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Discussion:2019 Novel Corona Virus (Covid19) and It's Political Ramifications #3

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1 minute ago, firewall said:

their stock is at the maximum so i would be not surprised if the barrel will be at 1$ soon for sell the stock

But petrol station will say we bought our stocks weeks ago so prices won't fall lol

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9 minutes ago, Robwin said:

But petrol station will say we bought our stocks weeks ago so prices won't fall lol

i went to my petrol station 2 weeks ago and the price falled of  0,25 euro, it was 1,50 the liter and now it's 1,25 it's time to do some stock for us too , i never saw that price

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2 hours ago, TBG 150 said:

Will the Mods please grow a pair or two and sit this idiot out for a few months? It's getting really old with his constant sucking of Hitler's cock.

I'm really tempted: but this is an unmoderated forum as you know. But yes, obvious troll is obvious. In certain circumstances if we get enough complaints we'll gather in the war room and hook up the ion blaster, even in an unmoderated forum. So send in those complaints and we can move them upstairs...


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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

This is the last time I am going to say this.  This Topic is about COVID19.  


Please keep the Political stuff out of this Topic. 

Seriously Stone? Do you really think that they will listen to you or even think about abiding by your wishes? You just threaten to slap their hands but, never do. So, they take your authority and laugh at it. When the Mods start modding and stop coddling, then maybe you will garner a little respect from the masses.

I'm just telling you facts, sir. You read them as you wish. That's why I can't mod anymore. I would have half of the board reading like a locked .pdf file in READ ONLY mode. The remaining members would respect others or they just become history.

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It is starting to blow up here where I live, the meat packing industry is really taking a hit.

As More Tests are Being Performed, Coronavirus Numbers Increase

Joe Denoyer - April 20, 2020 7:29 pm



Southwest Kansas positive test numbers for COVID 19 continue to rise. The lastest statistics released by the Seward County Health Department show, 296 test have been performed throughout the Seward County. Of those 296, 96 individuals test results have come back positive. 109 tests have come back Negative. There are still 82 tests pending and 4 tests have been rejected by the KDHE.

Around the area, Stevens County has tested 51 with 4 positive cases, Haskell County has tested 12 with positive 1 case, Morton County has tested 11 with 2 positive case, Grant County has tested 9 with 0 positive cases, Meade County has tested 14 with 0 positive cases, Ford County has tested 362 with 180 positive cases, and Finney County has tested 165 with 38 positive cases. Beaver County has 1 positive case while Texas County has 20 positive tests.

Statewide in Kansas there has been 1986 positive tests, 16,775 negative tests, 405 hospitalizations and 100 deaths related to COVID 19.

Oklahoma has registered a total of 2680 positive test, 35,561 negative tests, 1,614 Oklahomans have been reported to have recovered and 143 deaths have been attributed to the Coronavirus.

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

@StnCld316 @Thestarider @Foamy T. Squirrel @moos54

Can I make a suggestion? I think it would be very helpful if you simply banned people from posting links to other news sources in the political threads. So much of these threads are filled with one side slamming the other side with some news story from who knows where. Who cares what some news source says, the people here want to hear what CC people have to say. So rather then just a bunch of links to other forums or news sources, make it so CC members have to write up their own ideas or paraphrase other sources if they want. Gifs and pics should be fine. Anyways, just an idea!

Thanks for the suggestion.  I will take it up with Admin and the other Mods and see if we can simplify it a little better. 

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15 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

Tell me one thing at first. Why you write so crappy and strange German when you are German? I don't think YOU are German


To prevent the linking of News/messages in a political forum, is the stupidest suggestion I have ever heard.  It will only lead to even more people copying and pasting a ton of text here. 

It's strange how some people feel disturbed by messages that force them to leave their news bubble. Something that I think has really taken over is memes. Perhaps this should be limited to a separate thread. News, however, is the basis of all political discussion. 


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21 hours ago, TBG 150 said:

Werden die Mods bitte ein oder zwei Paare wachsen lassen und diesen Idioten ein paar Monate aussetzen? Es wird wirklich alt mit seinem ständigen Saugen an Hitlers Schwanz.

Sehr schön zu lesen - und wie höflich und intelligent der Herr mit den Insignien eines Generals im Thrumbnail hier spricht. Ich bin begeistert !

"Idioten" "an Hitlers Schwanz saugen" ? Und dann noch Sperrung anderer aufrichtiger Menschen fordern ??? Das ist total schwach ! Mehr sage ich dazu 

nicht. Jeder soll seine eigene Intelligenz einschätzen.  In meinen Texten ist stets ein Bezug zum Thema zu finden - nicht nur politisches.

Frage ist nur ? Wo, in IHREM Statement ist außer boshafter Aggression nur ein Funke zum Thema "Coronavid-19" zu finden ???? Und woher erheben SIE das

Recht zu polemisieren ??? Wann und wo habe ich SIE persönlich beleidigt, das SIE ein Recht ableiten könnten sich hier zu wehren ???

Ich wollte unserem Kameraden Ridgerunner Hilfe anbieten, denn sein Schicksal tut mir in der Seele leid.

Ich denke, das verstehen Sie nicht. SIE können mich nicht beleidigen !!!  😁........ das weitere verschweige ich.


Im übrigen sind die Infektionszahlen in Deutschland durch kluge Politik und gutes Gesundheitswesen rückläufig und einige Restriktionen können gelockert werden.

Das große und einmalige "Oktoberfest in München" wurde heute jedoch abgesagt - die Gefahr einer weiteren aktuellen Ansteckungswelle erscheint der Stadt

München und dem Freistaat Bayern im Moment zu hoch. Deutschland nimmt also große Opfer hin und will in der Welt Spitze bleiben in der Bekämpfung des für viele

tödlichen Coronavirus-19. Andere Länder sollte auch so mutig sein und nicht nur kurzfristig "Profit" sehen. Nur gemeinsam schaffen wir es das Virus zu überstehen !!!

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