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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. His only chance of getting anything is in his dreams
  2. Possibly so. I notice our friend hasn't posted recently.
  3. Think some of them have this problem now!
  4. Think nothing much more is going to happen.
  5. Don't forget you are looking why people will hand over their hard earned cash, if it was just to watch sex you can do that without paying anything on 1,000's of websites so you need something to hook you. On VH I first got interested when I saw Anna and Alex (just the 2 of them, no party) laughing and joking and she seem so "sparkly" (don't know how else to put it!) and I tended to only look at other apartments when they weren't on a free cam and after a month or so decided to join because I got fed up not being able to follow them around when they went off cam.
  6. As good an explanation as I have heard for her absence on here, medical necessity overrules everything.
  7. Yeah, can't see this girl suddenly pulling her clothes off and saying "Take me"
  8. Hard to tell exactly where this is going to end up given past nights.
  9. I think most of us sign up because of one or two places, I doubt anybody likes all of the apartments.
  10. Get a better idea of them over the next few days I think.
  11. I think most people had stopped watching and I don't think it is going to get any better. Back in the same old routine!
  12. Or she may just want time away with her family to get her head straight and make some decisions. As regards not taking anything with her, my daughter moved out 12 months ago but she still has her room here and I know she did not take all her clothes, just most of them!
  13. Think it is going to take a while for them to get used to the cameras.
  14. The BJ's with Joe became totally boring, I've seen people look like they had more fun getting a tooth pulled!!
  15. Lets hope they have limited Hector's alcohol intake tonight!
  16. Wonder if they will use the bedroom if it goes to a 4some or stick to the LR? BR would be better I think.
  17. Couldn't agree more in a 3some but nice to have mixture in a party
  18. It just added weight to what you were saying! You have to have advertising to grow!
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