just a link, instead of the preview. If I click on the message, I just get the URL. Otherwise, I'll press the shift key, the message goes away and the preview remains. But, no matter what I choose, in neither case do I get a scroll box, like when you quoted my previous post, Blue. I still don't know what you did to make that happen. Here are a couple of examples. When I pasted this text, because it has special characters in it, I got the message to paste plain text, instead. Ninety-five percent of the time I never see that message when I paste text. It just pastes the text and that's it, it's done. When I pasted this link, first the preview appears, along with the message to paste a link, instead. I usually click on the message to just paste the link. This message will show up unless it's an mp4 video, in which case CC automatically embeds it or if the site doesn't allow embedding of their videos, which is what happened when I tried to paste two YouTube videos in this post. It said YouTube didn't allow embedding of those particular videos. But, I still don't know how to get that horizontally scrollable text box.
  10. I don't know what you mean. I didn't choose anything. I just copied and pasted it from the Google Translate box. There was nothing to choose, either on the Google side or the CC side. What did you do to put what I posted in that scroll box?
  11. Siempre he tenido curiosidad por saber cómo funciona. He pegado una gran cantidad de texto en una gran cantidad de buzones de correo, incluido este, que traduje con Google Translate, y nunca tuve que desplazarme para leer nada, sin importar cuánto tiempo fuera. Siempre envuelve el texto automáticamente. Pegué las versiones en inglés y en español de Google y no hice nada en ningún párrafo. Así es exactamente como pegaron de Google. Siempre quise saber por qué aparece ese cuadro de desplazamiento. I've always been curious how that works. I've pasted a whole lot of text in a whole lot of post boxes, including this one, which I translated using Google Translate, and I've never once had to scroll to read any of it, no matter how long it was. It always just wraps the text automatically. I pasted both English and Spanish versions from Google and I didn't do anything to any paragraph. This is exactly how they pasted from Google. I've always wanted to know why that scroll box shows up.
  12. Thanks for the link. Much appreciated. Kitana as a blonde does not look like the same person. I prefer her as a brunette. Which one is Jia Lissa? I didn't see that name in any of the pictures. Is she one of the five girls in the video?
  13. Funny?!!!! I always thought she was special!!
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