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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #52 (May)

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11 minutes ago, emnv said:

La mia comprensione da diversi blocchi di conversazioni è che Masha partirà domani e Megan (e forse anche Holly) se ne andrà subito dopo. Domani sera faranno una cena di arrivederci, Martina di sicuro e probabilmente parteciperanno altri.

Megan ha rotto con il suo ragazzo italiano, a quanto pare dopo la famosa festa di un mese fa. Non volerà in Italia, tornerà in Ucraina.

Non credo che abbia rotto con Rocco, continuano a sentirsi e a farsi vedere nuda in videochiamata 

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il y a 1 minute, Mauri a dit :

I don't think she broke up with Rocco, they continue to hear and be seen naked in a video call 

the other week megan was talking in english to one of the italian guys carlos brought round and she mentioned she had a Italian boyfriend.

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2 minutes ago, emnv said:

My understanding from different chunks of conversations is that Masha will be leaving tomorrow and Megan (and possibly Holly as well) will be leaving soon after. Tomorrow evening they will have a goodby dinner, Martina for sure and probably some others will attend.

Megan broke up with her Italian boyfriend, apparently after the famous party a month ago. She won't fly to Italy, she will fly back to Ukraine.

That is sad news. It would be nice if she could return to loving arms. A few weeks ago she was looking at pictures on her phone and crying.  I'm trying to recall any slutish behaviour that would necessitate a breakup. (excluding the running around nude and bating in front of cameras)  She partied, drank a bit, danced her feet off, and crashed in bed at the end. Don't recall her pulling her top off, rubbing her ass into the crotch of any guys, sneaking off for some alone time with anyone.  Sad news indeed.

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9 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

That is sad news. It would be nice if she could return to loving arms. A few weeks ago she was looking at pictures on her phone and crying.  I'm trying to recall any slutish behaviour that would necessitate a breakup. (excluding the running around nude and bating in front of cameras)  She partied, drank a bit, danced her feet off, and crashed in bed at the end. Don't recall her pulling her top off, rubbing her ass into the crotch of any guys, sneaking off for some alone time with anyone.  Sad news indeed.

She kissed Bruno...

That's definitely a sackable offence...😏

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10 minutes ago, james deen said:

l'altra settimana Megan stava parlando in inglese con uno dei ragazzi italiani che Carlos ha portato qui e ha detto che aveva un ragazzo italiano.

Infatti, stanno ancora insieme

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7 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Scusa, ma non è quello che ho sentito ...

E cosa hai sentito? Credi davvero che se si fossero lasciati, si sentirebbero ancora o che Mega. Continui a fargli gli spettacolini di nudo in videochiamata? E poi da quella famosa serata per la quale avrrbbero litigato, Megan parla al temefono con lui soltanto in balcone dove non si puo’ sentire nulla, a meno che come e’ capirato altre volte che hanno discusso e lei comincia ad urlare, altrimenti non si sente nulla. E poi quelle poche volte che risponde al telefono prima di andare fuori, lo chiama “ amore “  

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2 minutes ago, Mauri said:

And what did you hear? Do you really believe that if they broke up, they would still feel or that Mega. Do you continue to give him the nude shows on video call? And then from that famous evening about which they would have quarreled, Megan talks on the temphone with him only on the balcony where you can not hear anything, unless it is understood other times that they have argued and she begins to scream, otherwise you will not hear nothing. And then those few times he answers the phone before going outside, he calls it "love"  

Martina thinks they've split...

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